Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: May 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hiring Formalities

The recruitment of an employee is subject to specific requirements, and involves a number of steps to take on the part of the employer. Here is a summary of the main formalities, in chronological order.

Declaration prior to hiring

The employer must complete a pre-employment declaration at the earliest 1 week before the first day of work of the employee and no later than the day before. If the employee actually starts working without the declaration to be made, the employer runs the risk of being sued for undeclared work.

The declaration includes the following information:

* name of the company or name and surname of the employer;

* main activity code and number of company directory identification;

* employer's address;

* title of the health service which the company depends;

* full name, address, date and place of birth and social security number of the employee;

* time and date of hire;

* contract nature;

* contract length;

* duration of the trial period.

The employer can either make the declaration online or send it by fax or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

Subsequent formalities

The employer must perform the following procedures:

* registration of the employee on the payroll;

* affiliation of the employee to the fund of concerned supplementary pension;

* affiliation of the employee to the compulsory health mutual, if applicable.

Health services informed by the declaration prior to hiring contact the employer to arrange a date for the mandatory medical examination to hiring. The visit is expected to be completed during the test period.

Establishment of an employment contract

The employer is generally not required to sign a contract to his employee. The declaration prior to hiring is enough to put it in order.

However, when the employee is hired for a fixed term, the establishment of an employment contract is mandatory. Otherwise, we will consider it an employment contract of indefinite duration. The contract must be dated and signed by both parties, and each keeps a copy. The formality must be completed no later than within 2 days of hiring the employee.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Changing Jobs

Your working conditions deteriorate, you are bored in your job, your job no longer suits you and you have no more development prospects, in short you stagnate!

Therefore, you dream and you want the most interesting missions, rewarding. In this case, you have to change jobs to garner other experiences that allow you to change or redirect you professionally.

Why go abroad?

International experience tempts you to boost your career, it will be popular with companies because it will demonstrate a cultural and professional open approach.

This decision is not to be taken lightly, it engages your family and yourself. Take time to reflect and ask yourself the right questions before you go.

Keys to success

Career success takes time and personal investment. However, there are some basic rules to:

* build the project,

* succed conversion,

* develop a professional network,

* or find the best way to move up in the company.

The basic rules for acquiring the keys to success are:

* interpersonal communication: express both on the phone, by email, in public;

* running a meeting: ie prepare and animate;

* your personal organization: time management, stress management, as well as your creativity techniques.

All this demonstrate great confidence in you, determine your facilitator skills and prove that you are competent and effective for your company.

Becoming a leader

You plan to assert yourself as a leader: your image should be in harmony with your function.

Becoming a manager is not given to everyone, lead a team, delegate and reframe a collaborator, does not improvise.

Who to contact?

You want to bounce and/or accelerate your career, there are different solutions as:

* The career salon that provides practical information, to discover numerous job offers and to meet companies and recruitment agencies.

* The career advice that helps you in your job search or career development.

* The outplacement firms:

- They support you in your job search, they allow you to make a personal assessment of your career.
- These firms are rather intended for employees dismissed or subject of a negotiated departure.

* The coach: you are no more motivated in your job, you hesitate between several professional orientations or you are anxious about your new job, the coach gives you advice and helps you better anticipate your professional situation.

What Kinds of Career ?

Choose the path and find a job is not easy!

Your career will depend on the first job you have accepted and occupied, it is the same for the category you choose: public or private, they will influence your professional development.

Your decisions will be crucial or strategic to the success of your career.

For what heart of profession are you doing?

Some of you may prefer to head the public, parapublic or liberal, such as:

* public career,

* military career,

* social career,

* medical career,

* or legal career.

Others will feel closer to the private sector such as:

* commercial career,

* industry career,

* HR career,

* etc...

In any case, these sectors will not really work the same.

It is the same for SMEs and multinational companies:

* Small structures:

- They have a more family atmosphere, so it is appropriate to greet colleagues every morning for example.
- You will be autonomous, versatile and can be taken more easily initiatives.

