Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Entrepreneurship

Sunday, November 8, 2015


In times of economic crisis, job opportunities are scarce and many people find themselves in situations of professional failure. It is often in these difficult times that entrepreneurship becomes a real alternative to unemployment and job insecurity. But beware, if there are many who embark on the adventure of a business, many of them will not grow perennial activity. Starting a business involves a modicum of common sense. Here are some tips to help you know what to do and how to start a business.

First steps to start a business

Entrepreneurship can not be improvised, it is prepared with patience and care. The first thing to do when you have a project idea is to check whether this idea is realistic or not. It is at this point comes the market study and business plan. Market research aims to help entrepreneurs see the market in which they wish to implement and expectations of future clients and constraints that need to be faced (competition, organizing this competition...). After the market study, it is still necessary to develop a business plan that will have once again as a role to help the entrepreneur to analyze his position to the market. But the business plan also aims to convince potential partners.

Seeking help before creating his business

Market research and business plan can be made by the entrepreneur himself. However, for the future, it is necessary to seek the help of entrepreneurship professionals. When we decide to take the plunge and start a business, it should take far-reaching decisions. It may be for example the choice of legal status, or the choice to seek aid. These small details can make the company grow or otherwise bring it to bankruptcy when poorly anticipated. It is therefore important to seek help with knowledgeable professionals, whether private or public providers such as Chambers of Commerce and Industry or simply employment center.

Professionals at your service:

- Agency for Entrepreneurship

- Statistics and Economic Studies

- Chambers of Commerce and Industry

- Employment Center

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