Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Expatriation

Monday, July 11, 2016


You want to open yourself to new horizons for career development.

Therefore, you think about a professional project abroad, as international career does not make you afraid.

Image result for Expatriation

What is expatriation?

Expatriation is to work and live abroad for a short or long term.

To do this, you work in a company with at least one production unit (subsidiary) abroad. The firm will therefore expand beyond its own borders, its business in multinational strategy to expand its production capacity.

It will therefore conduct an international mobility of employees that will be the consequence of its globalization.

Live abroad

A lifestyle choice

Careers and live abroad, demand careful consideration, because it is a capital and strategic decision that can not be improvised.

The opportunities are many in other countries and some profiles are more sought after than others.

Major international groups and companies continue to recruit to send their employees abroad.

Job Types

Vacancies are rather skilled with a good level of expertise. Fluent English is essential and an other language is appreciated.

Particularly relevant sectors are: computers, video games, the hospitality industry or construction.

The question is, with what status, the employee will be sent abroad: expatriate or detached?

Pitfalls to avoid

An international experience requires a lot of thinking to avoid any situation of chess that  would be resented for you and your family, namely:

* Professional chess: it is important to know what says your expatriation contract:

- your remuneration: expatriation allowances, expatriation premium;
- the return from abroad: you evolve and your company too. A good return is prepared.

* Personal failures: not to omit social protection for you and your family, that is to say:

- expatriate insurance
- expatriate mutual
- or health insurance for expatriates,
- do not forget retired expatriates, according to the duration of the mission, this one is also important.

* Cultural failures: it is imperative that you and your family are integrated to avoid a hasty return home.

- Excessive scenery can be a problem of adaptation (food, housing, culture, leisure, education for children).
- It is highly recommended to learn about the country's culture before you go.

Where to learn?

For your expatriation happens in the best possible conditions, you can get information at Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aims to:

* give practical information on many countries;

* inform people who wish to live and work abroad.

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