* Large structures:

- The climate is much more impersonal.
- Your responsibilities will be clearly defined, however, these major companies will offer more opportunities for development and even an international career.
- Career in a big company also provides important social benefits: works council, participation, health mutual, etc.

Making a career does not mean to stay for many years in the same company.

To move to other functions, you have to question yourself and do not hesitate to change companies. 

However, after the obstacle course, the job search, the recruitment and the job interview, the job decision is not always easy.

You may integrate, enhance and heal your image, go into the culture of your new business for better integration.

The evaluation in company

During your career, and every year, you are entitled to evaluate your skills. To do this, you will have an assessment interview with your supervisor.

To best manage your career, you have to prepare these interviews so that they become successful, they will determine your career plan.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Selling ​​on the Internet

There are three ways to "earn money" on the net:

1. Sell ​​your own products: This is called trading and this is exactly the same as the traders  were once! The difference with the "real" world is in development potential: If I open a "real" shop in town, my catchment area covers approximately twenty kilometers around my shop and my prospects can visit me 7 or 8 hours per day, 5 or 6 days a week (between 35 and 48 hours per week), provided it does not rain too much, if I open a shop on the net, my catchment area is worldwide and my prospects can visit me night and day, 7 days a week (168 hours per week), whatever the weather...

Image result for Selling ​​on the Internet

2. Sell ​​other people's products: This is called affiliate and this is exactly the same as once did the commercial agent working on commission (vendors that no longer exist in real life since the Products are pre-sold by advertising and sellers paid fixed, with no prospect of enrichment), there are now affiliation platforms, almost for everything, to sell advertising, books for example (It has never been able to open own shop, penniless and without financial security - Today, it is possible)

The first easiest way to start, still has a drawback in that it does not completely overcome the realities of the "real life": You need a storage place, a packaging post, without forgetting to queue at the post office every day, and the second method allows finally to find freedom and dream to carry on business in any chosen location, under the palms, for example...

3. Finally, the third method, many pyramid schemes, legal and sometimes illegal (Caution!) justifying apparently statements like "earn money easily", "make a living without doing anything", etc... In fact, you must know that here, as elsewhere, when you give little, you get bit!

On the net as in real life, know success is within reach of everyone, if there is a desire, will and hard work.

Templates In Creating Website

Applied to the creation of a website, a template or theme or graphic design is a way to separate the editorial content (text content) of the form (how it is presented). Therefore a template acts as (model) where only some elements are editable (text content, images and background). Using a template facilitates the design of a website and its update, both in terms of content and its presentation, while remaining within the template and its limits.

website templates

template ensures a perfect consistency between your pages and can help you manage the seasonality of your website. Take the example of a sell site online, the background can  adapt to the sales period, special offers, exclusive to a product... The potential provided by  templates is so real, you get the opportunity to manage all of your site by "simple clicks", provided of course to have foreseen at the design, and have a basic knowledge on the administration console.

Also in this way, changing the design of website amounts to change the template, the effect is to update all the pages of website. Adding a page is just adding content, this new page will have the same layout as the entire site. The ability to add a content depends on the selected template and specifications built with web agency (website manageable or not), beware of frames too restrictive. If you do not take these precautions, you will be forced to start on creating a site to simply add a page!

The templates are widely used in website designing, they can significantly reduce the design time and therefore the cost of creating a website. In contrast, a site on measurement is above all an original creation from a model often carried out on Photoshop followed by integration for web design, this requires the time of creative research, image editing, web  design... For imaging this regard, the template and measurement are for the web.

Templates limits are directly related to your project of creation, choosing a template, you agree to remain in a frame (page structure, position of navigation menus...) defined in advance. If your project requires a special design, frequent changes, a specific tree... the template can not meet all your requirements, the on-measurement will be more suitable. Attention also to choose your template, the risk of having the same site as your neighbor is not excluded.

