Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: December 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015

Customer Relationship Management

CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is a set of methods and actions for a company to develop the relationship with its customers and potential customers. It is therefore essential to identify their customers, understand them and respond to their expectations, satisfaction and loyalty above all.

Definition of CRM

Customer Relationship Management is a set of tools developed by companies to:
=> optimize the relationship with customers,
=> retain customers,
=> increase turnover.
Adopt a project CRM involves for the company to change its working methods.

Know and follow its customers

The CRM is managing the client relationship, it is based on a set of principles, the most important is the optimization of customer relationship.
To work with the CRM, the company can help:
=> relationship marketing that works on strengthening ties between the customer and the brand,
=> Multichannel marketing that is to use all available communication networks to reach a defined target.
To go beyond the CRM, we can have a draft XRM, extended relationship management, which is interested in the relationship with each person having a role in the company.

Career & Jobs: expatriate premium

Premium and/or indemnities, incentives for expatriation.

You are a candidate for expatriation to boost your career, so you will soon have an expatriate job.

Image result for expatriate premium

Making career and living abroad, but for what status to opt in order not to lose his social protection.

Expatriate premium: what is it?

The expatriate premium is a positive incentive for the employee, who is proposed or to negotiate with the employer when drafting the expatriation contract.

The expatriation premiums concern more specifically the detached and not the status of expatriate, because the one is hired under local contract.

Expatriation: premium types

There are different forms of expatriate premium that are used in the form of a "package" by companies that expatriate their employees, such as:

* Expatriation or life difficulty premium: It is paid by the employer to compensate for the difficulty associated with the living, remoteness and working conditions in a foreign country. This is a percentage that is applied to the base salary or reference of the seconded employee.

- This percentage varies according to the country and is measured according to certain parameters: unstable political situation, dangerousness of the country, climate, language, culture, hygiene and health, others (existence of schools, hospitals, etc.).

- This premium can be paid either in gross or in net depending on the practices of the company. 

* The mobility premium: it corresponds to a lump sum paid at the beginning and at the end of the mission to encourage and motivate candidates for expatriation.

* The cost of living allowance, as well as the expatriation indemnity, helps to compensate for a differential in the cost of living between the country of origin and the host country. 

It is an index which is applied to the net wage of the employee, we can find as index:

- The Home Based index which is used for short-term expatriations or for countries where the culture is radically different from that of the country of origin. Its calculation is based on the consumption structure of the place of origin.

- The index of adapted expenses: takes into account the types of consumption: place of origin and place of expatriation. It is applied without restriction and has a serious advantage in the case of successive expatriations, it is the only one of the three indices to be reversible.

- The Host Based index: is used for long-term expatriation in countries geographically or culturally close to the country of origin. It is based on the consumption structure of the host country.

* The installation premium: it avoids many expenses, especially those relating to small expenses. It is often limited to one or two months of maximum wage.

All of its premiums are defined in two ways:

- in the form of a percentage of net or gross wage or,
- by a fixed amount.

They can be paid in several ways:

- during the whole period of the expatriation,
- at the beginning of the mission or,
- at the end of the mission.

It is important to make the right choice because tax implications depend on it.

Good to know: expatriation premuims and/or indemnities and benefits in kind are generally taxable. In order not to be overly taxed, it is advisable to pay them in the country where taxes are the least burdensome.

Entrepreneurship Steps

Entrepreneurship takes time and preparation. Define your project, choose a legal status, complete the necessary formalities... From idea to business creation, many steps are required.

Set up your project to create business

When you want to start a business, it is important to define the idea of ​​creating business:

=> conducting market research,

=> establishing a business plan,

=> defining the social objects of a company, its social name or business name.

To start a business, you should choose its legal form, in terms of:

=> the size of company,

=> the importance of social capital,

=> the number of associated,

=> the tax system,

=> or the social status of leader.

Undertake alone to start a business

An entrepreneur who wants to create his company alone can choose between different statuses:

=> creating micro-enterprise with for example auto entrepreneur status,

=> proprietorship or LLC,

=> creation of a corporation: Single Member Limited Liability Companies or Simplified Joint- Stock Company.

