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Saturday, January 13, 2018

HR Audit

HR audit is a tool regularly used in human resources. Back on useful practices within the company.

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Definition of a human resources audit

A human resources audit is primarily a tool for human resources departments. It will serve to compare the practice of this service with legal, conventional and jurisprudential requirements to ensure that the company respects them. At the end of this audit, it will make recommendations aimed, if necessary, to ensure compliance.

It can be internal (ie within the company). In this case, the auditor will mainly ensure compliance with the procedures.

It can be external (ie outside the company). He will then analyze the operating processes of a company, then move to another when his audit is completed, etc.

HR audit: desired objectives

The objectives are multiple.

For the future: know the action points in case of legal or relationship problems, know the reaction to adopt.

For the past: study the practices, identify the improvements of these with regard to the behavior previously adopted.

Nevertheless, to be effective, an audit must focus on a very specific topic.

Example: can be studied in terms of human resources: working conditions, management of fixed-term contracts, absenteeism, accidents at work, turnover, etc.

Implementation of a human resources audit

Specific methodology of HR audit

It is appropriate upstream to:

* define the professional context in which this audit will take place;

* know the causes of this audit, in order to be able to determine at best the expectations;

* identify themes, strategies and objectives to be achieved;

* specify these objectives by detailing them, in particular by the achievement of objective and neutral criteria.

Then it is time to take action and to:

* collect the necessary information and then define the other one to consider whether the required criteria are met or not;

* analyze the results;

* draw a conclusion (areas for improvement, stumbling blocks, successes);

* set priorities on the elements to be modified and create an action plan.

Following this audit, a report summarizing the situation and the improvements to be made should be made. At the same time, the action plan will be submitted to the people concerned to enable the practical implementation of the desired improvements.

Finally, we can compare the initial situation with the audited situation.

HR audit: interests for the company and its employees

This audit is thus to assume at the same time corrective contributions of the existing situations and preventive of the situations to come or to anticipate in order to avoid them.

Upstream, it should save the company money, since it has improved these processes, saving time and money.

It should also help to secure occupational, health and social risks in the company.

The audit finally verifies that the company is in compliance with the legal and jurisprudential requirements, and thus avoid risks of recovery or litigation.

MBA: preparation for tests and interview

Integrating an MBA is a long process. Count a year to a year and a half of preparation!

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MBA Preparation: Have a complete file!

To distinguish yourself from other candidates, you must first provide a complete file:

* Work certificates

* CV

* Completed application form

* Essay explaining the professional project

* Cover letter

* Letters of recommendation

* Photocopies of obtained diplomas

* Photocopies of followed courses

It is of course necessary to complete this file with the other documents requested by the institutions in which the applications are submitted.

Pass the MBA entrance tests

To enter an MBA, a minimum score must be obtained at GMAT and TOEFL or TOEIC. The scores to be achieved are notified on the application file of the institutions.

To pass these tests, certain skills are necessary such as: a good general knowledge, solid knowledge in mathematics, writing skills and a good level of English.

To train, candidates can:

* Invest in preparation manuals: available in bookstores or online.

* Train online at (the official GMAT website), and

* Enroll in a training preparing for the desired test.

Preparation for successful MBA interview

A first selection is made from the sent folders. To complete this selection, candidates still in the running are invited to an interview during which it is, once again, essential to distinguish themselves.

For that it is necessary to:

* Have a real professional project.

* Know the benefits of an MBA.

* Know how to organize during training: family, employment...

* Have thought about funding the MBA.

* Know about the institutions that received the applications.

The interview is the key to accepting a candidate

It is not necessary to show that one is the best, but it is essential to prove that one has things to learn and to give.

The candidates of a promotion are chosen according to their personality and what they will bring to the training. To highlight his career and his different experiences is therefore essential.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Language Courses by Correspondence

To progress in listening and writing

With online language courses (e-learning) and language courses by telephone, courses by correspondence are one of three forms of distance language courses. In addition, one can obtain a diploma recognized by the state.

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Principle of language courses by correspondence

It is not always easy to learn a living language when one is engaged in active life. It is the same for students who work alternately and complete their professional training.

Language courses by correspondence are generally long-term: from several months to one year. The chosen language is worked according to a program based on the initial assessment.

Different working media can be offered: DVDs, audio CDs, magazines... You can complete these various teaching aids with a language software. The trainee regularly sends homework checked and corrected by teachers (personalized correction, tutoring...). 

There is therefore a real personalized framework.

The formula leaves a lot of freedom to the person who is formed:

* Courses are working from home or at the office, on the move, on public transport...

* This allows you to manage your schedule according to your possibilities and start the training when you want.

Advantages of language courses by correspondence

The courses by correspondence allow you to organize yourself at your own pace and at the same time have another activity such as a job, an internship or pursue studies. In addition, they adapt to all levels in language. You can work at your own pace while remaining rigorous and independent.

Courses by correspondence allow a refresher course in English or another living language. To do this, some language training organizations will be able to offer you different modules such as:

* development in English, more specific to your industry;

* exam preparation such as: TOEIC, TOEFL or BULATS (Business Language Testing Service).

