Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: November 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

Job Interview

Congratulations, you've managed to get a job interview, your main goal now is to prepare to put all the chances on your side.
What not to do during a job interview
You are now in major step what is the job interview. You will have prepare it by setting up a line of conduct that will be crucial to carry out your appointment.
However for a successful job interview, there are pitfalls to avoid during this interview.
Know that many elements will determine whether you are the ideal candidate to the proposed job.

What happens during a job interview?

You are contacted for an interview, however, to have an edge over other candidates, you will methodically prepare your job interview by adopting a thread. It will help you prepare multiple issues of the job interview.
You will certainly be faced with recruitment tests that complement the interview. They are used to measure the different candidates capacity competing for the same position. What are the technical evaluation to verify the candidate's skills?

What are the main steps of a job?

Your application did fly, you have passed successfully your job interview, you will now think of the formalities prescribed by the Labour Code to be hired within your new company.
Firstly, it is interesting to know your "value" on the labor market to go to the very important step of the employment wage negotiation.
To quit your current job with confidence, you can ask your new employer to make you a promise of employment.
Then comes the employment contract that is a written document containing particulars required by the common provisions of the Labour Code and the Civil Code. Take the time to read it before signing.

What is a hiring subsidy?

To promote the jobs of employees in trouble, the government may have set up an aid to map hiring, namely:
=> the helped contract as single integration contract;
=> using apprenticeship as alternating periods of work in business and class periods in a school or training organization;
=> using hiring for senior oriented to job seekers aged 45 years and older.
Your application has not been accepted
You have received an application rejection letter, please get in touch with the recruiter: this will determine your motivation and determination.
You think this is discrimination in hiring, know that many associations fight against discrimination in employment that is prohibited by law.

Top 10 Best Developers of all Time

The computer is a very complex machine, but people operate the same without any technical knowledge. The most lay people only interact with the GUI "graphical user interface" and the whole process that makes it work, is usually hidden.

Each element the user is watching on the desktop is created by some programmer genius. In this selection are highlighted the 10 best developers of all time according to their deeds, achievements and contribution to the community of computer science.

1- Alan Mathison Turing

Alan Turing was a computer scientist, mathematician, cryptographer, and logician. He has been called the father of theoretical computing and artificial intelligence, and it is leading the position in this selection of the top 10 developers of all time.

During World War II, he developed various techniques for breaking German ciphers. Turing built an electromechanical machine that could find Enigma machine settings.

He formalized computing and algorithm concepts with Turing machine, a machine that can be adapted to simulate the logic of any algorithms.

He was honored with Smith's Prize, Officer of the Order of the British Empire and Fellow of the Royal Society. Since 1966, the Turing Award has been given annually by the Association for Computing Machinery for contributions to the computing community.

2- Dennis Ritchie

Dennis Ritchie was a revolutionary computer scientist who played a crucial role in developing the C programming language and Unix operating system.

He was employed by Lucent Technologies and Bell Labs and defended his PhD thesis in Program Structure and Computational Complexity. However, he never officially received his PhD degree.

Dennis developed the C programming language, in which many of the used current machine language and technology are based, to include the PS4/Xbox. Ritchie created a multiuser operating system called Unix. He is also known for developing ALTRAN, B, BCPL, and Multics.

Ritchie was honored with Turing Award, IEEE Hamming Medal, Computer Pioneer Award, Computer History Museum Fellow and Harold Pender Award.

3- Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds is a software engineer, project and hacker coordinator, and is the man behind the Linux operating system. Linus wrote the Linux kernel code, about 2%, and the revision control system Git. And many popular OS, including Ubuntu, Fedora and Android are based on Linux. Torvalds owns the Linux trademark and monitors the use of the same.

Linus was honored with the Millennium Technology Award, along with Shinya Yamanaka for creating an operating system of open source. And also he received an EFF Pioneer Award, Lovelace Medal of the British Computer Society, and Vollum of Reed College Award.

4- Bjarne Stroustrup

Bjarne is a computer scientist, research teacher, and works in Morgan Stanley. He was a head of large-scale programming research department of Bell Labs.

Bjarne was awarded with William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement, Grace Murray Hopper Award, and was made a peer of the Computer History Museum for his invention C ++.

5- Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee is a computer scientist, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He is the director of W3C, Web Science Research Initiative and a senior researcher and holder of the Founders Chair, MIT.

Tim was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his outstanding work, honored with Software System Award, Pride of Britain, and Innovative young of the year 1995.

6- Ken Thompson

Ken Thompson is a pioneer of computer science and hacker of this community. He is best known for designing and implementing the Unix operating system. Ken was honored with Turing Award, Japan Prize, IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award, Computer Pioneer Award, and also National Medal of Technology.

