Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: June 2017

Friday, June 30, 2017

How to Know the Benefits of Online Universites

Technology has opened many doors for students. Those who felt that they would never be able to get an education in an ordinary classroom now have the opportunity to get a certificate or diploma from an online university. While some may have scruples about the disappearance of the traditional education system, online universities have many advantages. Here are a few:

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Step 1: Online universities offer unlimited access

Leasing does not make sense when it comes to online universities. Whether you are sick at home, visiting a loved one in trouble overseas, or too far away from your university, you can always go to school online. The advantage of an online university is that it does not prevent anyone from participating. Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can instantly access an online university.

Step 2: More money can stay in your pocket 

Online universities are also excellent ways to save money. Since there is no additional charge to support a center, a cafeteria or a dormitory, you pay only for your studies. This is strictly an online educational community, without any of the benefits like classrooms, security personnel, libraries or even snow plows. There are no additional fees for those who enroll in online universities, as there are no additional services. Online universities offer only the essentials to students, allowing students to save thousands of dollars each year.

Step 3: The timing is not a problem 

Another great advantage of online universities is their flexibility. If you have an appointment with the doctor during your 10:00 am online course, you can view the recorded course on your return. You can do your group chat sessions online at midnight after you return from work, and see that your classmates posted a comment on the forum several hours earlier. There is no timeline when it comes to participating in online academic programs. You can learn at your own pace, take classes and go to meetings at your own pace and never feel guilty about having a crazy work schedule or a crazy family life. Your college online calendar will always be flexible enough to fit your lifestyle.

Step 4: Best teachers are available 

Online universities offer opportunities to teach for the best teachers. Without the responsibility of going to university every day, more experienced faculty professors are available online to teach at their convenience. Online university students have the privilege of being mentored by some of the top professors in the nation's elite, so everyone benefits from the timetable and location.

Study Big Data Management

Big Data management is the organization, management and governance of a large volume of both structured and unstructured data.

Data Science Certification Training - R Programming

The role of Big Data management is to ensure a high level of data quality and accessibility to Business Intelligence applications and Big Data analysis. Companies, governments and other organizations are implementing Big Data management strategies to help them cope with the growing amount of data. Data that is counted in terabytes or even petabytes and are stored in a multitude of formats.

Effective Big Data management allows companies to identify and locate key information in a mass of unstructured and semi-structured data from a variety of sources, such as call recording systems, logs systems or social networks.

Most Big Data environments extend beyond relational databases and traditional data warehouses. They integrate technologies capable to process and store non-transactional data formats.

This trend around the collection and analysis of Big Data has given rise to new platforms that combine a traditional data warehouse technology with Big Data systems in a logical architecture. For example, the system decides which data should be retained for compliance purposes, which other data should be deleted, and which data should be retained and analyzed to improve business processes and provide a competitive advantage to the enterprise.

These processes require careful classification of data so that small datasets can be analyzed quickly and productively.

Free Distance Education

To have a training without breaking the bank!
Distance education is a device that allows all the public to train at a distance thanks to the new information and communication technologies.
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In some cases, it can be free distance education.

Principles of free distance education

Free distance education is available through the Internet. To do this, you need a computer and a broadband Internet connection (if possible).
This Internet training is more commonly called e-learning. This learning technique continues to grow because it allows everyone to follow courses free of charge at their own pace, on days and at times that are convenient, intuitively using audio and video tools.

What types of free online courses?

Many free sites on the Internet will offer you different subjects to treat, such as:
* use of computer software: Excel, Word, Internet explorer, Powerpoint, Outlook etc;
* learning to read and write;
* foreign languages ​;
* mathematics or accounting.
You can also enrich your personal culture or engage in other activities, such as drawing online.

Advantages and disadvantages of free distance education

Free distance education has advantages, but also disadvantages:
* Advantages: it allows to acquire new knowledge, to recover to level, to learn a new technique, without weighing on the budget.
* Disadvantages: free trainings are not qualifying, although they can be a very helpful and/or complementary help to other courses.

