Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Rules to follow for a good atmosphere at work

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Rules to follow for a good atmosphere at work

You are a manager, so it is up to you to put a good atmosphere at work. Here are some tips that should help you succeed. Employees can also make proposals to improve the atmosphere!

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Promoting communication

A mail, it is ideal to leave a written trace. However, some exchanges can be done by oral. Thus, prohibit mails when people work next to each other and when the subject is informal.

Good to know: be sure to leave your door open to invite your collaborators to the dialogue.

Organizing space intelligently

Also, arrange the workspace so that:

* Travel is facilitated;

* The teams are grouped together.

Getting out of work

When talking with your collaborators, do not just talk about work:

* If you do not want to entrust the events of your professional life, you can still talk about another activity, sports, etc.

* Enjoy the lunch break to get to know each other a little better.

Sharing the issues

If you have the power to do so, you can propose to your employees to change positions half a day or one day:

* Putting yourself in the shoes of others makes it possible to better understand their problems on a daily basis.

* It is then easier to work together.

Establishing rituals for a good atmosphere

The small rituals between colleagues make it possible to create a good atmosphere. Here are some ways you could dig:

* Monday morning croissants;

* Jogging or soccer session on Wednesday afternoons (outside working hours);

* Lunch on Thursday;

* Exchange or loan of books on Friday, etc.

By encouraging your collaborators to do fun things together, you tighten the ties and distill in a good mood.

Being attentive to the discomfort of collaborators

It may happen that some of your collaborators get depressed. The reasons may be various:

* lack of motivation;

* unbearable colleagues;

* but also personal reasons.

Take the time to be interested in their discomfort, ask them how it goes, if you can help them.

* If you have identified the problem and is professional, try to fix it.

* Otherwise, you can always relax the pressure on goals and encourage your team to be friendly.

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