Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: November 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017

Private Language Classes

Depending on your profile, opt for private or group lessons. Private or group language courses are one of the most popular ways for companies to grow the skills of their employees.

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Private Language Classes: Principles

Unlike group classes, private or individual language classes are designed to the card. A teacher is dedicated to you personally and the dates and schedules of classes are flexible.

Private lessons allow you to progress at your own pace and work more intensively, but also to learn a language and/or improve your language skills in a favorable climate and confidence.

The objectives of the private language classes

Private classes are available at all levels in language, whether you are beginner, intermediate or advanced. They are taken as a session of 1 to 2 hours to reserve according to your availability and your needs.

The private lessons are intended to:

* have you prepare for various exams such as TOEIC preparation or TOEFL preparation;

* make you progress and/or to evolve in your professional career by opting for a refresher in English or to prepare an interview of recruitment or even an expatriation.

They also help to respond to an urgent situation such as:

* An improvement in English, which aims to allow employees to acquire very quickly technical skills in a specific function such as human resources, sales, purchases, law...

* After a linguistic immersion in foreign country, the formula of private lessons is that which makes it possible to progress more quickly in oral:

- the training program is designed exclusively for the trainee, according to his needs;
- through a face to face between the trainer and the trainee;
- very fast progress in oral and written form (comprehension and expression).

* Individual lessons are also very useful as tutoring, but also to prepare a tourist trip abroad.

The different formulas of private language classes

Individual classes can take place in several ways:

* face-to-face courses: student-teacher (in the office, at the teacher's or student's home).

* online language courses: you work with a private teacher. He may reside in his country of origin. In this case, the accent and the structure of sentences bring a better quality to the courses. These courses are less expensive than face-to-face courses because there are no travel expenses for the trainer.

* language immersion courses at a teacher's home are designed to help you progress very quickly. You are housed in a family in the country you have chosen and you take private lessons with the teacher who is a member of the family. This solution also allows you to go sightseeing and know the customs of the country.

One can also combine several formulas of private lessons and/or collective lessons.

How to choose a particular teacher?

It is best to choose a teacher with experience in teaching. You can also opt for a student with good language skills knowing that he/she will not have the same pedagogy as an experienced teacher.

However, it is advisable to opt for a teacher with strong qualifications especially if you have to prepare a competition, a recruitment or to obtain very quickly technical and complex skills. For students in college, a student can help them overcome their language difficulties.

Benefits of individual language classes

It is therefore a very effective formula to progress quickly in oral. The particular language courses are totally tailor-made and interactive.

These language classes, unlike group classes, are appreciated for the flexibility they bring:

* flexibility of schedules and planning: possibility of canceling or shifting in case of imperative... Nevertheless, do not take advantage of it to postpone your lessons constantly!

* flexibility in the program: possibility to stop longer with the trainer on a difficult point, easier speaking;

* the teacher corrects your exercises in real time and adapts to your level;

* suitable for people who have a busy schedule: the trainer can move to the company.

Particular language classes: hourly rate?

The hourly rate is calculated according to several criteria:

* The student's level: beginner, intermediate or advanced.

* The teacher's path: level of study, experience, courses to be taught, place of residence.

* The course planning: where the course takes place (at home, in the teacher's office or home), the duration of the course, the preparation of the course.

Private classes are more expensive than group classes. Teachers' hourly rates vary, for example 40 and 60 $ per hour for an experienced teacher.

Attention, these prices are given as an indication, some language training organizations will offer lower rates and much more important. You can also finance your courses through the training plan of your company or use the personal training account that is part of the personal activity account.

How to Present your Career Path

Can you present your career path in a few words?

Whether it is a job interview, an oral competition, a contact interview or a trade show, this question will be very often asked. It gives your interlocutor his first impression. It is up to you to make it positive.

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Here are some tips to present your career path.

1 - Find out about the position and the involved company

You can not go to a company, whether for a recruitment interview or for a contact, without knowing about the sector, the company and the job.

Show through your presentation that you know why and where you present yourself.

* The sector of concerned activity: consult websites dedicated to the sector:

- do a search by keywords;
- think about the sites of some professional journals rich in information on sectors and trades;
- collect information on difficulties, projects, changes in the sector, actors, the regulatory framework, etc. Take a look at the ones that you think are most relevant to your goal - those that can impact your career future.

* The concerned company:

- go to the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) to consult the company files and the Compass (company directory) where you will find information (the names of directions, contact information, different products, etc.);

- think of the company rankings published each year by some journals;
- consult the company website;
- compile articles about the company (which can be found at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the media library or on the company website) published in the local press and in the specialized press. Take note of the highlights: commitments, values​​(charter), projects, key people, success stories, etc.

