Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: July 2016

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Write an Employment Contract

To write a valid employment contract, you must mention some elements: informations about the employer and the employee, the workplace, the compensation...

The parties of employment contract

The employment contract should identify the employer. It must show:
- the employer name;- his address;- the name of his legal representative;- his numbers of directory identification system and organizations for the payment of social security and family benefit contributions.
Regarding the employee, he must mention:
- his full name;- nationality;- his social security number (date and place of birth).
The test period
The employment contract must specify the duration of the test period. Otherwise, the employee is considered permanently engaged since his first day of work.
Test period:
- may not exceed 1 month for fixed term contract;- between 1 and 3 months depending on the qualifications of the employee for a permanent contract.
It is for example 3 months for a manager.

The employee's qualifications

The employment contract must include a clause describing the qualifications of the employee. It determines the position classification according to the grid established by the applicable collective agreement and the minimum wage to which the employee is entitled.
The employment contract must state the applicable collective agreement and the place of consultation.


Each working contract model includes a clause stating the place of work performance. Thereof may be mobile or fixed.

Schedule and hours

To establish an employment contract you must specify the scheduled daily hours and weekly or monthly working hours.
The method of overtime calculation and billing shall also be indicated.
The employment contract must indicate the rest periods and the rights to paid leave.
Note: Changing work schedules should be an amendment to the employment contract.


The remuneration of the employee must be indicated in the employment contract.
To write an employment contract, you must mention all elements of compensation, that is to say:
- base salary;- bonuses and allowances (seniority bonuses, exceptional balance, unsanitary, attendance, the 13th month...);- benefits in kind if necessary (the provision of a company car, company housing, the allocation of restaurant tickets...).

Market Research

Before starting a business, carry out a market study is essential. The methodology of market research is simple: you can make it yourself.
1- Successful market study delivers a detailed knowledge of your environment and the customers you want to reach. First determine the questions it must answer:
* what product (definition, value, market price...);
* for which customers;
* which marketing and sales strategy;
* what places of production and sales.
2- Then you define your competitive environment. Competitors may be direct or indirect:
* a direct competitor sells the same product as you;
* an indirect competitor sells a product that occupies the same market.
3- After identifying competitors, study their sales methods, their market share.
Search the information using the available documentation:
* specialized press;
* websites;
* documentation centers of trade chambers, of commerce;
* directories and repertory;
* market players, that you can query.
Customer identification must be both quantitative and qualitative. You must determine the number of potential customers and their expectations.
4- For this stage of the market research, customer questionnaire can be a useful tool. It asks simple questions about consumer habits and must be submitted to a representative sample selected by the quota method.
You can also make customized individual meetings that allow greater responsiveness. More qualitative, they are more difficult to organize and take much more time.
5- From the gathered information, you can reach conclusions:
* the risks and chances of success;
* threats and opportunities;
* preferred sales methods;
* market constraints.
Write a summary report outlining the findings: it should help you make the right decisions for your future business. Be concise, precise and clear.
You must be able to establish a plan from this market research and convince hierarchy, investors and bankers.

Check the viability of his idea through market research

To find out if a business project is viable or how to redesign a business idea, it is essential to carry out a market study.
Then it will work on:
=> the business plan,
=> the objects of the company,
=> its name,
=> its trade name.
Market research: a sometimes overlooked step
Market research is a must in any business project. Although market research does not guarantee that a creative idea is 100% good, it can:
=> better orientate,
=> and reduce risk by having some knowledge of the environment in which you want to start a business.
It thus gives an idea of ​​the commercial feasibility of project by studying:
=> players already in the market,
=> market trends,
=> customer and needs.
How to achieve market research ?
Market research is to collect relevant information from different resources.
Who performs market research ?
It is performed by:
=> the aspiring entrepreneur himself,
=> or a specialized company.
In both cases, in order to have a clear view of the project, it is important to be involved in the realization of market research.
Ideally, it is performed a few months before the start of intended activity: the time varies depending on the nature and complexity of the project.
Market research: several phases
Market research must be carried out methodically. It includes several steps:
- Information gathering: documentary and statistical research with various organizations and media.
- Survey of its surroundings but also a public sample viewed by the activity of the company.
- Observation of the various market players.
- Synthesis and analysis of information and results.
- Writing a market research report.

