Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Business Idea

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Business Idea

To start a business, you must first find a business idea. 

Image result for Business Idea

Only then we can move on to business creation project without forgetting the essential steps:

=> market research,

=> the business plan,

=> the objects of a company

=> the name,

=> the trade name.

Find a business creation idea

A good project idea is not necessarily an innovative idea. In most cases, the company will make the job of the creator!

The first business creation idea is to do what we can do, but independent and not as an employee!

It is also possible:

=> to add value to something existing,

=> to take an existing idea,

=> to find an idea that meets a need or lack.

It is often recommended to choose an area that is correlated with its passions or domain that you particularly like: a hobby can become a real business.

This is an excellent solution to feel comfortable with the project and to invest fully.

Business creation idea: how to define it?

When we found a business creation idea, it is important to define it.

For this, it is necessary to put the idea in writing and specify:

=> characteristics,

=> the value and use,

=> the principle and operation of the company.

Check the relevance of the business creation project

It is also necessary to check whether the idea is viable or not.

To do this, please:

=> talk to your neighbors,

=> test the idea on your loved ones.

But do not stop to various comments and criticisms you will hear.

To see if your idea is interesting or not, it will be necessary to conduct a market study: according to the results, it may be possible to modify or improve the idea.

The business plan is another crucial step to validate a business creation idea.

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