7- Brian Kernighan

Brian Kernighan is a computer scientist who worked at Bell Labs. Earlier in his career, he was a software editor for Prentice Hall International. Brian won the Prize of Computing Society INFORMS in 1993 and received many Teacher Awards throughout his career.

8- Bill Gates

This is the man who needs no introduction, being the richest programmer in the world whose software is used all over the world. He was honored with the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society and Bower Award for Business Leadership.

9- John Backus

John Backus was a computer scientist, best known as the developer of FORTRAN. He received a master's degree in mathematics in 1950 from the University of Colombia. Backus received W.W.McDowell Award, the National Medal of Science, ACM Turing Award, Draper Prize and named an IBM Fellow.

10- Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper was a computer scientist and rear admiral of the US Navy. And was the first woman in the world who had her name in Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society, and was Honorary Doctor of the University of Marquette of Sciences, and also National Medal of Technology in 1991.

10 Tips For Success in Professional and Private Life

In the professional world and in the life of every day, we are dealing with two types of individuals. Those who complete and those who are missing all. The success key is in your attitude. Then be inspired by the following 10 tips for success in your professional life and your private life.

1. Learn to listen to your inner voice

This is one of the most important senses, instinct. This voice is heard when you least expect it. But also when you need it the most. You try, you fail to disconnect it. It is in the most difficult situations your instinct will be most reliable. You have a bad feeling about facing a particular situation or in respect of an individual? Do not put this feeling into question. Because on reflection, you have been in fear, but how many times you did not ignore it?

2. Open to the unknown

We prefer almost all stay in our comfort zone. This is extremely easy and comfortable to stay attached to the habits. But times change and it is even more important to be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. Do not impose your beliefs on others. What works for you, does not necessarily work for others. Be open to opinions of others, your way of working is not always the best.

3. Accept the new technologies

Try to learn new technologies as much as possible. It is necessary to be with the time. Who would want to be left behind because he knows nothing in the news?

So stay open to modern technologies. This does not mean that we always welcome with open arms any new gadget but a minimum of open minded can work wonders.

4. Always continue to learn

Even with graduation, continue to form is all that is smarter. Your life experiences are naturally the best education. At school, you get an idea of ​​what awaits you in the world, but nothing like to learn than your own experiences. So do courses or training and allow new skills develop.

5. Come as soon as you can

The success goes hand in hand with great responsibility. Do not consider your success for granted. Be aware of being present without doubt in a position of strength where you can help others. You should not give them everything so far, but they are less off than you, why not lend a hand? A little effort on your part can mean a lot to them.

6. Experience of life is at least as important as the knowledge that we acquire from books

The school is important but the knowledge that we acquire in the books is not the only one you need to make you a place in the sun. This knowledge is certainly helpful to understand what we are talking and gives an idea of ​​the way forward.

But it is the knowledge that one is being built in real life that allows us to use our intuition in every situation. A good balance between learning from experience and knowledge from books will be helpful to your future success.

7. Take care of yourself

Nothing is more precious than health. You want to continue to enjoy your life and move forward, then you have to rest in sufficiency and maintain good eating habits.

Partying boosts people but the game does worth it, when you think about it "posteriori" ? Feel 100% of your form, rather than 80%, what does it make? Well, that is what will make you have completed your work on time rather than procrastinate.

8. Act with respect and courtesy

Nobody likes to feel used, then treat others as you would want that treats you and do not always try to leverage your relationships. This can serve you in the long term. You do not know who or what you will fall in the future. So much to be respectful and honest.

9. The self-evaluation must become a habit

We all commit mistakes and comes up against many obstacles, hampering us in our ascent. Without self-evaluating, you may risk to make yourself on place.

Reflect on his mistakes and everything we have learned, it is that which allows us to move forward. And not to repeat our nonsense in the future. Also think about those you meet and what you removed. Enjoy the experiences of others and be careful not to reproduce their mistakes.

10. Do you find a passion ?

What you want to achieve requires time and effort. Time is the most precious commodity. Looking for an objective in which you truly want to commit yourself and for which you will invest your time with pleasure. A topic puts you infront of all your senses? Go for it 100%. If, in the meantime, you lose your interest, perhaps it is what was not the right one. Finding your passion can be very difficult, but once you have identified it, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

Reasons to accept your boss on Facebook

Your boss calls you on Facebook and you do not know what to do. Consider a few minutes before accepting this invitation and ask the pros and cons. here are 5 reasons to let him join your contacts!

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Prove to your employer how you are great!

The added value of an employee is also measured by his many knowledges, his relevant divisions and comments. If on the social network, you present yourself as a comely, cheerful and intelligent person, you might get this increase as expected!

=> Prepare your personal profile by removing unflattering comments and unattractive pictures in connection with the company.

=> Exfoliate your spelling mistakes and your useless comments on your wall.

=> Treat your posts so that they remain irreproachable in the background as in the form.

