Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Internet Jobs

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Internet Jobs

This sector has exploded and generates thousands of jobs. The development of this tool both geographically and technically, offers opportunities for all young graduates who can adapt to future developments. Discover all the Internet jobs.

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Unless to live on the moon, impossible to ignore the impact caused by Internet on our lives and on the economy. According to a study, the canvas generated billions of dollars as turnover and thousands of jobs.

And this is not going to stop as the sector's turnover is expected to double. This will delight young graduates! Admittedly, the scope for growth is great in terms of connectivity.

Pros of Internet

All companies today, even among SMEs, must have a website with visibility and credibility. While some large companies have the means to count full-time web professionals, many do use service providers, web-agencies, to design a website and manage their content. The searched profiles are then web designers, developers, flashers, webmasters and other web ergonomists. With the development of social networks, other issues also emerge as online reputation or moderation, via the function of community manager.

Web opportunities: e-commerce, communication and marketing

Contrary to received ideas, all web jobs are not related to technology. The main web recruiters are in e-commerce, marketing and advertising. Thus there are millions of commercial sites in the world, a sector that employs millions of people and recruits others every year. Three quarters of them are young! As many positions as found in web-agencies, Internet departments and advertising agencies, e-commerce websites, the pure players... If business skills are obviously rigor, profiles that stand out are those that show a real understanding of web culture.

The digital economy driven by social networks

There are also fully oriented web companies, such as Internet service providers, but also the agencies that develop applications for mobile or social networks. A rapidly expanding sector especially through social networks. And the most famous of them, Facebook, would have generated millions indirect jobs worldwide. It is certain than other sites based on other models taking over in the future. Professionals must therefore be able to anticipate changes, to integrate them and to constantly self-training.

List of Internet jobs

- Operational: project assistant manager, web designer, internal e-consultant, project manager, responsible for promotion, mobile web project manager, strategic watchman, responsible for e-commerce/m-commerce...

- Technical: web developer, database developer, information architect, web architect, network technician, prologiciel consultant, test and validation analyst, functional analyst, security expert, SaaS consultant (cloud computing), HTML and Web ergonomist.

- Graphics: web designer, web art director, 3D illustrator, flash designer.

- Editorial: web journalist, editorial manager, webmaster, responsible for video production, community manager, moderator, content manager.

- Commercial: E-marketer, hotliner (customer relationships), net surfer, traffic manager, media planer, web analytic consultant, SEO consultant, consultant in paid search, responsible for emailing, e-CRM project manager.

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