Starting a business: undertake for several

It is not uncommon for a designer looking for a partner to start a business. To undertake for several, the possibilities of legal business form are numerous:

=> corporation (the shareholders are primarily providers of capital):

- CLL corporation with limited liability,
- LC limited company,
- SJSC simplified joint stock company,
- LP limited partnership,
- LPS limited partnership by shares,
- partnership,
- Societas Europaea (SE).

=> cooperative (workers are associated)

- cooperative society,
- WC: Workers Cooperative,
- SCIC: co-operative society of collective interest,
- agricultural cooperative.

=> civil society:

- real estate company,
- civil society of means,
- professional civil society,
- professional partnership,
- joint venture society,
- farming civil society.

=> agricultural exploitation:

- agricultural exploitation of limited liability
- agricultural group to operating in common.

Enterprise Quality

Enterprise quality is considered a policy or philosophy. However, there are also actions such as certification or obtaining a norm which allows to realize the quality process of a company.

Today the vast majority of companies have a quality policy. That is why there is a set of actions for Quality Management. The first step in quality management will be put in place:

=> a quality process or a quality policy that will include actions taken by a company to improve the quality;

=> a quality system that will include all documents on the quality management: certification, norms, regulations, quality benchmarks and quality manual.

The second will measure the impact of adopting a quality approach. Companies can conduct quality audits or quality controls.

Through these evaluations, the company gives consumers a quality assurance.

Techniques of quality management

The quality management also requires the use of one or more quality process. Also to ensure continuous improvement, companies can rely on quality management methods and total quality management.


The future of work in the companies: agility... or nothing? 

Digital destabilizes the companies because it accelerates a double movement that blurs the borders:

- Private uses have evolved with a meteoric manner and interfere in the business to the point of challenging its codes - especially hierarchical;

- At the same time, the Taylorist model decays, labor relations "lifetime" no longer exist and the occasional collaborations are increasing: the collective yesterday mutated, and the concept of wage - at the heart of all the work building becomes blurred.

What organization model can the companies adopt while digital allows each employee to change his report to the company?

Does the individual in power signs the death of company?

After the industrial age of the employee who was a subordinate strictly speaking, simple running, we are witnessing the individual return in the company, and with it some confusion between private and professional lives - and / or public. This phenomenon is not limited to work, these are all people who suffer a "social order individualization". Today, autonomy becomes a cardinal value and the individual must be responsible for his choices, in essence. The digital embodies when it dramatically speeds up the process: employees are entering their mobile phone, tablet or laptop in the company, their network of professional knowledge and personal affinities intertwine, their passions combine the collective work, their talents and creativity must work together in an era of innovation...

Ultimately, the company now has to manage as many quests for happiness as there are individuals within it. Because in an economy whose creativity is the engine, the genius of each as well as its relationship to collective are determinants: the individual inclusion in all its complexity, as intimate social, is given entirely new in the companies!

More prosaically, the professional use example of his phone or personal laptop (a phenomenon known by the acronym BYOD, for Bring your own device), which raises important issues of data security and software compatibility, is typical of current transformations: where is the boundary between work and personal activity, associational activity, free time? How to count the working time when you can treat a client request in transit and during the holidays? How to make live a group when the "workplace" loses its meaning. These questions are essential, they are existential:

How can firms survive in their present form, while all the foundations of their modern existence are undermined? Will they be sufficiently agile to reinvent themselves?

Companies turn to survive

What emerges from the testimony of business leaders and scholars gathered by Fing is that the answers are found in the flexibility and openness:

* a management that seeks to stimulate and support more than imposing, which can be grasped by a support rather than a ban on BYOD;

* operation in "extended enterprise" that spreads: the heart of success achieved to the projects, is now claimed by large companies in their relationship with their ecosystem of SME subcontractors;

* an organization that breaks down silos, seeks to promote the work "in start-up mode" and stimulates the "intrapreneurship" (concept that the employee is a contractor within the company)...

* entities become "learning", including establishing their own universities.

Against digital mutations, companies now seek to promote among its employees, some features of specific contractors character:

1. risk appetite;

2. nonconformity;

3. organizational skills and personal effectiveness;

4. ability to challenge.

