Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Online Class

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Online Class

Online Class allows to prepare for an exam by working at home (diploma course), or learn new skills by continuing his occupation (vocational training).

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Online class: right to training

Online Class or open and distance learning opposes the face training, which requires the employee (or student) to attend regular classes. It allows to combine education with professional activity or a loss of autonomy.

Distance study requires some qualities such as motivation, self-discipline and self-management, but also offers significant advantages.

Online class funding

Training is right: if you are employed you may be able to benefit from training ITR (individual training rights), a training ITL (individual training leave) or an annual training plan.

Diploma of online class

A degree can make all the difference professionally as some professions require it and it is proof of your knowledge. This is why you may be interested in an online diploma classes to pass high school remotely, monitor an online university degree or obtain an online technician certificate or other diploma (certificate of professional competence... ). You can also opt for college correspondence courses to progress in one or more subjects or follow a complete education, useful and appreciated formula of expatriates.

Various online class formulas

After finding to finance your online class, this is not to be mistaken as to the chosen formula:

* e-learning: the speed of Internet can be an asset;

* correspondence courses: the paper can be taken anywhere;

* video training: you attend a course without traveling;

* visio training: mix of classroom training and e-learning because the principle is to exchange information in real time;

* telephone: you keep a schedule and tutoring structure;

* Internet training: it has the advantage of offering different types of exchange tools: email, chat, forum, faq...;

* Blended learning: mixed formula that combines face-and online class.

Vocational online class

Online class centers offer all subjects (almost) that can be taught in distance education. 

Examples of subjects taught in distance education: IT, accounting, management, psychology, law, secretarial, languages.

Prices of online class

Prices vary widely and can be high, with the exception of free online class solutions. In general, the prices quoted are addressed to individuals: if the funding is through a company, the cost will be higher, sometimes up to 30% more expensive.

Online class centre

That whether or not as part of a online center, the remote trainer will have as a main task to assist the learner throughout his training. To do this, he will have several tools at his disposal to provide his courses such as e-learning platform and the fixed or mobile course studio.

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