Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Full Time MBA

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Full Time MBA

To invest in full-time training, one of the major questions before starting an MBA is to determine whether you want to take full-time or alternate training, that is, choose between full-time MBA and part-time MBA.

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The full-time MBA allows the student to fully experience the training. He is in total immersion and takes full advantage of the lessons without the constraints of an employee.

Depending on the institution, the full-time MBA lasts between 9 months and 2 years.

The only difference between courses of different durations is the intensity of the courses and personal work to be provided.

How is a full-time MBA organized?

The full-time MBA devides into two periods.

During the first period of the training, the students work on the general subjects, it is the theoretical part of the MBA:

* finance/compatibility;

* strategic management;

* marketing;

* organizational management;

* communication;

* Human Resource management;

* law applied to commerce;

* commercial negotiating.

The second period of the training is organized around specializations, options and workshops.

Theory leaves place for practice and professional exchange. An internship concludes the training.

Who is the full-time MBA for?

The full-time MBA is chosen by 50% of the applicants. Even if the MBA is for executives, some students with no professional experience integrate MBA and choose exclusively full-time MBA. The promotions are therefore younger and less experienced.

Full-time MBA is for:

* executives with 3 to 5 years of experience;

* executives who are willing to become financially and personally involved;

* executives who can afford to take a break from their careers.

Advantages of full-time MBA

Opting for a full-time MBA has many advantages:

* Candidates are unable to maintain a professional activity. They can therefore devote themselves fully to training.

* Applications are longer and sacrifices are greater. Candidates are highly motivated, volunteers and assiduous.

* Full-time MBA offers the opportunity to create a professional network through exchanges between all the candidates and the speakers.

* Internship of 3 to 12 months is to be carried out at the end of the full-time MBA. It often turns into a pre-hiring internship during which candidates have a precise and decisive mission for their future in this company.

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