Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: September 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Keys to not Crack when Working as a Team

Working as a team is the source of both satisfaction and frustration. Between concessions, respect and authority, sometimes difficult to find a balance! To get the benefits without the inconvenience, these keys will help you set up the virtuous circle of the effective team!

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Share goals

Nobody is sure of where they want to go... but what is certain is that we can not get anywhere unless we set a goal.

In times of crisis, complex configuration or uncertainty, it is important to have a clear vision to share with their teams. The important thing is not that it is fixed (it can evolve), but that it is shared.

It is not only the motivation of all, but also the ability to put in place well-founded actions.

Adopt clear rules of life

It is the stress and anxiety that puts people under pressure and causes most non-constructive and inadequate behaviors.

In our turbulent times, it is important to compensate for external uncertainty by reassuring employees with clear rules that do not change every four mornings.

These rules of life bring together two things.

1. The hygiene of life

These are the means given to employees to reconcile work and family life, for example:

* no meeting after 6.30 pm with exception;

* no work on weekends with exceptions or periodic penalties linked to the activity and defined in the contract of employment;

* the exception must remain the exception.

2. The rules of life in an open-space

It is the respect of the concentration of each one:

* speak quietly;

* do not slam doors;

* make a call in a room provided for this purpose...

Ensuring effective meetings

Meetings can be tremendous ways to solve problems and find creative solutions. But they can also constitute the most boring hours of the day, drag on and lead to nothing.

For meetings to be constructive it is necessary to:

* never organize a meeting without an agenda, with clear and precise objectives.

* never make a meeting last longer than 2 hours: beyond, the concentration decreases and the team is ineffective.

* start meetings on time and finish them on time: failure to respect schedules generates disorganization, idleness (it is difficult to start something when a meeting is imminent), frustration and annoyance. In the long term, it can provoke aggression or demotivation (feelings of being stuck, fear of seeing a meeting last while the children wait at school or still miss the sporting course that soothes...).

* conduct a brief and accurate account and take it into account for future action.

Facilitating constructive communication between people

It is about fostering the expression that allows each person to feel considered.

* to forbid judgments and a priori.

* let everyone express themselves independently of their experience or specialization.

* let everyone go to the end of his explanation without cutting off the speech (it is sometimes believed to have already understood... wrongly).

* to limit oneself to a limited talk time to allow everyone to express themselves: do not monopolize speech.

* to talk about facts, not judge people and separate facts from personal impressions.

Finally, always bear in mind that chaotic tensions and periods are essential phases for creativity and the emergence of new and constructive solutions. It is simply a matter of channeling them and orienting them.

Know the skills of some...

Everyone has unformalised skills, personal or professional experience that could be useful to the company.

Valuing these skills is a double blow:

* the employees feel valued as a person, and are therefore more motivated.

* the company does not have to look for (and pay for) the skills it already has!

Concretely, it is a question of identifying the skills and experience of each, and making this information available to all (table excel, intranet...)

* it is also useful when an employee is absent and has to be replaced.

* fostering mutual aid increases tenfold strengths and potentials.

... and the limits of others!

It is also interesting to know the limits of each one in order to take this into account: such an excellent collaborator but does not support noise, or needs to leave at the scheduled time in the evening, or needs such support or information to feel confident...

Be careful to spare no one to push anyone into his entrenchments, at the risk of undermining the dynamics of the group.

Ensure the cohesion of the team

Despite the pressure, it is important to take warm time (shared meal, seminar...). These moments:

* weld teams;

* change the way in which they look at each other;

* awaken momentum and motivation;

* allow to know each other better.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

CV for Internship

You want to apply for an internship, your cover letter and CV will make all the difference, so it is necessary to design them.

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What is a CV for an internship?

A good CV, to get an internship in a company, requires time and preparation. It will be accompanied by a motivation letter for internship.

The internship can be:

* imposed during training,

* or made freely by the student on his leave or availability in addition to his training.

Before engaging more deeply in your studies, you want to test different professions. The internship is the best solution.

The internships will allow you to better know the world of the company and the different sectors of activity. As a result, you will increase your chances of success in the first job search.

Presentation of the CV for internship

The presentation of your CV will be neat:

* The latter will be precise and ventilated.

* There will be no spelling errors and you will monitor the syntax.

* Your CV will be typed on a computer and printed on an A4 format sheet (21-29,7). It will fit on one page.

* You will respect a logical structure according to certain headings.

CV for internship: what information does it contain?

