Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Childcare

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Collective, individual welcome... several possibilities outside or within the framework of wage labor, available to parents who wish to have a childcare for their children. The organization of their care is often a challenge for their parents, especially when they work late.

Image result for Childcare

Different types of nurseries, day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery assistant, home care, babysitting, au pair, or even part-time or parental leave or the one who wants to take the time to devote to her child... formulas abound.

But each has special - mainly legal -, advantages and disadvantages, and especially the question of the greater or lesser availability or scarcity, or its cost when it is not both at the same time.

Child care by others: group or individual home

At home or outside, only one child or more, parents employers, customers or users... formulas are heterogeneous.

Several parameters characterize and distinguish the different child care arrangements when they are entrusted to others by their parents. The most distinctive cover the place and the organization: either the child is kept in the parental home (or that of an individual), or the child is kept out of the home; or the child is kept alone (or with siblings) or it is with others.

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