Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Employment Center For Job Postings

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Employment Center For Job Postings

Do not hesitate to get in front of the information to find a job.

Give yourself a line of research to target your job postings and always stay on the lookout for even innocuous information that can lead to a vacancy.
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Image result for Employment Center

What is employment center?

Employment center is open to all job seekers regardless of their education level. It facilitates approaches for job seekers. This is a public institution under the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Solidarity.

What is the mission of employment center?

Employment center gets two missions:

* unemployment compensation;

* facilitating the return to employment.

Its primary objective is to assist people in their job search.

Employment center also offers:

* employment training to perfect or learn new skills;

* professional advice;

* free services:

- skills assessment;
- club of job search;
- job cards, guides and tips.

Employment center: how does it work?

The job seeker is registered at the employment center. The registration is made by Internet on an employment website. However, people who can not register online, can go to an employment center agency.

The job seeker is followed by a single point of registration up looking for work. This counselor hosts, guides, assists and indemnifies the jobseeker.

What are the services offered by employment center?

Employment center offers services for job seekers and companies looking for new employees.

Services for job seekers

The job seeker has numerous services and personal space.

Rights and approaches

* he can register or re-register as a job seeker;

* he must periodically update his situation;

* he may change his position if necessary;

* he can consult his file at any time.

Job research

* he can search for jobs postings announced online or proposed during his interview;

* he may submit his resume;

* he has employment center councils (procedures, benefits, social protection, guidance, hiring subsidies, etc.);

* he can also benefit from practical advice such as:

- how to make a resume or cover letter?
- how to prepare for the job interview?
- how to succeed the validation of acquired experience?

Services for companies

As for the job seeker, the company may benefit from many services.

Rights and procedures

* creation of personal space;

* declaration and payment of contributions.


* resume search;

* deposit of job postings;

* many recruitment advices and aids.

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