Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Career Orientation

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Career Orientation

You can decide at any time to change your career orientation. Then you have to choose your future sector and know where to turn in times of need.

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Change your career orientation

Although statistics tend to show that this career change is made beyond 40 years, there is not really age to wish to change career orientation.

To effectively achieve the new orientation of your career, you need to create a real professional project based on:

* your professional career;

* your abilities;

* your qualities;

* your points of interest ;

* your motivations.

Choose to change your career orientation is not a trivial thing. This can be very beneficial for everyone involved.

One may wish to change his career orientation following:

* a sharp decline in motivation;

* a novelty search;

* a social plan orchestrated by your company;

* a lack of recognition for the accomplished work;

* a malaise in society.

Career orientation: choose industry

Your career orientation is certainly through the choice of the sector in which you want to change.

To choose his path, he must be aware define what are his objectives, his passions, his project and his interests. While knowing is important to choose a career orientation.

Private sector

The easiest way to make a career orientation change remains the private sector. This route provides a stronger attraction, because it has a profit and offers easier career development.

The career orientation in the private sectors often leads to:

* HR;

* commercial;

* industrial;

* etc...

Public and liberal sector

The public, liberal and parapublic sectors usually concern jobs where career orientation is defined by passion.

These sectors can lead you to a career orientation in the sector:

* medical;

* public;

* social;

* military;

* etc...

To which to turn to change career orientation?

To make a career orientation change, or simply to learn about the various possible developments or opportunities, you can get help.

For that you can turn to:

* career fairs;

* career advice;

* outplacement firms;

* coaches.

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