Telephone Call Center

call center is a service from which the outgoing business of a company are issued. The call center can be located:=> within the company,=> outside the company, in a specialized center.
A telephone call center or contact center consists of telephone workstations. It manages remotely the company's telephone reception with its customers and/or prospects.
It optimizes the phone and computer tools and other communication channels (fax, minitel, internet, PDA...) in order to provide an efficient and complete service.

The tasks of a call center

A company can turn to a call center for:
=> the telephone survey,
=> advertising,
=> prospecting,
=> telemarketing actions,
=> telesales actions,
=> receiving and transferring calls: management of incoming phone calls,
=> ensure its after-sales service,
=> ensure its claims service,
=> manage the recovery and collection of its receivables.
Benefits of a call center
A call center is a full service in the business. Regardless of its geographical location, a call center consists of skilled workers who have a structured activity, a subject to objective and a charter of quality.
Outgoing calls and call volume in general, are timed and analyzed as returns.
A telephone call center ensures the optimal management of telephone calls through advanced telecommunication tools. These sophisticated devices allow:
* The distribution of calls according to the availability of operators and thus reducing waiting time.
* It allows the company to refocus on its core business.
* It provides management of quality phone calls.
* It makes available to the company qualified and trained personnel to call reception.
Who use call centers?
The sectors that have the greatest reliance on call centers are:- kitchen designers,
- banks,

- insurers

- operators of mobile and fixed telephony,

- internet providers,
- patrimony advisors,
- suppliers of electricity or gas.

Calls and employment center
The call centers generate many jobs in all industries. Telemarketing expanding to an image that remains quite negative by job insecurity, low wages and difficulty of work.
Telemarketing companies therefore act to reflect a better image by improving the quality of work and the diversification of tasks.
Jobs abound for all types of profile, but increasingly depending the graduation, each call center provides ongoing training of its telemarketers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Workplace Relationships

Social ties are also weave in enterprise.

Good integration in enterprise promotes job making and relationships at work.

Image result for Workplace Relationships

What is Maslow's hierarchy?

Maslow was an American psychologist who in 1943 proposed a hierarchical classification of human needs, ranging from level 1 to level 5, that is to say:

* Level 1: physiological needs that affect our survival: drinking, eating, sleeping, breathing.

* Level 2: the security needs that have the will to protect us:

* against the dangers: violence, delinquency, aggression,

* and to take shelter (housing),

* and to assist us to get emotional and social security.

* Level 3: the need to belong: the person needs to feel accepted and integrated into a group of individuals (work, leisure, family). This requires own identity (name).

* Level 4: the need for esteem allows you to be recognized and valued within a group.

* Level 5: the need to accomplish that aims to achieve fulfillment in the personal and/or professional life.

This Maslow's hierarchy will rub off on relationships at work and:

* sometimes lead to career development,

* help some to become manager.

It is useful to understand human behavior.

Who is affected?

Workplace relations concern the employer and the employee (worker, employee, agent or master of frame).

The employer must ensure the welfare at work of his collaborator, like:

* to motivate staff,

* to enhance his teams,

* to establish a relationship of trust with each individual, the manager will receive them during an assessment interview.

Otherwise, social unrest settles down and can trigger work stoppages, absenteeism, social movements that would harm the development of the company.

The employee, meanwhile, must opt ​​for the right attitude vis-à-vis the other and his company, and that, whatever his place in the hierarchy in the company, namely:

* self responsibility: maintaining the balance of private and professional life,

* quality of respect: respect for others, for his work and values,

* quality of commitment: accepting differences and character of each are through exchange and dialogue and the involvement in the project and the development of company.

How to exist?

We spend most of the time at work, if you live badly your relationships at work, your life outside may be affected. We need to know existing in the eyes of others, to do this:

* know how to present yourself: the first impression is paramount,

* go to others, be interested to others and avoid going alone,

* offer your help and do not hesitate to ask for advice,

* dialogue,

* know to put yourself ahead and show initiative.