"The extended enterprise" takes shape thanks to digital

It recommends to adopt the model of "extended enterprise", which works in ecosystem by integrating its subcontractors and all project participants: "We must work together, to cooperate start-ups and large companies, in rather than oppose.

That said, the arrival of "outside" in the company and the takeover of individuals who enter their privacy via digital devices (the famous BYOD) poses a major challenge for IT managers : how to avoid anarchy? How to avoid losing control, with all that it implies in terms of security of confidential information in particular? Driven by the democratization of private use (the "consumerization of IT", that is to say, information technology", the fact that products originally designed for home use, are adapted to the professional market) employees gradually built a Shadow IT - a parallel computing - where everyone brings and uses the tool they prefer, bypassing the standard. Such a soft sling, without claim, is new to business!

The new reality of work has resulted in the development of a new framework for both autonomy and sharing, including a library of professional applications that each employee chooses according to his own needs and, most importantly, like creating a "business Youtube" accessed remotely. Called OpenTouch Video Store, the platform embodies the concept of extended enterprise by allowing employees, suppliers, customers and partners to share video documents relating to their business - without any special hardware or software required. A collaborative solution that streamlines communication between the company and its stakeholders, highlighting the contribution of each and stimulates the exchange, while trusting in self-regulation without sacrificing data control.

When the use and innovation are the law, the management reinvents

Corollary of this change, the development of a numerical tool in business is no longer in top-down today: it is not the direction that decides and employees who apply, particularly because individual practices took such a place in everyone's life that the company would lose a lot of time, energy and money trying to counter them. The CIO (Chief Information Officer) has a strategic role to evolve, he "is rooted in the business" - offering solutions able to increase productivity - and becomes a source of proposals to ensure policy digital in phase with uses. To satisfy individual preferences, experimentation and development "iterative" multiply and facilitate rapid and flexible responses to change, allowing testing and backtracking. The goal: to improve the well-being at work while stimulating innovation.

To the company-artist, deviant kingdom?

What is the future model? What mythology replace the moribund, the "wonders of industry?" This is the key issue, the process of innovation is now the same as that of artistic creation.

The company today is a world of acrobats. It is based on creative, whose value depends primarily on the ability to surprise and thinking against the norm. the reluctance to change comes from the fact that the foundations of work are embedded in our collective imagination as if they were immutable by nature. The terms innovation and business are historically rooted! The model of innovation that has emerged, is that derived from science. Known to all, it is now saturated. The planning that was glory of industry, is exceeded. Yet it would be if it could still be going on today, and this "lie" would be destructive to the human adventure in company: it is difficult to make collective based on lures work. In a world of uncertainty, a business plan must take place in a half-page and software specifications (ie the explicit set of requirements to be met by a product) would be banned because they do believe in the possibility to control totally the future, they convey a belief in an idealized world, in the end, they are misleading.

In sum, the company must find its raison to be: "create". Having to make a profit, this is its stress, no glory. The only salvation of the company today lies in its ontological tipping: The future company must protect the deviant because it innovates and is able to create rationality into the unknown.

To push this change, there are two options:

* Consolidate the legal framework, because the labor code is outdated and would sustain a structural archaisms. And propose a model: "Flexible Purpose Corporation" created in California (USA). While U.S. law requires business leaders to pursue a single goal (maximize the performance of the company in the interests of shareholders), this new statute broadens the main mission of the company and avoids the maximization of shareholders only in either single horizon.

* Redefining corporate governance, management, to make it truly "horizontal" and transform managers into change coaches. Maybe even to the point of "turn all heads".

Outside the agility is no salvation?

If companies seek to anticipate and accompany the changes of their foundations, it is because they question their existence. They must all be aware now of the need to change radically if they are to avoid the arise.

Moreover, at the end of this tunnel of the unknown that "agility" represents, there could be light. To end a conference passionate about the future company, which has led to many questions about the future of growth.

Create Business Plan of Company

Most business entrepreneurs are faced with this problem: how can we get help from investors to finance a business project? With the exception of few people with equity, others will necessarily need financial help to start their business. It was at this time that it must produce a business plan of company to convince investors about the need of project and to ensure that the project is feasible. 

