Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Career Fair

Monday, September 5, 2016

Career Fair

Make a career without path incident, is not easy nowadays. It is the same for students graduates at high schools or university and must embark on the job market.

Image result for career fair

What is career fair?

The goal of career fair is to facilitate finding information about career opportunities. It also allows the reconciliation with different employers and recruiters.

It helps establish the first contacts for future employment.

The career fair may be specific to an industry or a specific career, such as:

* a public career,

* a medical career,

* a military career,

* an international career that will lead to expatriation.

Other career fair missions

Image result for career fair

Career fair also has other missions, namely:

* inform people on training courses wishing to continue,

- colleges or universities offering specific courses even international,
- master and MBA,
- internships,
- language travel.

On these days, it is also possible to attend conferences.

Other highlights of these fairs are to discover:

* job postings, summer job,

* recruiters, outplacement firms, coaches,

* special career counseling.

Where are the career fairs held?

Image result for dubai career fair

Career fairs are held over several days in all the major cities of such country and internationally.

You can find the dates and programs on:

* specialized websites,

* the press,

* the radio.

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