Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: August 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017


In a forest, garden or urban area, the woodcutter, also known as a logging worker, is responsible for cutting and caring for trees.

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The missions of a woodcutter

Lovers of green spaces, the woodcutter works exclusively in the open air and is in constant contact with nature. His mission is to maintain forests. Thus he slashes, prunes and treats the trees in order to manage the large rural areas in a sustainable way. Each wood is different, this professional has an excellent control of different species of trees, allowing him to opt for the best technique of work.

A technical job

He can also be classified and listed wood according to the use that will be made (industry, heating...). Moreover, the woodcutter's activity is not limited to the use of the chainsaw, he is also a driver of a forestry machine and recovers the small wooden logs in the forest.

Skills needed for this job

- Attraction for nature

- Excellent physical conditions

- Fatigue resistance

- Proficiency in cutting and slaughtering techniques

- Excellent knowledge of current standards and regulations

The outlets of the woodcutter job

The woodcutter can work in forestry companies, groups of forest owners, local authorities or individuals. Thanks to a favorable spatial planning policy, the integration of young graduates is good.

Professional evolution

After a few years of experience, this professional can gain responsibility and manage a team or set up a business.

Clinical Psychologist

The clinical psychologist cares for patients who suffer from psychological and moral disorders. He/she brings them a suitable solution.

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The daily life of a clinical psychologist

In hospitals, the psychologist carries out psychological analyzes and evaluations of patients suffering from mental distress. Through this work of gathering information (interview) and research (restitution), the psychologist conceives and implements preventive and curative actions. Each solution he brings to a patient is the fruit of a long work of identification of his needs and expectations.

Understanding complexity

Beyond helping his patients, the clinical psychologist often conducts specific research to his field of activity. He carries out numerous studies and works in order to better understand the complexity of psychic suffering. The well being of the person being the heart of his profession, he regularly develops new methods of approach and care.

Skills required to become a clinical psychologist

- Highly developed analytical and synthesis skills

- Great ability to adapt and listen

- High fluency and drafting skills

- Concentration, organization, rigor

What training to follow to become a clinical psychologist?

It is possible to access this post after a Master 2 in Clinical or Pathological Psychology.

Where does the clinical psychologist work?

Clinical psychologists may practice in specialized institutes, public hospitals or clinics. While the aging of the population and degenerative disorders have increased demand in recent years, it remains difficult for young graduates to make their place today.

Professional evolution

After many years of practice, the clinical psychologist can be promoted to the position of establishment director.


External consultant recruited by human resources, the coach accompanies the employee during his career and helps him to develop professionally.

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The daily life of the coach

Unlike the training manager, the coach does not only measure the technical skills of the staff but also takes into account the know-how and behavior of each. The coach inculcates various personal development techniques in which psychology is of great importance. Stress management, confidence and self-assertiveness, better ability to solve problems or cope with change are just as many objectives that employees try to achieve with this professional. At the rate of several sessions per week or a month, the employee gains, in the long term, autonomy within his work and favors his personal development.

The skills needed to become a coach

- Very good pedagogue, psychologist

- Analytical and listening skills

- Interpersonal skills

- Dynamism

Training to become a coach

There is no specific diploma for coaching, but a high school diploma + 5 training in the humanities and social sciences or in psychology can provide access to this job.

The coach's outlets

The coach does not work within the company itself, but in a business service provider. It is a fairly recent profession, highly appreciated by direction and management.

Professional evolution of the coach

A coach may be at the head of his own coaching firm.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Medical Interim

Temporary work offers a wide range of interim assignments depending on the sector of activity and occupation concerned and sought after, such as: medical interim, tertiary interim, construction interim, restoration interim, industry interim, transportation and logistics interim.

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What is medical interim?

In order to carry out medical interim, the temporary staff specializing in this field must, initially, register with an interim agency.

The latter may be generalist or more specialized in the medical sector.

It is divided into three main themes:

* health and social,

* pharmacy and research,

* doctors and senior managers.

These universes regroup several professions that are classified by function.

Health and social

This universe groups several professions classified in subgroup:

* Caregiver: paramedic, sterilization officer, dental assistant, stretcher bearer, child care assistant, nurse radio manipulator, radio physicist.

* Rehabilitate: dietician, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, optician, speech therapist, orthoptist, pedicure podiatrist, psychomotrician.