* The job, the coveted position:

- consult jobs descriptions: those of the company's site, those of sector sites or some employment website;
- remember the terms of the ad;
- the same day or a few days before the interview, you can receive a file on the post and the company: study it, remember the key points.

Tip: Make a summary of the information collected to keep in mind the clearest view of the company and position you are applying for.

2 - Prepare your argument to describe your professional path

The presentation of your professional path must include some sentences to:

* showcase your experiences and skills;

* showcase yourself through the fluidity and clarity of your presentation;

* demonstrate the relevance of your application or project;

* express your motivation.

Prepare the elements of your presentation

Take a look at the key elements gathered on the job and the company in question and scan your resume:

* do not repeat what is in your CV, your interlocutor will have it in front of you;

* present your training;

* eliminate the experiences and skills that do not match the position or your project. 

Some experiences that are not directly related may include skills that can serve your purpose, to you to highlight them;

* remember the experiences and skills that match the position or your project.

Write a presentation of the experiences and skills you have selected

Find a coherence in what you did, explain your choices of path: create links between your experiences. Show your ability to think about your choices. Do not give the impression to have been thrown by life, passively following the course of events.

* Show the links of your career with the position or the project:

- the chronological presentation must be very fast: explain each step in one sentence. Do not hesitate to explain your choice of training or career;
- detail only 2 or 3 experiences or skills, the most relevant.

Tip: consider presenting the results you have achieved.

* Make it your own, read your notes before going on an interview, train with a friend.

Important: do not learn by heart, you will lack spontaneity during the interview and may be disturbed by interruptions (such as questions of precision) of your interlocutor. Your presentation should only last about ten minutes.

3 - Explain your professional path

During the interview, present your professional path.

* Look after the form:

- control your flow;
- articulate;
- look at your interlocutors;
- smile;
- be short and concise;
- avoid lulling your interlocutors into a monotone tone: vary your intonations;
- do not be imbued with your person: do not arrive in conquered territory. Affirm your know-how or your expertise in all humility.

* Organize your presentation:

- if you have not done so already, start quickly with your first and last name and your place of residence;
- announce the guideline of your presentation: “I propose to introduce myself to my professional project... (name it), or position...” or “why I apply?”. The rest of your presentation will naturally take the tone of an argument: “Because I trained at..., during my course I...”.
- quickly present the main stages of your career and detail 2 or 3 experiences most related to your project;
- conclude by opening the dialogue: for example “I showed you my experience, could you, in turn, tell me more about the post?”.

Good to know: your interlocutor must be able to find answers to his questions without having to ask them. However, remain open to questions of precision.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

E-learning, effective solution or gadget?

E-learning, blended-learning, mobile-learning... These terms flourish and it is complicated to navigate! Is digital an interest in learning or is it just a fad?

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E-learning, blended-learning, mobile-learning, rapid-learning, how to navigate?

These somewhat barbaric terms hide a rather simple distinction. E-learning refers to any training device that uses the internet to broadcast, interact or communicate.

Blended learning describes a device that combines classroom learning and online learning. The goal of new technologies is then to complete the classroom, not replace it.

Finally, mobile learning involves learning on a smartphone.

Have new technologies changed teaching?

Of course, the habits of the students have changed, they are very connected and always have their smartphone at hand. They are neither worse nor better than before, they are simply different from the students of twenty years ago.

Given this fact, it is essential to adapt the way we teach. All students may have access to online media, accessible from their smartphone, as well as thematic quizzes to train. This allows them to revise differently.

Variation of media facilitates memorial anchoring: when information is seen through different media, the neural paths that lead to it are strengthened, and the information becomes easier to recover.

The quizzes allow them to learn while being active. The worst enemy of learning is passivity. Passively reading and re-reading your lesson is useless, while testing yourself is the best way to remember.

Is e-learning effective?

The scientific literature is clear: e-learning is a real interest for students. Nevertheless, the conditions in which it is proposed must be observed.

The student must be accompanied, which is why all online courses offer support (sponsorship, methodological support or white competitions in the premises).

A good e-learning device must also allow the student to interact with his peers. This is why there are forums, on which the students can answer each other. A subject specialist supervises the answers that are given and provides details. In this way, a true community is created and helps each other at a distance.

Education and Expatriation: Choose Dubai!

You wish to study abroad but have not yet chosen your destination? Have you ever thought of studying in Dubai? Here you find everything you need to know about this extraordinary city full of resources!

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Study in Dubai: dream or reality?

Like many students, you wish to expatriate. You think you have toured possible destinations: Canada, USA, England, Spain, Germany, China, Australia, South Africa, etc. 

Have you thought of the United Arab Emirates? It is true that when we hear "Dubai", we do not necessarily think about studies.