Most template engines for the design of websites are built in PHP language. Another way to manage templates in a site is to use CSS. The templates are generally offered with a management tool of content (CMS ) like WordPress or Prestashop. These CMS or content management systems are designed to simplify content updating (images and texts) via a management console, this is the back-office of your website. CMS are often accompanied by extensions for integrating forums, managers of slideshows and other interactive tools with your visitors as links with social networks.


Using a template is an interesting solution to design a website, it can meet the vast majority of creative projects for less investment compared to "custom". For a project more "complex" or simply unique in terms of web design, the passage by creating on-measurement will be necessary, it will guarantee a unique design and style without any limit, the only limit is that of your budget.

Tips to Become a Super-productive Infopreneur

If you are like most internet marketers, is that you might have the desire to increase your productivity and income on the internet.

Here are some tips that you can use to boost your productivity on the internet.

1. Develop a self-discipline

In other words, put yourself in favor of better provisions. Make an effort to meet your schedule. It is not easy, but it is possible.

2. Each project or task must always have a time limit

Always ask yourself the following question: "All the tasks I need to accomplish in the day they have a time limit?" If this is not yet the case, then do it! Give a deadline for all your tasks. If a task is not yet complete, instead of waiting for that to be the case, let others do the work for you (if you work with a team) and focus on the next. Do not stay on it if it  is really urgent.

3. Do not check emails every minute

Yes, I admit that even I check my emails every hour because I want to be sure to answer the questions of my subscribers and customers as quickly as possible. However, you should know that watching your mail every minute will distract you very much. You must leave a minimum of one hour between readings. And before you read your mail, you must verify that you have made at least one hour of work.

4. 24H have a maximum time planned

I am not asking you to live like a robot or an automaton, I do not ask you to turn into clock, but I just recommend having a time for everything, and a maximum time for your business especially if you work alone. In other words, try to anticipate all the hours of your work day. Personally, it was a great productivity tool for me.

However, keep in mind that you also need a time of rest and consider it productive. Because you need to be healthy to increase your performance. Well-being should be an important process of your success...

5. Have targeted productivity goals

You must not only plan everything, you also should and especially plan it to achieve a specific financial goal. It is true that the results are never the ones you hope, they will be either lower or higher than your expectations, but at least you will know why you work and what you expect from this work.

6. Do not be indifferent to the first results

Have proof that "it works" is a very important factor in motivation. Many people give up their dreams of working from home not only because they are victims of scams, or because they have spent a lot of money, but because they do not get results concrete. It is true that sometimes the results are expected when you do not even have any experience... but I will not dwell on me because this is not the subject of this lens.

Work at Home

Work at home, a formula that suits everyone, it is becoming more common and companies that offer work from home are becoming more numerous. Work from home, at home, can be a part-time activity, a complementary activity to paid work, but also a full-time activity under employee contract or independent. Balancing work and family life is a dream for many. An elementary vigilance avoids the pitfalls of working from home, among many ads promising a job easy and profitable at home.

Working from home is an area that thankfully becoming more professional with all the necessary seriousness. Combine work and family life is possible thanks to the work at home..

Telecommuting: Working from home as an employee with an employment contract

Telecommuting, working from home where the person is related to his employer by phone or internet is regulated by strict rules. This type of work at home is an employment, it is governed by a contract of employment very complete. Working from home can affect a home secretary, a computer or a web developer at home, an accountant, but also someone who will do the ironing at home or will be responsible for making sales calls or turning on the envelopes.

Working from home and statuses

You can perform a work from home as an employee. Other statuses are possible and allow working from home as a freelancer. The new auto-entrepreneur status facilitates many steps in the work at home and costs you less at the level of charges set. You can opt for an enterprise with different advantages and disadvantages.

What activities and what are the companies that recruit to work from home?

All areas are covered, from full-time work at home to work part time from home through a complement work at home for the main income. Sectors that are recruiting in the work at home are mainly in the field of secretarial, internet, direct selling of products at home, etc...