Disadvantages of language courses by correspondence

The main disadvantage is the lack of oral practice:

* no direct interviews with a trainer;

* no interactivity, everything is in writing.

Language courses by correspondence are not enough to progress orally: you have to practice the language elsewhere.

Prices of these language courses by correspondence

Unlike classical language courses or language immersion, language courses by  correspondence are offered by language training organizations at a very reasonable price.

For the price of a language course by correspondence, count between US$ 150 and US$ 300  for the whole year depending on the level.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

When to review salary expectations downward?

A career is not an ascending curve, where pay is only increasing over the years. When should we revisit our salary expectations downwards with good grace?

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4 circumstances in which we can accept a reduction of wages

Revisit salary expectations downward, we are sometimes quickly confronted.

Young graduates: early low-paying career

In times of crisis, young graduates often have to start working with low wages:

* On the one hand, the company that hires them does not have the means to pay them or takes advantage of the excuse of the crisis to pay less.

* On the other hand, they are very numerous to want the job and to be qualified for... there is always one who will say yes to a low salary. Having a chance in the professional world, gaining experience, it has a price.

Professional reorientation

It is also possible to have to reduce salary benefits during the career. This happens especially for professionals who want to give a new direction to their career:

* For example, an employee may be tired of his missions and want to find new challenges.

* For this, it may be forced to change company and therefore to go on new salary bases, but will gain experience and will be more fulfilled!

Start your own business

Whoever wants to start his business will also face a significant decline in his income: before obtaining a salary, it sometimes takes 3-5 years of practice!

Lifestyle change

Leave a city for another, take a part time to take care of your children, change jobs... Progress and change, it sometimes requires having to make financial efforts.

Well negotiate your salary reduction

It is one thing to think about lower salary expectations, to sell off is another.

So, it is important to:

* set a floor salary;

* ensure that the new position provides compensation.

It must provide you with:

* an experience with real added value;

* but also benefits like telecommuting, a business phone, etc.

Finally, check that your new job offers you prospects for change in the next 2 years.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Language Courses by Telephone

The must to improve his oral! Language courses by telephone, such as online language courses (e-learning), are one of the most popular courses for companies to learn or improve in a foreign language. It is the ideal solution for overbooked diaries!

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Language course by telephone: which objectives?

Language courses by telephone are relatively effective to improve quickly the comprehension and speaking skills. It is the same for the accent.

Language courses by telephone allow to work intensively on the techniques of expression and oral comprehension, namely:

* Conversations with native English, German, Spanish teachers: you speak only in the language studied during all this time.

* Very good exercise for those who regularly work on the phone or move abroad.

* Help to overcome the apprehensions of the oral.

Language courses by telephone are extremely positive and allow you to be very quickly operational in your work thanks to very interactive teaching methods:

* The language courses are designed as discussions and can respond punctually to a very specific professional situation.

* Exercises adapted exclusively to your professional needs: business, finance, engineering, HR...

* Numerous role plays and professional scenarios: send an e-mail, negotiate with a supplier, case studies, simulation of meetings.

Language courses by telephone: how does it work?

Language classes by telephone are a very flexible option for people who have limited available time. They take place where you want when you want it: in the office or at home or even on the displacements.

Language courses by telephone take a short time, that is to say a duration (20 to 30 minutes on average).

They offer the student a lot of flexibility in his planning:

* Language courses by telephone are available online up to 12 hours prior to the course.

* Proposed schedules are very flexible: from 7h to 23h on weekdays and weekends.

* Classes are flexible: you can cancel a class a few hours before. However, it is important to focus on regularity to make better progress.

* Your trainer calls you wherever you are in the world when you travel.

It is appropriate to focus on calm and get in shape before starting your classes by phone. These require a lot of concentration because you will not be able to help yourself with gestures to make you understand your interlocutor.

Who is involved in language courses by telephone?

It is necessary to have the basics to get by on the phone and understand your teacher's instructions. It is not really recommended for real beginners but especially for other people with another level in language.

In any case, this formula makes it possible to quickly acquire an ease to speak and a good fluency in the oral.

Other methods of learning?

Language courses by telephone are often offered by language training organizations as a complement to another learning method such as:

* online language courses;

* private language courses, tailor-made that adapt to the profile of the student;

* an upgrade in English for a promotion, a job interview or an expatriation;

* a development in English in a much more specific field, such as human resources, law, marketing...

* intensive language courses or thematic seminars organized in a mini-group.

Price of language courses by telephone

Language courses by telephone are as expensive as private language courses. Count at least US$ 40 for one hour of training, a range from US$ 1 500 to US$ 2 000 to progress significantly.

A benefit: the student does not pay telephone calls, it is the trainer who calls (even abroad).

Good to know: it is possible for you to finance your courses by phone through the training plan of your company or to mobilize the rights acquired under the personal account of  activity which includes the rights of the personal account of training.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Distance Learning in Law

You wish to prepare a training to improve yourself in your profession or to reconvert yourself? Distance learning's principle is to make you work at your own pace, whatever the field: distance learning in law, distance learning in psychology, distance learning in accounting, distance learning in management, distance learning in secretary, distance learning in languages, distance learning in computer science.