The corporate business plan is primarily to convince investors to provide assistance within the framework of an investment to launch the project. Without this document, no investor would be willing to finance the project. Similarly, failing to use investors, the business plan of company allows the contractor to present his project to the bank or his partners (suppliers, distributors, franchisees) so they give him in case of need their support. But beyond that, the business plan should allow, if properly conducted, to be a guiding thread for the contractor, by providing a clear vision of his future business situation. 

Similarly we do not engage in business without preparation, the business plan of company should be carefully thought out and prepared. Thus, certain rules must be followed for its preparation. The first is that of intelligibility: that means it should be easy to read and it must include all the information needed to provide a general overview of the project. The corporate business plan should include a number of figures, which will obviously be explained in particular. It must also contain different scenarios, based on assumptions sometimes less optimistic at the outset (higher costs and expenses, less turnover...). 

Various organizations of support to create companies may provide an example of business plan to help create jobs in their efforts.

Direct Employment

A well-prepared job search opens the doors of success. Whether you are a student, beginner, experienced or job seeker, it is essential to find a job quickly.

Job advertisements

To find jobs that match your profile, do not hesitate to attack the market with efficiency and method.
It is important to manage it and decipher it well to put all the chances on your side. Eve also plays an important role in finding a job.

Different agencies for employment

Employment center is open to all job seekers regardless of their education level. This is followed by a single adviser from registration until getting a job.
The Association executives' employment is intended for executives in business or looking for a job and graduates of Higher Education.
There are also counseling agencies to support the job search as:
=> recruitment agencies and headhunters who are mandated by a company to find the best possible candidate for a vacancy;
=> outplacement that accompanies and assists the future job seeker in various approaches;
=> the job fair that brings together many companies looking for employees;
=> the alumni network that helps the placement of pupils in school leaving.
There are many forms of direct employment, such as:
=> temporary employment agencies that are responsible for carrying out the recruitment of different people for other companies;
=> public employment that is concentrated on three public functions: state, territorial and hospital;
=> public service competitions that allow to become official. There are many professions and industries to access the public service;
=> the army recruitment that offers many career opportunities (land, sea or air).

Return to work

Several solutions are at your service for a successful return to employment, namely:
=> the competence assessment which allows to perform a summary of your past experiences, your skills, your knowledge and attitudes;
=> professional skills and abilities evaluation that allows you to make the dots on your professional skills, your ambitions and helps you build a real professional project;
=> validation of acquired experience that is not a resumption of study, but an official act by which the skills acquired through experience are recognized as having the same value as those acquired through training;
=> the job training center that allows a job seeker compensated or not to find a job more quickly. Therefore, different training actions are in place to help these people looking for a job.

Integration through economic activity

Integration through economic activity allows people excluded from the labor world to find a job by offering them a suitable initiation course. Some organizations sign an agreement with the State to participate in the integration project. This is the case, for example of:
=> temporary employment enterprises;
=> employer groups for integration and qualification.
These structures are financed through State aid, called the Departmental Integration Fund.

How To Sell Online

Online sales grew at high speed in recent years. To sell your new or old objects, several ingredients are beings together.

Siting of sale

Before anything else, you have to choose between several selling sites. You will need to study the market to maximize your chances of "good sale" between general sites and specialized sites.
Thus, if you sell the table of your great-aunt, you rather turn to sites "is everything". Ebay and Amazon are kind of Ali Baba caves where everything is bought and sold.
Also another option is to seduce you: barter sites. In this case it will not be a sale per se, but rather an exchange. offers the exchange of clothing, cars, or even services.
Anyway, do not forget to check the terms and conditions of sale. Some sites may take a commission or share your sale. This is the case, for example, sales-deposits.

Describe your product

Once your registration is completed, you will go to the most important step of product description.
This will include, if you wish (and often for a fee) the photograph of your items.
On these two points, you should be clear and precise. If your photos are blurred and the words used to describe your evasive product, the future buyer will be only a partial picture of the table of your great-aunt. Think of sellers and put yourself in their place. What does he know about your object?
In the case of clothing, specify good size, correct color, dimensions and brand.
In the case of a used object, such as a car, of course, give the year and options.
More details you provide, the more your buyer will be reassured, and you clearly stand out your hurry and unscrupulous competitors!