Good to know: your boss does not need to see all of your Facebook posts. You can use the filtering options for the statutes and images you do not want him to look.

Do hire a friend

You may not know this, but many companies now recruit through Facebook including using software to scan the friends lists of employees of a company to recruit them.

How recruitment via Facebook does it work?

=> Accept your boss as friend on Facebook.

=> Put your friends in value by sharing the statutes of a professional nature and congratulating them for the completion of a project or mastering a new skill.

=> If your company has used this practice, you will be responsible for hiring a friend.

Warning: a skid, a derogatory comment towards your employer and you may well end up in court. Treat your words on social networks.

Get to know your boss

Accept his boss on the Mark Zuckerberg site can also be an opportunity to know him better, you can chat online, to enjoy his life outside the company and also to discover you both common interests. It may therefore contribute to have a positive image of him and vice versa.

=> Take the opportunity when it presents itself to chat live with him without too harass him.

=> Post comments on his articles to demonstrate that you wear his interest.

Good to know: set up a live-chat with your customers can boost the turnover of your company by 15%.

Engage your boss

Your Facebook page offers you a unique opportunity to put forward your extra-professional activities. For example, if you belong to an association or if you volunteer, say it on your wall.

The interest to discover to his boss his activities outside of work:

=> If one day you need a special leave on the occasion of an event organized by your association.

=> For example, if you need more flexible schedules to participate in certain events.

Good to know: your professional life also can cause you to volunteering. Volunteer passport allows to assert the experiences and skills gained within an association.

Do you create a professional network?

Facebook also allows you to build a network. By accepting your higher as friend, you stay in contact, even after leaving the company. By studying his knowledge network, you may find a boost for tomorrow.

=> Your boss may be in contact with significant others in the society.

=> He may know people who will offer you an interesting job later.

=> If one day you need advice, you can always turn to him or to one of his contacts.

Good to know: if you stay on good terms with your boss, he can write you a digital recommendation letter on Viadeo, for example, which will be greatly useful if you look for another job.

Unique Ideas to Earn Money Writing Articles

Some writers write articles for their website or for their blog to make money. However, with or without a website, writing on the web allows many people to earn more money than is estimated. Indeed, some means currently allow you to arrive to collect money to supplement your purposes. But you can also do for a living, if you have chosen to invest in web writing.

Are you made to earn money by writing articles?

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To get started as a web editor, it is necessary to answer some essential criteria:

* Having a very good English language level is an essential condition in article writing.

* Knowledge of other languages ​​is an advantage because it is possible that the company, the association or the newspaper that asks you to write, would like a foreign language article.

* It is also essential that you master some office computer tools that allow you to write.

* In writing a topic, the article must be relevant with rather short sentences but clear. The article must, in fact, contain important informations which should be well placed in the article.

How to make money writing articles?

If you plan to make money by writing articles, you can choose from these options:

- Marketplaces for editors: these are sites that allow you to connect with advertisers. In this option, you are required to write content that is writing:

* Product specifications;
* Press Releases;
* Articles for blog;
* Newsletter;

But you may be asking to do translations or corrections.

- The production of editorial content: this work will be offered by customers who are generally the media. In this choice you must understand the needs of customers in certain specialized sectors to effect the creation of content in text, video or audio. Indeed, these customers seek to propose an article on a specific topic. On this activity, it is essential to provide quality to your work, because you will be paid according to your talent in writing.

- Make money with a website or blog for paid content: it is a good way to monetize your article. This is effective if you have a site or a blog. To attract visitors, you must allow free access to your blog. Indeed, it is better to have a blog referred to a specialized theme. To earn money, create a paid model that will be addressed to those seeking more information than those who have free access to it.

- Creating eBooks: If you have the talent for writing books, the opportunity is offered to you. Indeed, eBook creation is an activity that is currently booming. But creating the book is one thing, but selling it is another. For this it is essential to put it on sale on a marketplace on the web. But you can also choose the affiliate or other technical acquisition system. Advertising is a step. Market your book in social networks.

Finally, if you are convinced of your article editor talent, it is time to develop it. Choose the theme and the option that suits you and start making money.

Work Contract Definition

There is an employment contract where an individual agrees to work - in return for remuneration - under the direction of another person or entity.

The three criteria for the existence of an employment contract are:

* subordination;

* performance of work;

* compensation.

Concept not defined by law

Contract work: no definition.

No text of the Labour Code gives a definition of the employment contract.

Role of the Industrial Tribunal judge: 

In case of dispute, only the industrial tribunal judge can say if there is or not an employment contract:

* after listening, reviewed, sought and verified: it is him who decides to call in contractual working relationship or not, the situation of a person that performs a service for the benefit of another,

* it must be entered when a person claims to have made a supply of labor for another in the context of an employment contract without the benefit of an employment contract.

