Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Coach

Monday, August 28, 2017


External consultant recruited by human resources, the coach accompanies the employee during his career and helps him to develop professionally.

Resultado de imagem para Coach

The daily life of the coach

Unlike the training manager, the coach does not only measure the technical skills of the staff but also takes into account the know-how and behavior of each. The coach inculcates various personal development techniques in which psychology is of great importance. Stress management, confidence and self-assertiveness, better ability to solve problems or cope with change are just as many objectives that employees try to achieve with this professional. At the rate of several sessions per week or a month, the employee gains, in the long term, autonomy within his work and favors his personal development.

The skills needed to become a coach

- Very good pedagogue, psychologist

- Analytical and listening skills

- Interpersonal skills

- Dynamism

Training to become a coach

There is no specific diploma for coaching, but a high school diploma + 5 training in the humanities and social sciences or in psychology can provide access to this job.

The coach's outlets

The coach does not work within the company itself, but in a business service provider. It is a fairly recent profession, highly appreciated by direction and management.

Professional evolution of the coach

A coach may be at the head of his own coaching firm.

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