Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Public Speaking

Monday, September 5, 2016

Public Speaking

How to succeed effective public speaking?

You must soon conduct a meeting and you want a successful intervention to leave a good impression to your audience.

Image result for Competitive In The Job MarketImage result for public speaking

Be aware that a good part of the conference will be due to your interpersonal communication.

What is public speaking?

To be successful in an intervention and/or public speaking, you must first prepare well, this allows:

* avoiding apprehension and nervous,

* being comfortable whatever the place.

To do this, you must not neglect your entry and your exit, and capture the attention of your audience, that is to say:

* be percussive,

* dare expose, argue, convince,

* have the conquering air,

* surprising giving strategic figures,

* know to get key messages.

Prepare for public speaking

The first step is to choose the place to do this:

* You will locate the appropriate places and the constraints (are there transport, parking spaces, a restaurant?)

* Asking for details of the conference or meeting room:

- is it spacious enough? Modular?
- what about logistics and technical equipment?

* Working materials: to make your presentation, will you have the necessary media: video, mobile, electrical outlets, cables, etc.

The intervention

* Avoid improvisation or last minute change, as this is very unsettling.

* Plan topics to address and modes of intervention: are you alone or with others? Who goes before you and after you?

* Know interest your audience, provoke applause,

* If you opt for a mini show, use a dose of humor as well as important and relevant information not to bore your audience.

* You can also use the game of questions and answers:

- however, you must know to control it, because usually there are no questions, people do not dare to run for fear of being ridiculous.
- prime the pump by preparing the first question of style: "one question that is often asked is..."

* Finish with a strong message to impress your audience, please also send your e-mail address or location of a new conference.

* A summary document of the intervention is always welcome.

Public speaking tips

To avoid embarrassing situations, there are some mistakes to avoid, namely:

* Avoid a formal setting, it intimidates people.

* Do not read your PowerPoint or your visual aids: use keywords, make comments to add real value.

* Do not learn by heart your text: you risk the memory holes and being paralyzed by stage fright, learn to master your topic of intervention.

* Watch your visual angle, it should not always be the same: you should not under no circumstances ignore part of your audience.

* Use simple words and understood by all, if you use too much technical terms, even incomprehensible, people do not dare ask for explanations.

* Before any intervention, do not forget to present yourself: name, function, task..., If possible you can also ask your audience to present themselves.

* Know capture the degree of public listening, must be taken into account throughout your intervention.

It is not forbidden to have a glass of water on hand to drink when needed.

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