Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: March 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

Interview Questions

Jobs offers have attracted your attention, so you sent your application that you took the time to look after.

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Your job has been rewarded, you are contacted for a recruitment interview.

How to prepare for the job interview?

Your recruitment interview is on the horizon as your cover letter and resume have aroused the interest of the recruiter.

However, in order to get a head start in order to separate you from the other candidates, you will carefully prepare your job interview by adopting a thread that will have a key role in this appointment. It will help you prepare well for the involved recruitment questions.

You will also avoid certain pitfalls so as not to jeopardize your application.

Job interview questions: the golden rule

Before any interview, be aware that the essential rule to distinguish you from other candidates is to know well the company that proposes the position to be filled.

It will therefore be necessary to collect a certain amount of information in order to answer the questions asked by the recruiter.

This work is all the more essential and important if you have sent a letter of motivation as a spontaneous application.

Do not like the majority of candidates, do not be uneducated about the company that is likely to hire you, inquire about:

* its position on the market,

* its products,

* its evolution,

* its size, etc.

What questions were asked during the interview?

During your interview, the recruiter will ask you a number of questions to better understand your personality, your motivations to know if your profile corresponds to the job to be filled.

Questions that may be asked for you:

* Can you describe your career path?

* Why do you leave your current employer?

* Why do you apply?

* Do you know our company?

* What are your short- and medium-term career goals?

* Why do you think you are qualified for the position to be filled?

* What can your application bring?

* What interests you most in your current job?

* What do not you like about your current job?

* What are your skills?

* What was your most painful failure?

* Have you encountered any problems in your job?

* What qualities do you appreciate in a boss and the flaws that annoy you?

* What do you think of your current society?

* Which job did you get the most satisfaction from?

* What are the different reasons that have made you change jobs to date?

* How would you describe your manager?

* What are your strengths and weaknesses?

* Do you have qualities to lead? Can you prove it?

* Do you like working as a team? Give me examples?

* Are you organized in your work: what is your method of work?

* What were the main tasks entrusted to you in your job?

* What have you brought to the company in your field?

* What were the most significant successes in your career? Examples.

* What do your colleagues think of you?

* Have you already recruited staff and what were your selection criteria?

* Do you have other positions in view and what kind of position?

* Why would I hire you for this position?

* Do you have any questions ?

Different types of job interview

There are several ways to conduct a recruitment interview:

* Semi-free interview: the most common. It is an exchange of questions and answers between the interlocutor and yourself.

* Directed interview: the interview is conducted by the recruiter who asks you a sample of typical questions. Do not try to make diversion, the recruiter will quickly notice. It is at the end of the interview that you can ask your questions.

* Interview "situation review": you are put in situation, that to which you will be confronted if you are recruited, example:

- a mechanic: react to a technical breakdown,
- an assistant: make a mailing,
- a seller: promote a product.

* monologue interview: as soon as you are face to face with your interlocutor, the latter launches a "talk to me about you".

- so you are going to do a one-man show that should not be improvised.
- you will develop your CV, your motivations for the position, why the latter arouses your interest?
- count about ½ hour when you will be delivered to yourself, it will be exhausting, but you will not let yourself be dismantled.
- you will pay attention to your speech, your gestures and your body support.
- your interlocutor will not interrupt you, he will test your insurance and carry out an initial selection phase before unveiling the actual content of the position.

Job interview questions: recruitment tests

After the interview, you will be confronted with the recruitment tests.

These can take place on the same day that can be spent at another appointment.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Interim Recruitment

Interim work interests you, because you want to multiply your chances of finding a job.

To do this, it is advisable to register in one or more agencies specialized in your field, be it: transport and logistics interim, building interim, medical interim, tertiary interim, industry interim, catering interim or other sectors of activity.

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Interim recruitment: why register in an agency?

Why ?

Enrolling in an interim agency increases the chances of finding a job more easily.

The missions entrusted make it possible to enhance the experience on your resume.
it is advisable to register in several interim agencies to multiply the tracks of job search.