Meeting Management

Running a meeting, it is preparing.

You will soon organize a meeting and you have a grasp on your speaking in public or  making a presentation.

To be comfortable, remember to manage your interpersonal communication.

What is the management of a meeting?

The meeting aims to share in a working group the same information and the same knowledge on a subject or a particular case. The meeting will be required to take a collective decision.

To lead to concrete actions, the meeting should not be "time consuming", it will be concise and conducted with an effective time management. It will take place in good conditions to be followed up.

How to organize the meeting?

The management of meeting will be organized in several stages:

Step 1: before the meeting

Before organizing the meeting, we must ask the right questions, such as:

* What is the opportunity of the meeting?

* Is it necessary to get everyone together, which may be a waste of time and money to each (work, transport)?

* A telephone meeting or web conference would be enough?

* The purpose of meeting is to transmit information, make decisions or negotiate?

Step 2: Prepare the meeting

While preparing for the meeting, to be effective, it is:

* specify the date, place and number of participants,

* know the duration of meeting,

* prepare the agenda,

* think about booking the room.

Step 3: The content of meeting

To know the content of meeting, it is recommended:

* to read the documents;

* to reflect the opinions of each participant.

Step 4: the conduct of meeting

Driving a meeting is:

* determine to preside or run the session,

* make the round to present each participant,

* designate the person who will be in charge of the minutes of meeting,

* remind the agenda,

* specify the list of decisions,

* set, if necessary the date of the next meeting.

What kind of meeting?

There are many types of meeting, namely:

* the meeting of the executive committees,

* the service meeting,

* project management meeting,

* strategic meetings or crisis

* business meetings.

These will be prepared and conducted in the same way, but they have different objectives.

Interpersonal Communication

Better communicate to succeed your career.

A career in one or more enterprises requires motivation and performance, to better grow and bounce in your professional life.

Good communication will also be a key to success.

Image result for Interpersonal Communication

What is interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is composed of several messages that are:

* verbal such as voice and intonation,

* nonverbal such as attitude, behavior and gestures.

Your image already gives your entourage, a first major idea of ​​your skills for a moment "T", without having begun to formulate a single word.

This may be anger, sadness or anxiety. Gaiety and joy are more difficult to perceive, because we rarely move smiling. Thus the silence communicates with the person in front of you.

The elements of this communication

The main communication elements are:

* words and behavior, which when expressed are irreversible, it is just possible for you to mitigate them if you want to go back, as in a speaking in public or making a presentation.

* Dress:

- It represents a membership mode, compliance, difference of rules that generally has to adapt to the society for a better integration in the enterprise.
- A banker will not come to work in jeans, it is not ethical, as the creator working in the pub in suit and tie, he would be out of step with its industry.

To communicate we will have:

* oral communication,

* telephone: attention to the tone of voice when talking on the phone,

* writing: how to write: communication via email or write a note inform the reader on your general intellectual culture,

* gesture will convey messages according to your posture.


Interpersonal communication is based on the exchange:

* one is the transmitter,

* the other is the receiver.

This will be used in our daily whenever we are in relationship with someone. If interpersonal communication is used so good, it will help the individual to succeed his career.

Interpersonal communication, if left unchecked, is often spontaneous. However, it can be adapted to:

* target: we do not speak to his superior in the same way as his colleagues of work,

* content: promotion is easier to announce than a layoff,

* the situation: prepare his appraisal interview to ask for a raise will be different from the invitation to the potted retirement of the service's employee.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Public Career

Public or private sector, what to choose to better bounce!

For careers in the private, the answer to a job offer contrary to the public sector where we are recruited in principle, following the success of a competition corresponding to a definite position.

The career will therefore manage differently.

Presentation of a public career

There are three public functions:

* the public service of the State,

* the local government service,

* the public hospital service.

These allow you to direct you to different jobs depending on your level of education and success in competitions.

Which treatment?

We will find the courses: Administrative - animations - artistic - cultural - medical and social, technical medical - educational - security, police - social - educational socio - sportiv - technical.