The CV for internship will be constructed with the following headings:

* the civil status,

* the training,

* the professional experience: if you have already completed internships or summer jobs,

* the languages: specify the level - note the interesting experiences abroad (not the holidays),

* your computer skills,

* various interests.

Some tips for this CV

You do not yet have any real professional experience, so you have to put yourself forward:

* Do not hesitate to indicate in the various interests: your travels abroad, your cultural activities,

* If you do not have professional experience, replace this section with the heading: associative experiences (if any) with particular emphasis on:

* the finalised project,

* the occupied function,

* the team work.

All the details are important and add value to your CV, they also allow you to develop the specific characteristics of your personality.

Internal Regulation

Managing life in the workplace without compromising individual freedom.

Unlike the collective agreement, the branch agreement and the company agreement, the internal regulation is a document issued unilaterally by the employer, in accordance with the labor law and the latter.

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Definition of internal regulation

An internal regulation is a set of rules that frame:

* the discipline;

* the rules of good conduct;

* certain working conditions;

* the hygiene;

* the training;

* the security.

Internal regulation is mandatory for all companies with more than 20 employees. It is a legal document.

Drafting and adoption of the internal regulation

The internal regulation is drafted by the employer or by the human resources department. It must be validated by the company council and/or the union representatives, but also by the committee of health, safety and working conditions.

Once the settlement has been validated by the various parties within the company, it is carried by all means to the cognition of the persons having access to the places of work or to the premises where hiring is done.

At the same time the internal regulation is laid to the Labor Court and is communicated to the labor inspectorate.

Good to know: the internal regulation of a company can in no case be modified without the agreement of the company council and/or the union representatives, but also the committee of health, safety and working conditions.

Contents of the internal regulation

Mandatory mentions of internal regulation

Certain mentions must imperatively be included in the internal regulation. It is the case of:

* work schedules;

* free access to the various premises;

* hygiene and health conditions;

* sanctions that can be taken;

* rights of employees;

* provisions put in place in the case of:

- work accidents;
- harassment;
- discrimination;
- aggression.

Good to know: no other mention is allowed on the internal regulation.

Prohibited mentions of the internal regulation

Internal regulation can not reduce the individual freedom of employees. An employer may not under any circumstances:

* Impose a work dress if it is not justified by a legitimate reason (reception of the public, dress of security, etc.).

* Perform body searches or excavations of private spaces such as drawers or lockers.

* Discriminate employees.

* Prohibit the right of opinion or supervise trade union activities.

The internal regulation may be amended at the request of a labor inspector. Disputes involving internal regulation are handled by the Labor Court.

Company Agreement

In the same way as the collective agreement, the branch agreement and the internal rules, the company agreement sets, in accordance with labor law, the rules applicable to relations between employers and employees.

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What is a company agreement?

The company agreement makes it possible to better integrate the Labor Code by adapting it to the activities and the specificities of the structure.

A company agreement is a set of provisions that frame:

* working conditions of employees;

* their social guarantees.

Traditionally, the company agreement may be less advantageous than the collective agreement, but it can in no case be less favorable to employees than the branch agreement or the law.

The Labor Law now allows it to derogate from treaty provisions in more areas.

Specificity of the company agreement

Unlike a branch agreement, a company agreement is only valid for a company.


The company agreement is decided and then drafted by staff representatives and employers. A company agreement can only be adopted if it receives 50% of the votes cast in favor of representative unions. If the vote does not reach 50% but exceeds 30% in the first round of the elections, a possibility of validation of the agreement is envisaged, by consultation of the employees.

Good to know: these adoption rules come into force gradually according to the purpose of the agreement. Starting today for enterprise agreements concluded with a view to the preservation or development of employment.

Content of the company agreement

The company agreement provides for annual negotiations on the major provisions of a company. These negotiations concern:

* the calculation of remuneration, the allocation or not of bonuses or increases;

* the duration of working time;

* the calculation of paid leave and reduction of working time;

* the training and opportunities for change;

* the modification of social benefits such as the mutual insurance company, the provident fund or employee savings plans.

Good to know: all negotiations must imperatively respect parity and give equal rights to men and women.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Suffering at Work

Suffering at work is a recurrent and important theme, both because of the need to prevent it by all means and by the seriousness of its consequences when it can not be prevented.

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Obligation for employer to prevent suffering at work

Multiple tools, at the individual and collective levels, have been implemented to try to avoid suffering at work by all means.

Collective means of prevention through staff representatives

It is up to the employer to lay down the rules for anticipating and preventing psychosocial risks within the company, in particular through:

* Rules of procedure: this is a mandatory document in companies with more than 20 employees. It must recall the prohibition of harassment acts and the penalties provided for by law. 

