Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Accounting & Management Jobs

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Accounting & Management Jobs

Accountants and auditors are unaware of the crisis, a bright future looms for young graduates. Discover all accounting and management jobs.

Accountants and auditors do not know the crisis. With an unemployment rate of only 2% in the sector and the many retirements, a bright future is emerging youth tempted by these jobs.

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Working in the field of accounting or financial management is not just to type on a calculator! Anticipate changes in tax laws, develop predictive budgets, advise a particular investment, answer questions of employees or customers: professionals must be both experts and versatile. The accounting profession continues to evolve but also to recruit.

The Big Four and many others

In addition to the Big Four firms (Ernst & Young, Deloitte, KPMG and Pricewatershouse Coopers, nicknamed "Big Four"), which alone employ nearly 30 000 employees, there are 15 000 accounting and audit firms with more 100,000 employees, and 10,000 small consulting firms. Highly sought, graduates represent 50 to 75% of the 5,000 executive recruitments made each year by the 10 leading firms of the sector. And numerous retirements suggest great opportunities in the coming years.

Careers in accounting and management recruit at all levels

The area offers many opportunities and a variety of professional situations. Payroll accounting or analytical accounting are two quite different jobs, work in SMEs or also for Ernst & Young. However, all sectors are recruiting! The law imposes indeed to all companies to scrupulously keep their accounts and have them certified. Industries, businesses or public administrations therefore need to rely on skilled technicians. The perfect candidate is the one who is able to apply the new international accounting rules and write in English.

Qualifications: versatility and skills

Since the financial crisis, accounting no longer concerns only the company's accounts but it is located at the heart of its commercial and financial strategy to improve profitability. This is why the sector uses many other profiles, specialists in business law. Apart from the external auditor, employers are actively seeking management controller, internal auditor, credit manager (responsible for recovery), payroll manager, treasurer, etc.

List of accounting and management jobs

- Manage: assistant accountant, accountant, SMEs management assistant, payroll responsible, payroll manager, payroll technician, treasurer, consolidator, responsible for recovery.

- Optimize: external auditor, internal auditor, management controller, project engineer, credit manager, administrative and financial chief.

- Certify: auditor, charted accountant.

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