Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: How To Stay Competitive In The Job Market?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How To Stay Competitive In The Job Market?

Improve your skills

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Being competitive in the job market is first to be able to adapt constantly to the requirements of your industry. This means staying on standby and keeping update of your skills to keep being in line with market requirements and consequently potential employers.

Turn to continuing training

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Training throughout his career is essential to remain dynamic and aware of developments. This approach shows that you are willing to improve yourself. Strengthen your skills to increase your value to your employer.

Be flexible

It is a fact, the job market is constantly evolving. Keep an open mind and stay flexible in your professional wishes in order that a wide range of career opportunities can be available to you. You may be required to review your aspirations in terms of sector, salary or contract nature (ended term contract, fixed term contract, temporary) in order not to close your doors and not to limit your employability.

Build a network

Your network of relationships is one of the most useful tools to find work or allow you to advance your career. Participate in former meetings, events or conferences. Weave a network to enable you not only knowledge, but also to ask you when opportunities arise.

Stay informed

It is essential to anticipate the skills that employers need today and those they may need in the future. Browse the latest journals, ask about the trends of the proposed sectors and jobs. Keep up to date with developments and opportunities offered by your industry; it is very revealing of the needed skills types in the present and those that will gain in value in the future.

Put your updated CV

* Update your CV by adding your recent experience and current skills in order to seize opportunities as they arise. Remember to include concrete examples of your accomplishments, such as the improvement of enterprise processes or contribution to good results.
* Recommended to specify your date of birth on your resume.
* Mastering the art technology is a plus. List them! Many trainings exist there to familiarize you with computer programs, if you are not comfortable enough (short training...).
* Even if your potential boss is younger than you, you must mark your respect for authority.
* Look after your presentation: choose a dress in line with the position for which you are applying.

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