What are the formalities?

To work in temporary work, you will be asked for different documents, namely:

* an ID,

* a certificate of work,

* your diplomas,

* the CV,

* proof of address,

* a bank account number,

* a photocopy of the vital card.

In some cases, even crafts, temporary employment agencies may also ask you for other documents like for example, an extract of your criminal record.

However, before being hired and becoming an interim, there will be several steps to take, ie: interviewing and recruitment testing.

Interim: what are the agencies looking for?

Interim agencies regularly seek qualified and/or experienced candidates to meet the growing demand for business requirements.

To do this, they will define several recruitment axes to search for "their rare pearls" that will become interim in their agency.

Identify the profile of positions to be filled

Agencies will identify the profile of positions to be filled based on several criteria:

* diplomas, training and experience,

* key competences,

* personal qualities,

* specific constraints (shift work, schedules, work in 3 x 8, etc.),

* identified hazards and prevention (helmet, gloves, pre-safety training),

* physical conditions: vehicle of function, telephone, PC,

* financial conditions: minimum wage and bonuses.

Search for the best candidates

The search for the best candidates will be carried out in two ways: the interview and the recruitment tests.

Recruitment interviews will provide information on the skills and professional experience of applicants.

The recruiter after analyzing the letter of motivation and the CV will direct his interview in different ways to know:

* your professional career,

* the reason of your application,

* your short and medium term projects,

* your constraints (availability, geographical mobility),

* the behavior at work,

* the personality,

* the desired salary.

Recruitment tests may be taken individually or collectively. There will be two types of tests:

* Objective tests to test your skills, intelligence, knowledge and abilities. They will therefore define different skills, such as: verbal, numerical, spatial, selective, mechanical and perceptual.

* Subjective tests more focused on your personality and your creativity.

In conclusion

The summary of the professional interview and the recruitment tests will enable the interim agency to define your profile which will have to be in perfect match with the missions likely to be entrusted to you, namely:

* your main skills,

* your main personality traits,

* your strengths and weaknesses,

* the areas of your training needs.

Recruitment: retaining the temporary worker

Serious temporary work agencies want to retain their best temporary workers so that the user companies get total satisfaction.

Therefore, they can propose to their temporary workers:

* an interim mutual and foresight,

* loans for study or vacation,

* aid and subsidies,

* access to training in temporary work which may be diplomas or qualifications.

Interim Recruitment: what about the mission?

Once hired and registered in the database of the interim agency, the temporary worker will get missions by the latter.

The placement agency will inform him the tasks to be carried out:

* the environment of the work post,

* the number of hours to be made,

* the qualifications required,

* the particular conditions of access.

Temporary workers are usually contacted by telephone or SMS.

It is the agency that will inform the interim of any changes in his mission (change of schedules, extension or termination of the mission).

During the mission, the temporary work agency will transmit the mission contract to the interim.

Meeting Report

Note-taking helps to prepare the report.

To ensure proper meeting management, it is necessary to prepare the meeting and then conduct the meeting according to an established agenda.

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What is a meeting report?

The meeting report includes the exchange, discussions and decisions taken at the meeting.

A report, for a better result, is written following the meeting.

To do this, the report will include the following points:

* the purpose and the date of the meeting,

* the participants as well as the apologized,

* the agenda,

* the summary of the items on the agenda,

* the statement of decisions.

Objectives of this report

The report has several objectives, namely:

* making decisions and identifying key elements,

* knowing the ins and outs of the work done at the meeting,

* revive the memory of the participants, it will serve as a written archive on the work of the group.

Meeting Report: what about the content?

The content of meeting report will be outlined, therefore it is a synthesis of the points discussed at the meeting (exchanges, discussions, decisions).

The editor will remain objective and write the report to the indicative present. It will refer to the agenda and the titles and sections of the documents will concur.

The third person will be used for the editor, if he has to report a fact that concerns him.
Content creation time

The technique of taking notes is crucial and decisive to facilitate the work of the editor.
Allow 1 to 2 hours to format and write it.