* Single risk assessment document: the employer must update it annually by assessing the risks of each factor and considering possible measures to prevent these risks from occurring. 

The legislator has chosen to give an important role to the staff representatives in order to try to avoid any feeling of malaise at work. Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee, also has an important role in prevention. In addition to the search for improvement measures in the prevention of occupational risks, it proposes prevention and awareness-raising measures, particularly in the area of ​​harassment.

An obligation of individual prevention

The first obligation of the employer, in order to avoid any risk to the health of his employee, is to ensure compliance with information and prevention visits, the medical examination of aptitude within the framework of the strengthened medical follow-up (and periodic renewal), and recovery visits.

The purpose of the information and prevention visit and periodic visits is to:

* to question the employee about his state of health;

* to inform him of the possible risks posed by his workstation;

* to raise awareness of the prevention means;

* to identify whether his or her health or the risks to which he is exposed require referral to the occupational physician;

* to inform him of the possibility to benefit from a visit at his request with the occupational physician.

In the case of malaise at work, these visits allow the healthcare professional to refer the employee to the occupational physician.

It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that the employee is not overworked, which could result in burn-out. That is why, in the case of lump sum agreements in days, Labor Code provides that the employer regularly ensures that the workload of the employee is reasonable and allows a good distribution over time from his work.

Suffering at work: recourse available to the employee

Above all, means open on an individual basis

Except in the case of pathogenic management, work-related malaise is most often directed to a single employee.

In this case, it is up to the latter to have his difficulties acknowledged in order to make his health easier. It is important to record these problems in writing: in case of disputes, these letters or emails will be important for the employee. The employer must prove that he has responded.

Today, burn-out or malaise has not yet been recognized as likely to be classified as an occupational disease in one of the occupational diseases tables.

Good to know: burn-out is recognized as an occupational disease "off-table". This recognition allows employees' rights to be increased, but above all to make employers financially contributory, through the contributions "occupational disease-related accidents".

Accidents at work that reflect specific events that have given rise to health problems can be more easily recognized. They must have occurred at the time and place of work. This is the case, for example, of a verbal aggression by a colleague against another, resulting in discomfort for the latter, which will be recognized as having occurred at the time and place of work. These events are important because they will make it possible to have a possible procedure of dismissal for incapacity as being of professional origin.

As a last resort, the employee may apply to the Labor Court to obtain a judicial termination of his employment contract on the grounds that the employer has breached his security obligation.

The employer is bound by a duty of safety to his employees (he must take all measures to ensure the safety and the physical and mental health of his employees: prevention, information, adapted means, etc.). This obligation was previously an obligation of result (the responsibility of the employer could not be excluded). The Court of Cassation decides that the employer's liability could be rejected in respect of psychological harassment if he justified taking immediate measures to put an end to the harassment and the necessary measures prevention (information and training). The result security obligation thus slips towards a medium security obligation.

The employee may also take note of the employment contract termination but this action is more risky: the employee is then deprived of the rights to unemployment as long as the Labour Court has not considered that the act is justified.

Possible actions at the collective level

In this context, the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee also has a specific role. The employee representative on the health, safety and working conditions committee who finds that a serious and imminent danger exists, in particular through a worker, immediately alerts the employer. If the employer does not react, this may give rise to an industrial action following this "right of alert".

The employer may ask to stop conduct or request an investigation in the case of bullying.

Branch Agreement

In the same way as the collective agreement, the enterprise agreement and the internal rules, the branch agreement sets the rules applicable to relations between employers and employees.

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Definition of the branch agreement

A branch agreement is a form of contract that binds employers and employees in the same industry. Also known as branch convention, branch agreement is decided and then drafted by staff representatives and employers.

It can also have local, regional or national influence. A branch agreement may also apply to all professionals in a particular sector of activity.

Role of the branch agreement

Because according to their sector of activity the employees have different needs, the branch agreement complements the regulations imposed by the Labor Code.

Like the collective agreement, the branch agreement has the following objectives:

* List the conditions of employment and work.

* Supervise professional training.

* Inform employees about their social protection.

Collective agreements can not be less favorable to employees than laws and regulations, the signing of a branch agreement is always beneficial for employees (or neutral).

Attention: the Labor Code defines for each subject the rules of public policy, the scope of collective bargaining and the residual rules applicable in the absence of an agreement.

Thus, all rules relating to work duration and schedule are open to negotiation. The bargaining limit is no longer the upper standard, but the rules of public policy defined by the legislator for each theme.

