Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Web Designer

Monday, June 12, 2017

Web Designer

The web designer intervenes before the creation of the website. He advises and assists the client in making a detailed request according to his desires and expectations.

Resultado de imagem para web designer

The missions of the web designer

In the process of creating a website, the web designer intervenes well before the concrete creation. First contact with the client, he helps him first of all to define his project. He plays a role of study and advice.

His goal is to translate his client's ideas with words. To do this, he analyzes his needs and imagines the most appropriate solutions and interfaces. He elaborates the specificities of the future site (ergonomics, functions, architecture) and intervenes in the drafting of the specifications. He also draws up a detailed estimate for the implementation of the project.

Managing a team

Did the client accept the proposal? The web designer assumes the role of project manager. He is up to him to coordinate the work for the design of the site between the developers, the graphic designers and the other specialists. He ensures the respect of the deadlines and constraints raised by the client. Throughout the duration of the project, he remains in contact with the latter and may manage the modifications.

Skills required to practice this occupation

- Knowledge of computer tools

- Good commercial/knowledge to communicate

- Creativity

- Taste to meet challenges

- Continuous monitoring of computer news

- Multipurpose

Training to become a web designer

The web designer has at least a high school diploma + 2, for example a computer technician certification or a Networks and telecommunications degree. The level of recruiters is however increasingly demanding, it is recommended to go to the hish school diploma + 5 to get a position of responsibility, either through a Master's degree in computer science or a school of engineers.

For example, SUPINFO offers a Master of Science Expert in Computer Science, a Title recognized by the State at Level I and registered with the National Directory of Professional Certifications. In initial or apprenticeship, the training aims to be very professional, combining practical and theoretical courses. Moreover, the programs are written in collaboration with major players in the IT market and are thus in line with the needs of companies.

This training is accessible at different levels. Entry into the first year is open to all types of profiles wishing to move towards the IT professions.

Opportunities for the web designer jobs

The website is an open window of the company on the whole world. This is why companies are no longer satisfied with "tinkering" sites but are calling on professionals who are increasingly qualified to create or renovate their sites.

The demand for web designers is therefore important, but recruiters are looking for profiles with experience. Thus, internships and work-study are good ways of making themselves known and leading to a contract.

The designer usually works with digital services companies or web agencies. He can also start freelancing by starting his own business.

Professional evolution

The web designer is generally attached to the project director or manager with whom he works closely. Over the years, he can become a project manager and mentor a much larger team. He will thus gain accountability and oversee projects from A to Z while managing budgets.

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