Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Education Jobs

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Education Jobs

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Education is one of the largest employers Worldwide. Despite tight budgetary constraints, the number of recruitments in education should remain stable because of the many retirements. Opportunities are also possible in the educational and administrative jobs. Discover all the education jobs.

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Long described as "the best job in the world", teaching always nourished many vocations among young people. It must say that this job offers a wide variety of activities, tasks and skills to an audience which also evolves and differs depending on age: school, college, high school or students. Better not choose this profession by default because it requires a good academic level as well as educational and human skills such as listening, patience and authority to determine transmitting knowledge.

Jobs in secondary education

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To operate a college or high school, it is certainly necessary to have teachers as well as managers, secretaries, accountants, maintenance personnel... Each facility has a budget to manage and accountable to communities, not to mention it also often has canteen. It should appeal to personal to take care of all these administrative tasks, as in any enterprise. Furthermore the education system employs educational advisers, inspectors, educational assistants (supervisors), counselors of psychologists guidance, school nurses. 

Positions managed by education authorities and accessible on competition (except for the educational assistant).

Opportunities in higher education

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Side higher education, it is possible to teach at the university. But the positions are reserved for faculty or temporary teaching and research pursuing a thesis. However, more and more specialized schools are emerging in all areas: management, marketing, communication, paramedical, social, etc. Many institutions that are looking for teaching staff. Of course, professionals who have proven themselves are privileged. Another condition is to have the fiber to transmit his knowledge and experience.

List of teaching careers

- Teach: school teacher, middle school and high school teacher, university teacher...

- Manage: school director, superintendent or manager, accountant.

- Educate: education senior advisor, education assistant, counselor of psychologist guidance, school psychologist, inspector of education, academy inspector, school nurse, specialized territorial agent of kindergartens.

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