* Manage (administrative): medical secretary, medical information technician.

* Accompany: family assistant, life assistant, specialist educator, medical-psychologist assistant, instructor educator, hospital psychologist.

Pharmacy and research

We find following professions:

* biochemist, biologist,

* data manager,

* pharmaceutical delegate,

* sales manager,

* employee of pharmacy,

* pharmacist in pharmacy,

* pharmacist biologist,

* industrial pharmacist,

* laboratory technician,

* medical delegate visitor.

Physicians and senior executives

True specialists can be assigned:

* anesthesiologist resuscitator,

* cardiologist,

* surgeon,

* obstetrician gynecologist,

* physicians (general practitioner, geriatrician, emergency physician),

* pediatrician,

* radiologist.

Medical interim: what are their clients?

The interim agencies specializing in medical interim have a real pool of experts with great know-how who are at the disposal:

* public and private health care facilities,

* medico-social field,

* territorial civil service,

* health institutions.

Who is concerned by this interim?

All those who wish to work in temporary work can find missions in the medical interim if their professional experience and their skills allow them.

In this case, they will benefit from a temporary work agreement as well as the right of temporary workers.

Principle of non-discrimination

A person may be discriminated, that is, treated differently from others, in daily life but also at work. To address this problem, the principle of non-discrimination applies.

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Definition of the principle of non-discrimination

The principle of non-discrimination has been codified in the Labor Code. It aims to ensure equal treatment between individuals.

This principle establishes that a person can not be discriminated against because of:

- his origin;
- his sex;
- his manners;
- his gender identity;
- his age;
- his family status or pregnancy;
- his genetic characteristics;
- his belonging or not belonging, true or supposed, to an ethnic group, a nation or an alleged race;
- his political opinions;
- his trade union or mutualist activities;
- his religious convictions;
- his physical appearance;
- his last name;
- his place of residence;
- his bank domiciliation;
- his state of health, loss of autonomy or disability;
- the precariousness of his economic situation, apparent or known to the author of the decision;
- his ability to speak in a language other than mother language;

Measures of discrimination may be direct or indirect. Direct discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favorably than another in a comparable situation and on non-objective criteria.

Indirect discrimination refers to provisions, criteria or practices which are apparently neutral, but which may lead to disadvantage.

The principle of non-discrimination applied to labor law

Concretely, the principle of non-discrimination prohibits an employer from making distinctions in the treatment between employees. he can not take into account elements inherent to an employee or his or her activities in order to take a decision concerning him or her in terms of hiring, dismissal, remuneration, training, entrusted tasks, prospects for change in the company, etc.

Good to know: in any company employing at least 300 employees and in any recruitment company, recruiters are trained knowing about non-discrimination at hiring at least once every five years.

The principle of non-discrimination protects employees, trainees and apprentices. If the employer fails to comply with this principle, he is liable to criminal penalties. An employee found guilty of discrimination incurs also disciplinary penalties.

Good to know: unequal treatment can be allowed to meet an essential professional requirement.

Group action to combat discrimination

Law on the modernization of justice introduced the possibility of group action in the field of discrimination.

This group action is possible when several persons in a similar situation have been directly or indirectly discriminated against on the same ground by the same person (private or public). May aim at the cessation of discrimination, but also redressing the harm suffered by the victims.

Group action is carried out:

* for discriminations committed outside a work relationship or against candidates for employment or intership: by associations duly registered for five years, whose statutory purpose involves the defense of interests to which they have been infringed;

* for discriminations committed at work: by representative trade unions (at national, branch or company level).

Good to know: the rules of procedures applicable to group actions should be specified by a decree.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Learning to Say No at Work

Why so many difficulties in saying "no" at work? In your unconscious, saying "no" generates fear of harming relationships with colleagues (fear of being judged, hurt, fear of conflict, being rejected from the group). Saying "no" can also generate fear with his hierarchy (fear of being considered lazy, fear of being replaced or even dismissed).

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In reality, the "no" guarantees value to your "yes", setting the limits between what is realistic and achievable, legal, in your skills and desirable for your career. The "no" is a sign of respect and assertiveness. The whole thing is to say "no" with respect and explanation.

Here are some tips to learn how to say no at work.

Know what you need to do in your work

To be effective in your work, set limits on certain queries. In determining the goals of your job, list your priorities.