This hierarchy is intended to extend to the entire legislative part of the Code in the coming years, in the context of a global overhaul of the Labor Code.

Specificity of the branch agreement

While the collective agreement covers all labor law, the branch agreement deals only with certain themes:

* salaries;

* the professional equality;

* the right to organize;

* the qualification levels and training opportunities;

* the rights of employees according to their seniority and the held position;

* the conditions of recruitment and then work;

* the paid leave, reduction of working time and absences at work;

* the other benefits such as mutual or provident insurance, etc.

The mission of the branch is:

* to define the guarantees applicable to employees, in particular with regard to minimum wages, classification, supplementary collective guarantees, sharing of professional training funds, prevention of pain and professional equality between men and women;

* to define the themes on which the conventions and agreements of company can not be less favorable than the conventions and agreements concluded at the branch level, with the exclusion of the subjects for which the law provides for the primacy of the convention or the company agreement;

* to regulate competition between companies falling within its scope.

Good to know: the branch agreement has a legal value. Do not hesitate to use it in case of conflict with your employer.

Monday, September 18, 2017

System and Network Administrator

Operational right arm of the IT manager, the system and network administrator sets up and ensures the technical functioning of the computer system.

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The daily life of the system and network administrator

The system and network administrator creates, in relation to an architect, a computer network for his company, installs it and parameter it. He then ensures that all network equipment is functioning and that all users have quick access to this information system. He also gives permission to new users to connect.

One of his most important tasks is to ensure the security and backup of data on the complete network. In the event of a breakdown or incident, he must be responsive and make the necessary repairs as soon as possible. His work does not stop there: thanks to a permanent technological watch, the system and network administrator seeks to optimize the system by testing new hardware.

A versatile technician

Depending on the size of the company that employs him, the administrator's functions are variable and more or less extensive. In small and medium-sized organizations, he will have to fulfill missions managed in the biggest companies by the support users. He can thus intervene at the design of the network or on a system already in place. He can also perform his functions internally or externally (the company uses an external company, specialized in computer science, to take charge of IT management).

Required skills to become a system and network administrator

- Availability (evening and weekend night shifts)
- Very good knowledge of networks and operating systems
- Good sense of communication and listening
- Method and rigor
- Versatility
- Autonomy

Opportunities for the Profession of system and network administrator

With the generalization of local computer networks, the development of the Internet and e-commerce, this professional of systems and networks has the beautiful days ahead. However, he is for professionals with experience, hence the importance of internships and work-study programs. Another criterion sought by recruiters: versatility.

The particularity of this profession is that it is present in all sectors of activity: finance, medical, industry, commerce, mass distribution, etc. Whether in SMEs, large companies, administrations, installers, telecom companies or digital service companies.

Professional evolution of the system and network administrator

An experienced administrator can evolve in different areas of technology and turn to functions of network architect, IT manager/Datacenter/telecom or technical director. Alternatively: specialize in an area such as storage or security.

Infrastructure Expert

The infrastructure expert works in production, that of IT infrastructure.

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The missions of the infrastructure expert

His role: provide advice and support to customers and participate in the design of IT architectures. He analyzes, advocates and validates technical solutions.

Skills needed for this profession

- Initiative
- Team Leadership
- Good communication
- Rigor and reactivity

Training to become an infrastructure expert

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This job is aimed to people who have developed technical experience as infrastructure administrator for example. A computer engineering school or specialized university training is required to become an infrastructure expert.

Opportunities for the profession of infrastructure expert

The infrastructure expert can work on the website of the company that employs him or on the site of a customer.

Professional evolution of the profession of infrastructure expert

The more experienced the infrastructure engineer, the more he can intervene in the design of the IT architecture. Production project manager, production manager, are the professions he can claim.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Avoid Having to Give a Notice

You leave your company and do not want to give your notice.

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If you do not give your notice, you are exposed to various dangers:

* If your employer has not given you his consent:

- you are subject to a redundancy procedure.
- if it is done, you may lose your rights to all or part of your benefits.

* If your employer has waived your notice:

- you will only be eligible for unemployment benefits on the normal date of contract termination.
- take the example of a notice from June 15 to July 15. If your employer waives you, you will stop working on June 15 but will only be able to claim your benefits until July 15th.

Good to know: if the waiver of notice comes from the employer, he must pay the employee the equivalent of the wage he would have received if he had done so.

If you really do not want to give your notice, but your employer is barring, here are the solutions.

Solution 1: Request a shortening of notice

* You can negotiate with your employer to shorten the notice period.

* He will probably accept if he wants you to leave the company as soon as possible or if, for example, he owes you money for overtime.

