Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Terms Of Employment Contracts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Terms Of Employment Contracts

The work contract contains a number of provisions that organize the contractual relationship between employer and employee:

Resultado de imagem para employment contracts
=> employment contract of trial period: the trial period must be provided in writing and in the form of clause in the employment contract, under penalty of nullity;
=> clause of probationary period: allows the employer to evaluate the adaptation of an employee for new functions to get him following a recruitment or following a change of duties;
=> clause of withdrawal-formation: the employee agrees to stay for a certain period in a company except to repay the investment in training made by the employer;
=> clause of employment contract mobility: allows the employer to change the workplace of the employee without the latter can not oppose it;
=> clause of employment contract exclusivity: the employer requires the employee to reserve his entire professional availability and his skills without being able to work elsewhere;
=> clause of employment contract non-compete: imposes a duty of loyalty to the ex-employee of an employer;
=> clause of employment contract confidentiality: prohibits the employee to disclose to others any sensitive and strategic information of company's life;
=> clause of package hours or days package managers: to escape the counting of working time weekly to pass an annual basis.

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