List what you have to do

To be able to say a "no" argued, you must know what you absolutely have to do in the day or in the next three days. You will thus be yourself persuaded that even with the best will in the world, you really can not say "yes" to a new task. To say "no" will no longer be selfishness but realism.

* List all projects, folders, or activities (an activity is a tasks group) of your post.

* Cut each project, folder, or activity into a tasks list. Every day, make a list of things to do:

- begin by scheduling the important and urgent tasks of the day: to do absolutely.
- then make those that are important but not urgent today: to do if there is time.
- finish with those that are neither important nor urgent at this time: to do if there is time if the other tasks are carried out.

Integrate your list into a global schedule

Every day, integrate your list into a schedule. Consider evaluating the duration of each task:

* Plan your schedule on the week so you will have a clear view of your activity and your availability.

* Take a color code by priority type. Ensure that there are always three types of tasks in your days, leaving you with flexibility to respond to unforeseen circumstances.

Attention: a non-urgent task today may become urgent tomorrow.

Take stock of your available time

You must always have in mind and on paper (or on screen) your priorities and realize that by always being there for others you can not focus on your work.

Your "no" will then be more easily understood. Thanks to your planning, you are able to explain your refusal.

Learning to say "no" at work to set limits

It is important to set limits, to differentiate an abusive request from a simple one-off boost.

* If the request is not part of your mission and therefore within your field of competence, you may encounter great difficulties if you say "yes".

Example: To decline, you can answer: "I understand that you need help, but I am embarrassed to have to refuse because I can not carry out this type of task".

* If the request concerns an infringement of labor law or safety, refuse.

Example: To decline, you can answer: "I understand but I can not accept this request. I do not want to take that risk under the law or I do not agree to take that risk".

You will be surprised at the reaction of your interlocutors, who will most often appreciate your very professional arguments. A "no" must always be in a relationship of respect and must be explained. It is the brutal "no" that hurts and assaults.

The interlocutors accept the message, because you clearly and completely assert yourself without colliding and without losing touch. Express yourself with your own personality without arousing hostility around you. Know to say "no" without feeling guilty because you are right.

Assert yourself by the "no", without imposing yourself

By the "no", you assert to others your values, your opinions, your professionalism, your place. Know to communicate without imposing yourself respecting always the others.

Care for your communication

Knowing to say "no" goes through a quality communication:

* Look at your interlocutor in the eyes: you thus manifest your sincerity and you will only be more credible. A tendency to look on the floor or elsewhere reveals your lack of self-confidence. Conversely, if you look too hard at your contact person, he may feel uncomfortable.

* Put yourself on the same level as your interlocutor: sitting if he is sitting, standing if he is standing. This establishes a relationship of equality.

* Punctuate your words with appropriate gestures. This can underline the important, open and warm character of your remarks.

* Adopt an expression that is consistent with what you say.

* Master your voice. Stay calm.

* Take care of your speech. If your answer is filled with long periods of hesitation, you may give the impression that you lack self-confidence.

* Listen, point your attention to the person you are talking to: take the time to answer. 

To give you time, think out loud about the issue, how difficult it is for you, the alternatives you see.

Formulate your answer with the following method:

- I: start your sentence with "I".
- Empathy: consider your interlocutor: "I understand".
- Emotion: yours and those of your interlocutor: "I am embarrassed to have to refuse, I understand that this can put you in a difficult situation".
- Precis: be direct: "No, I can not because I have three files to complete myself, in two days".
- Persistent: if the person insists, repeat (up to three times: technique of the striped disc): "No, I understand that you are overwhelmed but I also have a lot of work".
- Solutions: propose a solution, another way to go, another person...

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

CV: what recruiters look first

When writing your CV/resume, be sure to highlight what is important, ie what recruiters look first.

Awaken curiosity by the form of the CV

Your resume should be remarkable to be read. To do this, it must:

* Be clear, and for that:

- bet on a simple and neat presentation.
- generally, it is advisable to divide your CV into 3 parts: professional experience, personal training and information. Try to highlight these three parts so that the recruiter easily finds the information he is looking for.

* Distinguish yourself from others, by a reflective, original layout or a special typography, but be careful not to overdo it!

Good to know: do not overload your resume. We do not want to read when there is too much and it is written very small!