* In this case, the employer is not required to pay a compensatory allowance, even to the extent of the unfulfilled notice.

Solution 2: Take your paid vacation

* The employee, with the agreement of the employer, may take his leave during the period of notice.

* This solution is only possible if you have some leave to ask.

Attention: neither party can impose it. The employee has the right to prefer to be paid his leave and the employer has the right to want an employee to the end.

* If no agreement is found, you can still take your leave but this will only shift the end date of the notice.

Solution 3: You are on sickness leave

* The sickness leave of convenience is a prohibited practice.

* If you are really sick, you can however be stopped by your doctor.

* The end date of your notice will then remain unchanged.

* You can claim compensation in lieu of notice, after deducting daily allowances from the social security (excluding contrary treaty provisions).

Working Group

A working group is a group of people working together on a common project under the guidance of a facilitator. The objectives of a working group in the company are varied: follow a project, organize a specific action, deal with a problem, etc.

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How to set up a working group? How does it work? What are the advantages? The point now.

The setting up of a working group

For group work to be productive, it is necessary to carefully select the participants. The facilitator's first role is therefore to build an effective and relevant working group.

Depending on the objective, the speakers must be selected for their function or technical competence.

It is important to pay attention to the hierarchical links that may exist between the various stakeholders. These links should not prevent some speakers from expressing themselves freely.

To be effective, the working group must have a minimum and maximum number of participants. Generally, it consists of 5 to 10 people. Indeed, under 5 people, the contribution of different points of view appears too limited. And beyond 10 people, it is often difficult to communicate easily.

Working group animation

A facilitator should be in charge of the preparation and the animation of the different meetings.

It is advisable to put in writing the essential points governing the functioning of the working group. This writing may include the names of the speakers, objectives, expected results, requirements, working tools, periodicity of meetings, etc.

It is important to prepare the meeting upstream by collecting the information and elements that will enable the various stakeholders to work efficiently. Thus, the agenda must be handed in before the meeting. The sending of different reading materials can also make it possible to prepare the meeting effectively.

At the beginning of each meeting, it is necessary to recall the expected objectives and the timeframes in which they are to be accomplished. It is better to ensure before the meeting that the objectives of the working group are known and understood by all stakeholders.

Working group meetings should be a place of sharing and communication.

To be effective, the working group must have at its disposal the necessary tools to achieve its objectives (video projector, paperboard, etc.).

It is advisable to choose a secretary to keep the written record of the remarks made at the meeting.

Advantages of the working group: unity is strength!

The setting up of a working group allows for the implementation of a common will to achieve the objectives.

The working group has many advantages:

* Sharing of intelligence and skills;

* Sharing working methods and resources;

* Sharing of opinions and personal experiences.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Full Time MBA

To invest in full-time training, one of the major questions before starting an MBA is to determine whether you want to take full-time or alternate training, that is, choose between full-time MBA and part-time MBA.

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The full-time MBA allows the student to fully experience the training. He is in total immersion and takes full advantage of the lessons without the constraints of an employee.

Depending on the institution, the full-time MBA lasts between 9 months and 2 years.

The only difference between courses of different durations is the intensity of the courses and personal work to be provided.

How is a full-time MBA organized?

The full-time MBA devides into two periods.

During the first period of the training, the students work on the general subjects, it is the theoretical part of the MBA:

* finance/compatibility;

* strategic management;

* marketing;

* organizational management;

* communication;

* Human Resource management;

* law applied to commerce;

* commercial negotiating.

The second period of the training is organized around specializations, options and workshops.

Theory leaves place for practice and professional exchange. An internship concludes the training.

Who is the full-time MBA for?

The full-time MBA is chosen by 50% of the applicants. Even if the MBA is for executives, some students with no professional experience integrate MBA and choose exclusively full-time MBA. The promotions are therefore younger and less experienced.

Full-time MBA is for:

* executives with 3 to 5 years of experience;

* executives who are willing to become financially and personally involved;

* executives who can afford to take a break from their careers.

Advantages of full-time MBA

Opting for a full-time MBA has many advantages:

* Candidates are unable to maintain a professional activity. They can therefore devote themselves fully to training.

* Applications are longer and sacrifices are greater. Candidates are highly motivated, volunteers and assiduous.

* Full-time MBA offers the opportunity to create a professional network through exchanges between all the candidates and the speakers.

* Internship of 3 to 12 months is to be carried out at the end of the full-time MBA. It often turns into a pre-hiring internship during which candidates have a precise and decisive mission for their future in this company.