Recipients of the report

The proceedings will be distributed to:

* all participants and apologized,

* as well as all persons likely to be interested in the content of the meeting.

Working documents, annexes, as well as the agenda may be attached to the report.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Requalification of Employment Contract

Some contracts may be reclassified as employment contracts if the business relationship is subordinate between the limited partner and the provider.

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The transformation of a business relationship into an employment contract is neither instant nor automatic. It necessarily results from a requalification decided by a judge who establishes the existence of a subordination relationship between:

* a (falsely) independent or voluntary provider;

* and his client or association.

Requalification of employment contract: the relationship of subordination

Requalification into an employment contract requires proving the existence of a dependency relationship between the provider and his client.

A business, volunteer or work relationship without remuneration may be transformed into an employment contract when it recovers or conceals (if it results from a fraudulent arrangement) a subordination relationship between:

* a claimant whose status is in most cases self-employed (craftsman, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur, etc.) or other (volunteer);

* a client and/or beneficiary of the work performed by the provider.

Requalification of employment contract: criteria not taken into account

For the subordination relationship to be characterized, it does not matter whether:

* the client/beneficiary and the service provider have described the situation as a business relationship, a contract for the provision of services, voluntary work, training or other services;

* the benefit is either occasional, accidental or of minor importance;

* the client/beneficiary:

- has not (or has never) been an employer;
- has not (or has never) hired and recruited the service provider and/or one or more other employees.

Principles taken into account for requalification of employment contract

For the requalification in contract of employment, it is the principles and the mechanisms of the labor law which are imperative of which the principle of reality.

Only factual circumstances are taken into account:

* the existence of a person (physical or legal) demonstrating the authority of an employer;

* and/or imposing a system and/or economic organization on a physical person who accepts and submits to it (regardless of status and quality).

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Business Creation

Starting a business requires time and preparation. Define your project, choose a legal status, complete the necessary formalities... From the idea to the creation of a company, many steps are necessary.

Set up your business creation project

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When setting up a business, it is important to define the idea of ​​starting a business by conducting a market study, setting up a business plan, defining a company's corporate purpose, company name or trade name.

Creating your business: what legal form?

In order to set up a business, it is necessary to choose its legal form, depending on the size of the company, the importance of the share capital, the number of partners, the tax regime or the social status of the manager.

Starting alone to start your own business

An entrepreneur who wishes to set up his own business can choose between different statuses: creation of a micro-company with for example, the status of self-entrepreneur, individual business or sole proprietorship, creation of a commercial company: single member limited liability company or joint stock company.

Starting a business: undertaking several

It is not uncommon for a creator to search for an associate for the creation of a business. To undertake to many, the possibilities of legal form of companies are many.

The commercial company (the partners are mainly the capital providers): limited liability company, anonimous society, joint stock company, limited partnership company, limited partnership by shares, partnership.

The cooperative (the workers are the partners): cooperative society, production cooperative society, cooperative society of collective interest, agricultural cooperative.

Civil society: civil real estate society, civil means society, civil professional society, liberal exercise company, joint venture, civil society of farming.

An agricultural holding: farming with limited liability, agricultural grouping of joint exploitation.

Business creation financing

There are different ways of financing a business creation: personal contribution, capital contribution, business start-up loan... etc.

An entrepreneur can also create his business without contribution, certain legal forms of business permit it.

Aid to start your own business

When you want to start your own business, you can, under certain conditions, benefit from an aid to create a business. This can be done in different forms:

* Financial assistance for start-ups: granted by communities or certain organizations,

* New support for the creation and resumption of activities,

* Assistance to job seekers creating or taking over a company,

* Young Innovative Company,

* Business start-up counseling,

* Student entrepreneur status,

* Business start-up assistance for the unemployed.

Company creation: which implantation to choose?

The choice of setting up a business is an important part of starting a business. In order to facilitate its establishment at the beginning of activity, it is sometimes possible to turn to a business incubator.

