Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Chemistry & Biology Jobs

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chemistry & Biology Jobs

The chemical industry generates many jobs, both in the scientific, technical and commercial. Discover all the chemistry and biology jobs.

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Innovative and efficient, the chemical industry is exported worldwide. With trillion dollars of turnover, it is one of the most high classified sector in the world, enabling to generate many jobs, both in the scientific, technical and commercial field.

Mobile phones, cosmetics, automotive, drugs and even sneakers: we often ignore it but the chemistry is everywhere in our daily lives. This is why it is one of the most dynamic industries: it provides thousands direct and indirect jobs and hires thousands new people each year. The assets are divided in millions companies. Heavyweight, pharmaceutical industry represents a great overall turnover.

Education and control: the opportunities of the public service

The state and communities seek to recruit scientists for both control facilities (water, waste...), provide expertise and teach. Many countries has opened hundreds of teaching positions for physics, chemicals, science and life of the earth specialty. So there are many opportunities. Moreover, many students including doctoral head to positions of faculty at the university.

Innovation in the chemical industry

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A380, LCD screen: the major technological inventions of the early 21st century would not have been possible without the contribution of chemists. Already on the floor tomorrow inventions, industrials of transport and energy look for that gray matter that can innovate. Many executives and engineers recruited annually incorporate research & development, quality and risks services. This sector employs thousands people. But industries solicit university degree: profiles of technicians and supervisors still represent an important  percentage of the workforce.

The new biology jobs

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Due to the strong competition in the drug market, the healthcare industry is looking for new opportunities. It relies heavily on scientific advances in the field of bio-engineering and bio-mechanics that are to handle high-tech instruments in the medical community. 

Another booming sector: cellular biotherapy which soon will require industrial production. 

These leading sectors work with skilled professionals to produce and use knowledge, but also sell because all these advances have a strong commercial potential. The profiles with double-skills such scientific and managerial are in demand.

List of chemistry and biology jobs

- Search: sensory analyst, aroma perfumer, biologist, botanist, chemist, bio-computer scientist, biologist in the pharmaceutical industry, chemist in the pharmaceutical industry, zoologist, biochemist, biotechnology researcher.

- Produce: device driver in the chemical industry, manufacturing engineer, nutritionist engineer, formulator, manufacturing technician, lab technician, taxidermist, maintenance control engineer, responsible for industrial maintenance.

- Check: clinical research attached, environmental advisor, hydraulics, hydrobiologist, hydrogeologist, jobs related to waste, biologist technician, security controller, ecotoxicologist, quality control engineer.

- Marketing: project engineer, purchasing manager, supplier, marketing and commerce jobs.

- Inform: education.

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