Employment contract and definition by the Labour Court: 2 goals

Enter the industrial tribunal judge has two objectives:

* the legal recognition of the existence of a contract/a working relationship and the existence, an employee and an employer,

* the obligation for the employer:

- to pay wages and any benefits;
- to carry out certain formalities for the benefit of the employee including the formalities related to the end of the contract if the employment relationship has ceased (eg: delivery of an employment certificate).

Good to know: The Council of Employment Tribunal is a specialized tribunal in disputes between employers and employees.


The subordination is the main criterion for identifying the existence of an employment contract.

The existence of a contract is not necessarily linked to a written contract as is the case of fixed-term or part-time employment contract.

Not always written

A working relationship between two individuals arises, not a trace written, but the fulfillment of a performance on behalf and under the authority of a person:

* this working relationship can exist if there is no contract and/or written and signed document, eg: a work contract "verbal", hiring is only oral;

* accordingly: there is a labor contract whenever there is subordination.

Subordination: Features

The subordination is defined by three characteristics:

Physical authority/legal person

* Exercise of direction, a command giving precise instructions, orders, directives.

* By having the power to monitor the implementation and enforce them including through sanctions and/or using coercion, eg: get from someone who is not satisfied (by the employer or boss).

Submission of another person (physical)

* Accept:

- to perform a benefit;
- to obey and apply the guidelines and instructions received;
- to receive orders and instructions.

* Observe:

- a hierarchy;
- a discipline;
- an organization;
- a working community (by the employee).

Running a service

* Accept accomplish and achieve one or some tasks, missions, achievements, etc. :

- useful and/or beneficial to the person to whom they are intended;
- and/or that represent a certain value that can generate a profit.

* Examples: mounting a system, driving a car, designing a computer program, welcoming guests, preparing a meal, etc (by the contract object).

Volunteer, help, employee trade representative...

Realize a benefit in certain settings do not imply the existence of an employment contract, for example:

* Volunteering at the service of an association, for example;

* family or friendly support: helping hand given to move, for example.

However, when the benefits are long lasting and/or repeated in number and in value, it can induce the existence of an employment relationship.

Particularly if such services are performed in a context:

* obedience to authority and respect of a discipline;

* and/or a global organization in which the provision is inserted (eg: as a commercial agent directed as employee trade representative in a distribution network).

No subordination imposed

An employment contract is valid if the subordination is accepted fully and completely.

He (or she) who agrees to work as part of an employment relationship must consent: no one can be forced to become employee against his will.

Free consent: 

The consent of the person who agrees to work must be:

* free: that is to say, free from any pressure;

* enlightened: that is to say, given knowingly.

Given the foregoing, an employer can not hire:

* a minor under 16 years (except with parental accord + administrative authorization);

* a minor at least 16 years and not emancipated (unless authorized by their legal representative);

* a major under justice trust (except with the approval of the guardian).

Constraint subordination: contrary to the definition of the employment contract

Failure to observe these principles invalidates the employment contract:

* it is deemed never to have existed;

* the person being wrongly accepted is released from any commitment.

Outside the nullity of the contract, coercing a person to work against his will spring from the forced labor offense resulting in criminal prosecution and sanctions.

Note: It is forbidden to compel someone to become employer against his will, or to deceive him as he becomes without knowledge. During a recruitment process, if a candidate deliberately provides misleading information to deceive the employer on an essential part of his profile, his career, his know-how, etc., this can cause the posterior contract void of work.

Franchise Agreement

The franchise agreement must be in accordance with national law, community law and the code of Ethics.

The contract reflects the interests of members of the franchise network, protecting the rights of industrial or intellectual property of the franchisor and maintaining the common identity and the franchise network reputation.

Any contract or contractual agreement managing relationships franchisor / franchisee is written or translated by an official translator in the country's official language in which the franchisee is established, copies of the signed contract will be immediately delivered to the franchisee. The franchise agreement clearly defines the obligations and responsibilities of each party and any other material terms of the collaboration.

Minimum essential points of the contract are as follows:

- the rights of franchisor

- the rights of franchisee

franchise agreement

- goods and / or services provided to the franchisee

- the obligations of franchisor

- the obligations of franchisee

- financial conditions for the franchisee

- the contract term, fixed to allow the franchisee the amortization of specific investments to the franchise

- renewal terms of the contract (if there are any)

- the conditions under which will be effected the sale or transfer of rights under the contract and the conditions of franchisor pre-emption

- the conditions to use, by the franchisee, signs of rallying customers belonging to the franchisor: sign, mark, service mark, logo, and all distinctive signs

- the right of franchisor to develop his franchise concept

- the termination provisions of contract

- clauses providing for the recovery by the franchisor of any tangible or intangible item owned in case of contract termination before the deadline.