To catch the eye of the recruiter in seconds, also consider putting a title to your resume composed of the targeted post.

Attention: wanting to attract the attention of the recruiter by a photo can have the opposite effect. While some recruiters appreciate it, others are afraid of being charged with discrimination. Knowing that only 3% of recruiters look at the photo first, it is up to you to see.

Include ad keywords in your CV

One of the other things the recruiter looks at immediately is if he finds the ad keywords in your resume. The keywords can be:

* Qualities (to be put in the personal skills);

* Missions (see if they overlap one of your previous experiences);

* Motivations (try to match your hobbies without lying).

If you think you have skills or passions that are of particular interest to him, feel free to put them in bold. So, the recruiter will see right away that your profile can match what he is looking for.

Present your professional experience

42% of recruiters look first at the professional experience of a candidate, so pay close attention to writing:

* If you have already worked, place this part first on your resume;

* If you are a recent graduate, wait a few more years: positioning your summer job at the top of the page may seem inadequate, unless it is related to the concerned sector.

For each position you have held, focus on the missions or skills that will serve you in the position you are targeting.

Example: if you are targeting a sales position, please note that your experience as a switchboard operator has given you a good sense of customer relationship rather than "I have mastery of making appointments".

You need to deepen the subject?

* All about the resume.

* Why do I have to put a title on my resume?

* You know how to present your CV, learn how to present a cover letter.

Replying to a Job Posting

Consulting firms accompany you in the search for a job.

How to target the best job offers, how to respond to them?

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Before replying a job posting

First of all, before answering a job offer, take the time to read it to see if it corresponds to your profile (qualifications - career path).

Emphasize what you think is essential, that is:

* Information about the company: its business, location, size (SMI, multinational);

* Job description: mission, responsibilities, type of contract (fixed-term contract, permanent contract, seasonal).

Replying to a job posting: build your argument

To respond appropriately to this job offer:

* You seek maximum strategic information about the company concerned (sector of activity, products/services, number of employees, etc.);

* You can also call the company directly to glean some additional information.

This will personalize your letter and will be an added asset.

The second phase will:

* compare your know-how and skills to the requirements of the job in order to know if you meet the recruiter's expectations;

* see if you have some shortcomings, analyze the positive points you have, the ones you can put at the service of society.

* identify your strengths and weaknesses, we have all of them, this will let you know if you are close to the wanted candidate.

Write a reply to a job posting

Once you have collected all this information, you will only have to submit your application which includes:

* a cover letter,

* your CV.

On your cover letter, you will take care of:

* not to omit the references of the advertisement or if not, by what means you have knowledge of the position to be filled: customer discussion, information by a friend, by an organization.

* you will send it to the interlocutor mentioned on the advertisement, avoiding to scratch his name when writing. Do not forget to register his function.

Writing response to the job offer consists of three steps. In any case, it will be clear, precise and without spelling errors.

Step 1

Describe the reason for the offer and the company you are interested in: reason for your application.

Step 2

* Mention the skills you bring,

* Talk about your knowledge and experience,

* Resume the missions of the post,

* Do not forget to talk about your qualities,

* A judicious and positive comment on the company proposing the job will be appreciated.

Step 3

* Request a meeting,

* Finish with a polite form.

Good to know: if the offer asks for your claims, propose in your letter to approach it during your interview.

Replying to a job posting: put all the chances on your side

Your answer to the job posting is your cover letter, it is also your business card that allows you to land a job.

* Reread it with a rested head before sending it. Do not hesitate to take a step back.

* Are you satisfied with your writing?

* Will it get the attention of the recruiter?

Computer Engineer

This engineer is a general computer specialist. He is responsible for the design, development and maintenance of the IT applications of the company in which he works.

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The daily life of the computer engineer

The term "computer engineer" is more of a generic name than the designation of a profession. Indeed, the functions of this engineer differ according to the size of the company that employs him. While in a large company, he will specialize in a particular branch; in an SME, it will have to be versatile and touch a little at all.

An appellation, several professions

Behind the computer engineer is a multitude of diverse and varied occupations grouped into three main areas:

- computer design and development
- management of computer hardware and networks
- design and development of computer and electronic systems.

For example, the network construction engineer organizes and coordinates the implementation of a physical communication network or manages the extension of an already existing network. As for the software development engineer, he is responsible for the design, production and maintenance of computer applications.

