Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Economic Developer

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Economic Developer

The economic manager or economic developer is responsible for the economic development of a community or a territory by encouraging the creation of businesses or the development of companies already established.

The daily paper of the economic developer

Resultado de imagem para Economic Developer

To promote the economic well-being of his community, the economic developer will design a strategy. For this purpose, the economist conducts field surveys and sector studies to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a commune/region/department. It thus goes to meet many professionals and calls on their expertise (Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), business incubators, incubators, funding agencies...). The Economic Affairs Officer ensures a territorial and sectoral watch. Through his research, he will propose a diagnosis and advise elected officials in their decision-making regarding reception facilities, business support and sustainable development.

On a daily basis, the economic affairs officer assists future entrepreneurs in the realization of their project, as well as the entrepreneurs already present on the territory in their development (editing financing files, advising on business approaches and economic opportunities). Mobile, the economic manager can also promote the community's offer to prospects (companies) and develop strategic partnerships to stimulate economic activity. The economic affairs officer shall also ensure the administrative and budgetary management of the projects for which he is responsible.

Skills required to become an economic developer

- Knowledge in economics, local development, law and finance

- Sense of negotiation and initiative

- Interpersonal skills

- Project management

Training to become an economic developer

The economic developer has a high school + 5 degree, in the fields of economics, finance and law. Masters development of territories specialty environment, design of projects, development of territories, or jobs of consulting studies and intervention specialty engineering development and local development, or applied economics specialization economic development of public-private interface or applied economics specialization economics of planning and local development, as well as the diplomas of business schools, engineers, and institutes of political studies can be envisaged.

Opportunities of the economic developer

A highly sought-after function, the economic developer usually works in the public sector (territorial or contractual official). But he can also be recruited in the private sector. He is thus employed by the local and regional authorities (region, department, urban area, community of communes, commune), economic development agencies, consulting firms or even semi-public companies. However, places are very expensive. An experience of several years may be required.

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