Online Class Conduct

Online class time and agenda to be followed are always specified in the description: this is a kind of contract. According to the organization, a coordinator will check whether or not you stick to the schedule.

distance learning

Online class time can range from a few weeks to training on a computer program, 3 or 4 years for a university distance education.

Here are the main steps of a course by online class:

 You receive regular courses via the Internet or by mail.

 You should know, learn and exercise self correction, either online or in writing depending on the support.

 You send your files or exercises. You must respect the deadlines for correction.

 You receive the correction, then the next lesson.

Some points are important to know about online class:

 Online class centers use more new technologies, but most of them still offer more traditional media.

 Distance education can be complete or partial depending on the area and training level.

 Training time also varies from a few weeks to several years for a university degree.

 The dropout rate in online class is important (about 80%), and this is often due to poor knowledge of their needs, abilities and offers. So be diligent in your choices.

So prefer always training with a maximum follow-up and targets in stages, in order to keep the same motivation from beginning to end of your project.

Online Class Definition

The definition of online class is not always clear for those wishing to understand the principle. Here are some answers.

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Open and online class is opposed to classroom training, which requires the employee (or student) to attend a regular course, and it therefore does not perform within a school.

Online class can both target the initial training and professional training. In both cases, you can opt for diploma of online class or distance training skills.

An open and/or online class, is a flexible organized training system according to individual or collective needs (individuals, companies, territories). It includes individualized learning and access to local resources and skills or remotely. It is not necessarily performed under the permanent supervision of a trainer.

Online class tools

In the context of online class, you will receive your education (theoretical lessons and practical exercises) by a chosen means of communication, such as: Internet, mail, videoconference, or phone.

Face-to-face with the instructor are then rare or nonexistent.

Online class allows to be formed throughout life and therefore provides a very wide audience, namely:

=> people with disabilities;

=> foreign students;

=> an inmate;

=> an employee wishing to return to school;

=> an individual and/or job applicant.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

MBA Definition

An MBA (Master of Business Administration) is an international graduate degree in business management and administration. Intended for executives, the MBA is considered a springboard for career and salary. 

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The MBA allows an executive to access key positions in a company or embark on an international career.

MBA is only useful if the training completes a few years of experience. Unlike masters, MBA are not intended for students.

MBA: international recognition

MBA originally, is an Anglo-Saxon degree that began in the early 20th century in the United States at Harvard.

Today, thanks to the globalization and the international context, the Master of Business Administration is internationally recognized. It is taught in more than 120 countries.

Note: MBA, by definition is used for a career in large international companies, investment banks or consulting firms. The MBA has a global vocation. There is no need to do MBA to create or take over a business.

A diploma created by professionals, for professionals

The teaching of MBA is very different from that of a classic master. MBA focuses on strategic management.

The case method

The main originality of MBAs is the use of the case method. Students are offered in many business cases, which they must solve, usually in small groups.

The method of the cases makes it possible to become accustomed to the analysis and to the decision-making.

MBA requires a lot of work outside the classroom.

The fields of instruction

This pedagogy applies to different fields such as:

* Economy, politics,
* International business, marketing,
* Accounting, finance,
* Organization, management,
* Management of information technologies,
* Human resources.

For each career

Whether you are a doctor, an executive or an engineer, there is MBA for you!

There are 2,000 MBA programs worldwide. MBAs are offered under different formulas:

Full Time MBA

Full Time MBA is a full-time training. It lasts between 12 and 24 months and combines theory and practice.

Full Time MBA is for young executives who have little experience and are able to resume full-time studies.

Part Time MBA

Part Time MBA (alternating MBA) is a training that has been designed for people wanting to keep their professional activity.

Classes take place in the evening or on weekends and last on average 18 months.

Executive MBA

Executive MBA is a shorter training course that is aimed for experienced executives. The Executive MBA prepares for a position of senior manager or a management position abroad.

Most of the time, it is the company that offers this training for professional promotion.

Specialized MBA

Specialized MBAs target sectors of activity such as finance, human resources... These courses are preferred if the sector of activity is known.