Reference the product for sale

The vast majority of online selling sites will offer to list your item by:
- its degree of use: new or used;
- its type: furniture, home accessories, coat or jacket.
Do not neglect this classification, it allows to offer your product to buyers, according to keywords they type and therefore what they want. Every day, misclassified objects by their vendors are struggling to find buyers!

Prices of adapted start

If you want you can set your starting price and that you are in a bidding process or in a non-time limited sale.
To do so, you must consider the low range in which you want to sell your product.
At first attractive sight, a too low price, can create a suspicion in a buyer. Why he sells so cheap this table? if he asked. There must be a hidden defect. Do not sell off items that you have an idea of value.
Conversely, a starting price too high, may miss you a sale. Do not bite off more than you can chew, look at what prices have sold the equivalent objects to yours and make a mix between your low range and the sales prices of market!

Mistakes To Avoid In Cover Letter

This is the binomial CV: cover letter ! Classic of the application, it must give the reader the willing to go further and open your document containing the attached CV. To achieve this, avoid at first the basic mistakes here.
Basic rule: a cover letter is done to express his motivation, yes amazing! If the computer side, less formal, might try to send only your CV, this is the first trap to avoid. Always send your resume with a minimum worked text, regardless of the position. An empty email will end directly into the trash!

Adjust the tone to the caller

Avoid the copied and pasted. You are never alone for this job so you have to try to stand out and that is why it is better not to copy the formulas on the net you will find. Furthermore it often sounds too hollow. The ideal is to tailor each email to the application and not to use the same email for all. Avoid ofcourse to send the same email simultaneously to all companies, without covering it.
Do not rush. React quickly to an offer that's good, rushing and sending it with mistakes, it is much less. Reread several times your prose. A typo or a shell forgives, more faults are unacceptable especially if the number of candidates is important.
Do not be too familiar. The email has replaced the letter but the substance is the same. You are talking to a recruiter and not a friend. Polite phrases are important. However, you must also adapt to your interlocutor. If he is a young thirty from the web, too formal tone is useless. In a more traditional branch, you can not do without. It is not to be bombastic but courteous and respectful.

Facilitate reading of your interlocutor

Do not tell your life but be concise and accurate, it appeals to recruiters. It works for everything: a short mail is more easily read (and more fun) than a mail with a large keypad that strains the reader even before. If the email is long enough, fan it skipping lines and making paragraphs.
Do not forget your contact information! Under your signature, do not forget the essentials to know about your details. Even if they are already on your resume, phone number and address will facilitate the task of the person who wants to recruit you. In the same genre, choose a light mail object and also think to state clearly the references of the position you are applying. Your interlocutor reads a lot of emails like this, help him up.

Import Products From China

You can find that the vast majority of your products and goods are "Made in China" (from China). Go ahead, you can test.
Indeed whatsoever candles, frames, chairs, coffee maker, utensils... marked "MADE IN CHINA" is the trademark and you will find out it everywhere.
The question arises, why import products from China?
Thus a product you buy in stores with fifty euros is actually a handful of euros to have it but that you already knew.

Importing china products tips

Change camps and move from the consumer to the importer. Thus every good wholesaler or agent should reason.
Here are some valuable tips:

1.The choice of your products from china
First, if you decide to launch up to international, do not start with bulky or heavy products but to try small light things. This will allow you to gain experience, to observe the workings of the system and also in the case of a problem or fault of your own, not to suffer great losses.
2.The procedures and transport of products imported from china
It is important to take precautions when you decide to import products from china so logistically, the quality of production, and of course the formalities. It is recommended if you are starting to go through a freight forwarder, for that it is easy to just search on google by typing eg "Freight China / (your country)". Your freight will help you in transportation procedures and formalities for products from China and elsewhere.
3. The choice of your products distribution made in china
Try to make direct sales to sell your products from China, ie sell directly to final consumers. By removing intermediaries you will have greater flexibility and therefore a greater benefit.
Among the classic tools: websites, videos presenting the list of your products or direct selling companies... will allow you to sell your items from China.
Alternatively, you may decide to open a retail store but it is not advisable unless you have a strong experience in the field. This will generate various additional costs such as rent, staff...
Nevertheless, it is recommended to be a wholesaler, ie selling merchandise MADE IN CHINA to those who already have a store. So you do not need anything because you sell to stores that will do the rest.
Finally last option, sell your products imported from China to distributors who will undertake to sell to retailers.
So there is a multitude of opportunities to sell your products, you can set which fits you best.
Feel free to analyze the advantages and disadvantages and especially to get you to conquer the chinese products.