These courses are divided into three categories: A - B - C and levels that match the grades of officials. This also allows describing career advancement and employee remuneration.

For what career?

You will therefore be possible to:

* a military career,

* a social career,

* a medical career,

* or a legal career.

The commercial career, career in industry, banking career, HR career and artistic career concern in particular the private sector.

How it works?

For careers in the public service, you have to pass the competition corresponding to a particular post. However, you can access through direct recruitment.

The official will therefore acquire competence in determined principle by the competition for different jobs of the same nature in the public service.

This will normally make his professional career in public service until his retirement. 

However, if the employee wishes to progress to accelerate his career, he should not remain passive and in waiting position, as his status allows him to benefit from:

* competitions,

* mobility and/or second career,

* professional training.

Career development in the private sector is completely different from the public sector.

Career development in the public

Unlike the private sector, the official did not really have a work contract. He is appointed by administrative decision defining:

* his statutory position,

* his employment framework of belonging,

* his rank,

* his seniority and remuneration.

His career development will therefore depend on his position defined by the administrative decision and is scalable according to his grade and step determined by a grid.

The basic principles

The basic principles of official career development are:

* The seniority in his grade which will allow him to access higher levels, it is called: the advancement of rank.

* According to these professional skills that will be checked, public servant can get a job higher than where he is located and without competition, this is internal promotion.

The official career development does not handle the same in the private sector as the public employer has a limited role, he must comply with regulations which set the terms of advancement in the same way for agents placed in the same situation. Nevertheless texts can provide to introduce its own criteria.

However, interesting arrangements have been put in place in recent years to allow officials to move faster in their careers.


The texts allow officials to be entitled to training. Thereby:

* they are entitled to training throughout their careers,

* and contest preparation and exams.

This right to training allows them to get ahead, greater responsibilities with corresponding compensation.

* validation of acquired experience is also taken into account with the creation of a special leave,

* and individual right to training.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Make Career

A career in one or more companies, represents decades of your professional and private life especially since the extension of retirement.

Your career choice will depend your professional development.

Image result for Make Career

Make career plan

Nowadays, a career does not mean working for the same company throughout the life, as did our grandparents and/or our parents.

Globalization and the current crisis bring a fragility in the world of work, it is difficult to perform a flawless career without dismissal. Unemployment is watching you and sometimes precarious.

However, we must move forward and evolve, we have to move to build a career plan. Pick the best opportunities to find a job that matches your real expectations.

How to make career?

For a career, you must: open up to better horizons for better orientation and fulfilling professional life.

To do this, there will be several components:

* your training, short or long course: hence will depend on your first position taking;

* your integration into the company;

* mobility: international career generally follows the expatriation;

* your professional assessment will be used to regularly determine your professional skills through assessment interviews;

* retraining, therefore change jobs if necessary.

Your career development will depend on all these criteria.

Define a professional project

So you will set yourself a goal. Hence, you will put in place a strategy that will include:

* objective = vocational activity you wish to exercise;

* action plans: resources and means to identify and mobilize for a successful professional career;

- your personal qualities = life skills,
- your Knowledge = general culture,
- your technical skills = expertise,
- your professional and relational network;

* a provisional schedule defining your various actions in time.

To succeed in your career plan, requires that it will be defined and precise in order to have more chances to succeed.

Throughout your career, you can develop your professional project as opportunities may arise, experiences, meetings and/or the job market.

Your professional project will be modified, enriched or abandoned headed for another professional project.

Make one or more professional projects?

Make one or more professional projects avoids the risk of being wrong in orientation and rectifies your choice if necessary. This will also bounce back.

So take the time to think, before setting it, so that it is: motivating, achievable and realistic according to your personality and your skills.

Finally, build one or more professional projects, that is:

- to know what you want,
- to present and argue what you want in an interview (hiring or when you ask for a promotion),
- be useful in the creation or resumption of activity, or in a career transition.

Build a professional project, not inaction, as any well-conducted and targeted action will be decisive and more effective to achieve the realization of a successful professional career.