Specialized MBAs include:

* MBA Finance,
* MBA International Business,
* MBA Communication,
* MBA Marketing,
* MBA Human Resources,
* MBAs for other sectors as well,
* Sectoral MBAs (tourism, etc.).

Making an MBA: a personal and financial investment

Making an MBA is an investment both financially and personally.

Training is expensive. The price depends on the chosen institution and the accreditations obtained by the latter.

The selection is rigorous. The candidate must excel at both the TOEFL and the GMAT. Just like the price, the minimum score required depends on the establishment.

The applicant must also have a good professional record, a complete CV and letters of recommendation.

What is Distance Learning?

Distance learning is the set of devices and organizational models that are intended to provide instruction or learning to individuals who are distant from the service provider organization. This type of training requires special technologies for training, course design, and means of communication based on electronic or other technology.

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The distance learning has developed a model for the transmission of knowledge built on the publishing and distribution of printed materials, then on mass media technologies with television, radio and telephone and finally with computers, it has gone from analogue processing of information to the creation of interactive digital services on and off-line allowing the individualization of the contents. "In this context, promoting new forms of training that give the learner a place, his responsibility and his initiative, appears to be an essential issue for open training and new training technologies".

Open distance training is part of the distance learning family but is positioned on the integration of information and communication technologies, adaptation to the individual and the modularity of training. It is an organized, finalized system, recognized as such by the actors, which takes into account the singularity of individuals in their individual and collective dimensions and which is based on complementary and plural learning situations in terms of time , places, human and technological pedagogical mediation and resources.

Open distance training is a freedom of access to educational resources made available to the learner without any restriction, namely: absence of admission condition, itinerary and pace of training chosen by the learner according to his availability and conclusion of a contract between the learner and the institution.

Special Skills of Big Data

In reality, Big Data is more a matter of techniques and processing results than the data size itself. Therefore, specific skills are needed to use it effectively. There is a widespread shortage of specialized skills in Big Data analysis, particularly for the use of some less mature technologies.

The increasing use of Hadoop and related technologies generates a demand for personnel with very specific skills. The most sought-after profiles are specialists in multivariate statistical analysis, data mining, predictive modeling, natural language processing, content analysis, text analysis and social network analysis. These analysts and scientists work on structured and unstructured data in order to bring new knowledge and information to companies. Platform management professionals are also required to implement, secure, manage and optimize Hadoop clusters.

Imagem relacionada

Suppliers such as Cloudera, MapR, Hortonworks and IBM offer training on Hadoop, enabling companies to develop their internal skills to meet the challenges of Big Data.
Before making the big leap in this best of worlds, companies must have a clear idea of ​​the goal they are seeking to achieve, so as not to invest in pure waste.

In summary, Big Data extends the limits of existing information security responsibilities by introducing new risks and significant problems.

Online Class Training

How to get a training and acquire new skills when you do not have the time or the possibility to move? Online class (or e-learning) seems like an ideal solution particularly as the institutions offering such use, will continue to increase. What training is available? How are the courses?

What is online class training?

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Online class (or e-learning) is a way to do a training and validate a distance degree, that is to say without having to go to a school to attend classes. A particularly interesting solution for people who have business in a day (employees, housewives...), are abroad or can not move. Find out if you profile. The opportunity also to break your ideas about online class and discover the benefits to follow distance education.

Specifically, the student receives courses at home so he can study at any time. Often the courses are accompanied with exercises to perform and to send in order to be corrected by teachers. More and more institutions are passed in recent years, from paper to mouse, and now use digital tools (email, chat, video...) to facilitate learning and interaction between student and teacher. Find out what types of training and to what level of education it is now possible to take distance education.

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If online class has many advantages, including flexibility, note that you must be highly motivated to succeed. Before you start, learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

What training is involved?

Hundreds of courses are accessed in distance, at any level and in many specialties. Some allow you to get a degree, other a professional qualifications, other shown skills. All do not prepare in the same duration.