Required skills to become a computer engineer

- Advanced computer skills
- Versatility
- Know how to work as a team
- Rigor
- Sense of analysis

Training courses to become a computer engineer

To become an engineer, it is necessary to aim high school diploma + 5. There are also many schools of engineers specialized in computer science.

Opportunities for the profession of computer engineer

The computer engineer integrates the IT services of companies in various sectors of activity: banking/finance, medical, industry, commerce, distribution mass, etc. He also find positions available in digital service companies.

These general and specialized profiles are sought and the chances to find a job after leaving school are important.

Professional evolution of computer engineer

The computer engineer evolves naturally with the years of experience towards the post of IT director where he acquires more responsibility and is in charge of the entire IT team.

Cognitive Engineer

To integrate a human dimension in the elaboration of technological products: this is the challenge of the cognitive engineer. This scientist is involved in the design of human-machine interfaces such as software or a website.

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The everyday life of a cognitive engineer

The cognitive engineer associates two types of sciences: the so-called human science (psychology, neuroscience, ergonomics, biology...) and technical science (mathematics, computer science, robotics, modeling...). His objective is to understand what makes human's specificity in his way of thinking and acting. To do this, he performs user tests or behavior simulations. He then takes these elements into account in the design of a product, depending on the possibilities offered by the employed technology.

The engineer is at the head of a team. Listening to his employees and customers, he can explain, convince and make decisions, while assuming the ethical dimensions and corporate responsibility. He knows how to adapt to the fields of IT, user and client development.

A real "interface" of skills and knowledge, he intervenes at the request of the client and the designer in all the stages of the product's manufacture. He may be required to control the product, manage his manufacturing cost and verify if it is adapted to the users' expectations.

Required skills to become a cognitive engineer

- Sense of contact
- Know how to manage a team and work as a team
- Versatility
- Imagination and creativity

Training of the cognitive engineer

The cognitive engineer is a graduate engineer who holds the title conferred by the titles' commission of the engineer. He receives a triple training: general scientist, specialist in the field of cognition, managerial and technological projects management.

The cognitive engineer opportunities

The industry of digital services, computer design and new communication technologies is the leading employer of cognitive engineers. Studies offices, service companies, production or energy control, and those in the fields of industrial safety and the ergonomics of complex systems, constitute the other sectors of recruitment of graduate engineers.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Strategic Supervisor

His role: to anticipate trends in the sector, to detect development opportunities and risks and thus provide a competitive advantage for the company.

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The daily life of the strategic supervisor

The strategic supervisor is on the lookout for everything that happens, says himself and invents himself in the field of his company. He captures strategic information on the Web and in specialized databases, analyzes them and disseminates them to decision makers. In addition to a good knowledge of the sector and its stakes, the strategic supervisor perfectly controls the methods and tools of watch and closely follows the evolutions of the Web.

The skills needed to become a strategic supervisor

- Sens of observation
- Web and computer skills
- Available

Training to become a strategic supervisor

The strategic supervisor must have a Master's degree in Business Intelligence or Information Management Documentation. It can be supplemented by short training courses specialized in strategic intelligence.

Opportunities for the strategic supervisor

The strategic supervisor is usually employed in a specialized consulting firm, in the watch-cell of an administration or a large company.

Professional evolution of the strategic supervisor

With experience, the strategic supervisor can take the lead of a watch service.

Web Communication Manager

His role: organize on the Internet the communication of the structure for which he works.

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The daily life of the web communication manager

The web communication manager can be classified in the category of communication professions. After identifying the priority areas for communication, the web communications manager can supervise or even directly support the necessary digital communication operations.

The skills required to become a web communication manager

- Good communicating
- Perfect mastery of digital tools
- Ease on the web

Training to become a web communication manager

Communication trainings are the most recommended, especially if they have a specialization in digital communication. A university training is also possible, it is advisable to go to the master.

The opportunities of web communication manager

The web communication manager can work both in a small and a large company. Web communication, with the digitization of our environment, is a tool more and more used by companies for advertising and to make themselves known on the social networks.

Professional evolution of the web communication manager

After a few years of service in the company, he can accede to the post of communication director. Eventually, the web communication manager can also specialize in different sectors such as press attached, internal communication, etc.