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The law is omnipresent in every gesture of everyday life. Training in this subject is a good choice, because of the number of professional opportunities, or simply to know your rights, manage your wealth, etc.

A distance degree learning in law

To train yourself throughout your life, distance learning in law allows you to access national diplomas such as the capacity in law, the Bachelor and the Master 1. It is also possible to follow the Law and IT which is a diploma being habilitated.

* Some distance learning centers provide you with academics (professors and lecturers), professionals (magistrates, lawyers) to provide you with complete training and education. of quality for the purpose of obtaining a diploma.

* You can also benefit from a digital working environment by connecting to the e-learning platform which includes the essential and necessary educational resources to work well on your training (online courses, homework, tutorials, proofreading, discussion reports, chat, discussion forum...).

Good to know: international environmental law that develops through the adoption of regional, national or even international conventions is, in turn, very useful for the conservation of the environment and the use of natural resources. It can also be tracked independently.

Qualifying distance learning in law

Other organizations will offer you qualifying distance learning in law, which can be in the form of different modules, namely:

* Approach the law in a more basic way (basic legal vocabulary, civil law, commercial law, labor law, economic law, criminal law, european and international law...).

* Know the business economy in general: to obtain new essential skills to your professional career and that will better defend the interests of your company.

* The formation of corporate lawyer: very valuable partner who also defends the interests of his company. His missions are very varied (advice, drafting of contracts, assistance at the courts). The lawyer usually joins a specialized legal department (import/export, social, company law...).

Before registering for your training, find out about the required level, the duration of the studies and especially the content of the training. Some training organizations will offer you to complete your training with internships in their locals, in companies or in offices.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Online Language Courses

A small revolution to learn a language.

Online language courses are ideal for disciplined individuals who want to improve their writing skills. Online courses, also known as e-learning, are one of the most popular methods for companies and professionals to learn foreign languages.

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Principles of online language course:

Online language courses are a very simple way to progress in writing because they are based on learning via the Internet:

* Just choose a training website and subscribe.

* Once subscribed, the trainee has unlimited access to all offered teaching and learning tools:

- news articles and videos;
- audio and written exercises.

The different online courses formulas:

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There are different online course formulas:

* In self-learning or with a tutor: the student manages his own pace of progress or he is followed by a remote tutor who can "coach" and answer his various questions.

* Individually or collectively: the student is in self-study or follows online group courses taught by the same teacher to trainees around the world.

* Via a general learning software (courses, exercises) or via an online language organization (courses, exercises and personalized follow-up).

The online courses offer in all cases a personalized training path:

* The trainee receives texts or exercises adapted to his training program: training related to his professional duties or more general training.

* These paths emphasize grammar and vocabulary.

For a real increase in skills, language training organizations advise to associate this formula with other training methods: telephone language courses, classical language courses (private or group lessons). This is called "blended learning", a formula that alternates:

* the face-to-face courses with a trainer in a company or training center;

* the distance courses on the web.

Online language courses flexibility

Times change especially since we can surf the web. Today, the acquisition of a language is no longer done solely with the help of textbooks or in a classroom. The web has allowed us to evolve in an interactive world.

The online courses are very flexible for the student because they do not present any constraint of time and place:

* The trainee can be at his work place or at home.

* Only one need: have a computer and an Internet connection;

* He has no scheduling constraints: he connects when he has the time.

* He also has no training constraints: he chooses himself the pace of his sessions and his pace of progress.

Advantages and disadvantages of online language courses

Online language courses have both advantages and disadvantages.


The advantages for the student:

* It is possible to train independently 7 days a week and work at your own pace. As a result, we take the time to understand the lesson and do our exercises, so this formula is very flexible and very user-friendly.

* Online courses can be combined with other formulas such as telephone or individual courses.

* The learning tools are numerous: grammar rules, vocabulary, interactive games, oral accompaniment.

The advantages for the company are:

* The reduction of logistics costs in general associated with classical language courses: transport, catering, accommodation and other costs related to the organization...

* The reduction of training time.

* The reduction of absences of employees to their job related to their training.

The inconvenients

This is not a formula for everyone because it is not recommended for real beginners. 

Learning alone and remotely, when starting a foreign language, is not advisable.

* This type of learning requires basic knowledge to be effective.

* This is not the right formula to work effectively with dialogue, pronunciation and accent.

* Unlike traditional face-to-face language courses for all types of profiles, online courses require a lot of motivation and discipline.

* The dropout rate is higher with online courses than for conventional language courses.

Tips for successful online language courses

It is wise to organize your own schedule and respect it by evaluating the time you can devote to studying the language.

It is more appropriate to work regularly and daily exercises than to work a long session for hours at a rate of once a month.

Combining online courses with other course options, such as group classes or phone classes, allows you to progress faster.

Price of online language courses

You can finance your online courses through your company with its training plan or the personal training account.

In all cases, prices of online courses are relatively economical. Count between:

* US$ 120 and US$ 830 per person for a six-month period.

* US$ 180 and US$ 1 785 per person for the year.

If the courses are too expensive, you can also use free language classes that can be online or volunteer.