Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Recruit Staff For The Company

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Recruit Staff For The Company

Staff recruitment is an important issue. It is the employees provided the manager who run the company.

1- To recruit an employee, set first:

- the objectives of recruitment: what the employee should bring to the company;

- the function of the prospective employee;

- his profile (level of education, training...);

- his wage;

- a type of contract (fixed term contract, permanent contract, temporary, seasonal...);

- working time: part-time may be sufficient.

2- Write your ad: be specific for candidates who correspond to your search.


- the name of the company and its activity;

- the missions of the future employee;

- the desired profile;

- the type of contract and compensation.

It is forbidden to set an age limit or discriminatory conditions, such as religious or political opinion.

Post your ad to the employment center, as well as specialized websites and newspapers.

3- Pre-sort in the applications you receive. Run a job interview for the selected profiles. This will determine the seriousness and motivation of the candidate.

Prepare the interview carefully, in order to define the information you want to confirm and what to look for.

4- After hiring, consider making the necessary declarations:

- unique declaration of employment, to the organizations for the payment of social security and family benefit contributions;

- registration with the supplementary pension funds;

- registration with the occupational medicine.

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