Formalities to start your own business

When you start your business, you have to deal with certain formalities, which vary according to the type of business. It is therefore advisable to go to a business registration center and to register in most cases with the Trade and Companies Registry.

Other formalities include the following:

* Inquire for the rights and duties relating to industrial property,

* Verify that the activity chosen for the company is not part of the regulated activities,

* Write statutes of company creation,

* Choose a tax system for the company,

* Contact an external auditor and/or an auditor if necessary (sometimes mandatory),

* Business creation insurance.

Special cases of business creation

Opening a franchise or taking over a business is a special case in the field of business creation. You have to know its characteristics. This is also the case if one seeks to set up a business abroad.

What to do according to its status?

Being an employee and starting a business is a feasible option: to do this, you can ask for a leave for creation or be part-time. This status allows you to benefit from certain advantages. The same applies if you are unemployed.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Job Abroad

Motivated and rigorous are the key words to find a job.

If you are looking for a job abroad, international mobility does not make you afraid, you want to file your application for the expatriation.

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Who offers jobs abroad?

You want to change your horizon, you want to go abroad, you aspire to another professional career, many media will offer you job opportunities abroad, namely:

* traditional networks: national and international press, specialized websites, spontaneous applications;

* headhunters are also on the lookout and looking for highly qualified collaborators with special skills for various companies (multinationals, SMEs, SMIs);

* the same applies to public and semi-public bodies.

All these employments abroad, leading to very different jobs, require a very high qualification and often an experience of several years.

English is of course required, another language, outside the language of the country where you are expatriate, is appreciated.

Finding a job abroad: referring organizations

It is strongly advised to find a job abroad from your country, because many organizations will accompany you during your expatriation.

Below, various referring organizations that will help you in your research. They also have a lot of information about each country.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

It informs people who wish to live and work abroad.

* On the spot: you will be able to consult vacancies and be advised on social protection, employment and taxation of the coveted country.

* Online: documentation is available and offers:

- a complete dossier on each country,
- a selection of sites dedicated to international employment,
- the booklet of your language abroad, a veritable logbook for expatriation candidates.

The International Employment Area

It offers services focused on international employment and mobility.

* You can:

- consult job offers abroad,
- find information on hiring conditions,
- meet with experts in labor law,
- be advised on the drafting of your application (cover letter and CV) or to interview according to the country you have chosen.
- you can also learn about the customs of the country concerned.

* Online: its website allows to consult the directory of the expatriation which proposes the coordinates likely to help you to find a job.


Self-employment is growing in the growing sectors.

Self-employed work involves many professions: freelance, independent salesperson, liberal nurse, independent consultant, etc.

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Good to know: self-employed persons have the obligation to declare and pay their social contributions online.

Self-employment: a specific knowledge

The self-employed person has a specific intellectual or technical knowledge. There are many self-employed workers in the following sectors:

* Medical and paramedical activities;

* Business services;

* Personal services;

* Immovable;

* Legal framework;

* Computing.

The practice of certain professions requires specific degrees (eg architect).

Self-employed status 

Self-employment is characterized by the absence of:

* employment contract;

* permanent legal subordination to the client.

Unlike the employee, the self-employed worker is not required to comply with schedules or a legal working time. His relations with clients are set in the context of a contract (oral or written) or negotiation.

The self-employed person must ensure that his social contributions are paid to the fund on which depends his occupation.

Warning! Self-entrepreneurs, by definition, are not employees. However, if a self-entrepreneur is placed in a permanent legal subordination relationship with his client (principal), the judges will be able to see an employment contract... Such a requalification has many consequences, including the payment for arrears of social security contributions for the "client", requalified as an "employer".

Self-employment: payment of services by invoice

Since the self-employed person is not an employee, he can not receive a salary. He must therefore make invoices. The remuneration of his work is thus paid by the payment of these invoices.

The self-employed person charges his tasks:

* the package;

* or in the past.