Top 10 World Companies

China has proven to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world. It is currently the second richest country in the world and the second in number of billionaires.

Currently, it also leads in number of companies in the top 10; appear three Chinese, two British and two American. This selection of the 10 largest companies in the world is according to Global Fortune 500, of the largest companies in profit and revenue.

1- Royal Dutch Shell - England

The leader in this recipe selection, among the 10 largest companies in the world, is 481.7 billion dollars and 26.6 billion dollars in profit by Royal Dutch Shell. It is known in a simplified manner by Shell, Anglo-Dutch oil multinational, with main activities in the petroleum refining and extraction of natural gas.

It is the greatest world's multinational regarding revenue, and along with BP, Chevron and Exxon Mobil, one of the four largest oil companies. Shell is recognized as higher profit company in the Netherlands.

2- Walmart - United States

Walmart is american multinational department stores and is in the second position among the 10 largest companies in the world; the revenue is estimated at 469.2 billion dollars and profits of $ 17 billion. In 2010, was elected the largest multinational.

The figures for this company are impressive, stores in 15 different countries with 55 different names. Walmart operates under its own name in the United States, Puerto Rico and Brazil. It operates in Japan as Seiyu, and in the United Kingdom as Asda.

3- Exxon Mobil - United States

Exxon Mobil is a multinational company of gas and oil in the United States, based in Irving, Texas. The formation of the company was in 1999 in the merger of Exxon with Mobil, companies resulting from the split in 1911 of the Standard Oil Company.

The company's revenue is 449.9 billion dollars, and profit estimated at 44.9 billion dollars and it is in the third position among the 10 largest companies in the world.

4- Sinopec Group - China

The chinese energy company, and supplier of chemicals and oil products, still has experience in exploration onshore and offshore of oil and natural gas, refining, processing, transportation, distribution and marketing. Total revenue is 428.2 billion dollars, with profit of 8.2 billion dollars.

5- China National Petroleum - China

The oil company is China's semi-state, with foundation in 1988, as  the process result of the reform of the oil industry of China, and the end of direct control by the Petroleum Ministry, starting in creating other two companies in 1982.

The 1980 reform process, there have been created three oil companies, Sinopec, CNOOC and also the China National Petroleum. The revenue is 408.6 billion dollars and also profit boiled down to 18.2 billion dollars.

6- BP - England

This is the multinational British Petroleum, headquartered in the UK, operating in the energy sector, especially oil and gas. The BP revenue is 388.3 billion dollars, and profit estimated at 11.6 billion dollars.

It is known as responsible for the leak of thousands of barrels of oil through the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploding in the United States in 2010.

7- State Grid - China

This is the National Company of China Power Grid, energy company in the PRC, accounted for most of the country's electricity network operation, with total revenue of 298.4 billion dollars and profit of 12.3 billion dollars.

8- Toyota Motor - Japan

The company Toyota Motor is a producer of cars, with revenue of 265.7 billion dollars and profit estimated at 11.6 billion dollars. The headquarters is in the city of Toyota, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The company owns the Toyota brand, and even Lexus, Daihatsu and Scion.

9- Volkswagen - Germany

This german company belongs to the Volkswagen Group, with revenue of 247.6 billion dollars and also a profit of 27.9 billion dollars. Volkswagen is the largest car manufacturer in the world, with global headquarters in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony.

10- Total - France

The profit of the company Total SA, business group in the petrochemical and energy sector, it is summarized in 13.7 billion dollars; the revenue is 234.3 billion dollars. The world headquarters is in La Défense in France, but the company is in over 130 countries.