But among the gigantic buildings, luxury yachts and paradisiacal islands, hide many formations and institutions of the superior. The fields of studies are very varied, which will delight the expatriates:

* Trade

* Engineering

* International business

* Communication

* Marketing

* Management

* Etc.

Which trainings do we find in Dubai?

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In Dubai, you will find mainly specialized schools offering courses ranging from high school diploma + 3 to high school diploma + 5, recognized internationally:

* bachelors

* masters


These trainings can be followed full-time, in continuous training or alternately.

How much do studies cost in the United Arab Emirates?

For the lucky ones in possession of the UAE nationality, the studies will be free. Foreign students will be required to pay tuition fees of approximately US$ 10,000 annually. This amount will vary depending on the stream and level of studies you will be integrating.

The UAE study visa

To study in Dubai, expatriates must be in possession of a study visa. To obtain it, they must get closer to their future training establishment and request a sponsorship from this university.

This visa is a fee and requires the deposit of a sum close to US$ 300, which will be refunded upon departure of the student from the United Arab Emirates.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Steps to Negotiate your Departure

The law allows the employee to leave his company by mutual agreement with his employer: it is the contract terminition.

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Here are the steps to follow in order to convince your employer to adhere to the contract terminition.

Make up your file as soon as possible

In most cases, it is a disagreement with his hierarchy that pushes employees to turn to contract terminition.

Good to know: this procedure can be initiated by both the employee and the employer.
It only concerns employees benefiting from a permanent contract, regardless of their seniority:

* As a preliminary, you must list the reasons why you want to leave the company.

* Then you have to put yourself in your employer's place: what is his interest when you leave?

The advantage of the contract terminition on the employer side is at the legal level: unlike dismissal, the contract terminition can not be challenged.

Choose the right moment

Is this the right time to leave? And is it the right time to apply?

In this time of crisis, many employees play the card of caution. Yet, according to recruitment experts, opportunities are real and some skills are and will remain popular.

The right moment is when the convictions of the employee become stronger than the conjuncture!

Tip: Before taking the plunge, find out about your company's practices. Is contract terminition used or not used at all in your company? If so, have outgoing employees received benefits such as training?

Do not hesitate to contact the staff representatives who can provide you with valuable information.

Finally, it is very important when you leave a company to stay on good terms, because you never know what the future holds!

Make a skills assessment

The skills assessment will enable the employee to analyze his aptitudes, his personal and professional skills, his motivations as well as to organize his professional priorities.

You can request a skills assessment that can be financed by collecting body to which the employer pays the contribution intended to finance the individual training leave.

An employee who has at least 5 years of salaried activity, including 12 months in the company, may apply for a leave of absence of up to 24 hours to carry out a skills assessment.

Important: the company can not organize itself the skills assessment for its employees. This must remain a service provided by specialists outside the company.

Speak to the right interlocutor

Meet with your manager and express your dissatisfaction and maybe even your frustration in your current position. No need to formalize your request in writing or advance any reason.

* If he objects to you, do not let yourself be demoralized, but simply change the interlocutor: for example, contact a human resources manager.

* If your interlocutor does not object, several interviews to determine the date of your departure will take place. Then a rupture agreement is signed.

Tip: never consider contract terminition as a tussle, because you risk pointing your interlocutor. On the contrary, it is an agreement that must lead to a win/win result.

Above all, be persuasive! You must have your employer adhere to your original plan.

Since he has no obligation to accept this rupture or even to start negotiations, it is better to take the tweezers. If you seem too sure of yourself, he will not hesitate to remind you that if you really want to leave, it is up to you to resign (procedure which involves no compensation)!

Do not position yourself as a victim

On the contrary, you must be constructive and convincing to facilitate the transition. In this type of approach, the employee must be proactive: he must not hesitate to ask what he wants while arguing this request.

* It is rather rare that the ideal financial proposal falls from the sky... You must go and get it!

* If you are afraid of meeting with your employer, do not hesitate to be assisted by a staff representative.

Last but not least, reassure your employer of your discretion, as he may fear a "contagion effect" within his company. This point can even be contractualized.

Calculate your compensation

The employer must pay a compensatory indemnity for paid leave and a non-taxable termination indemnity equivalent to the statutory severance pay. Generally Its amount can not be less than 1/4 of salary per year of seniority for years up to 10 years and 1/3 of salary per year of seniority for years from 10 years.

In addition, the contract terminition has the advantage of being entitled to unemployment benefits.

To obtain more, one must be in a position of strength, which is not the case of an employee wishing to leave a company without having anything to reproach his employer. 

But some elements allow to obtain a higher indemnity:

* difficulties finding an equivalent job because of his age;

* or economic problems in the industry.

Good to know: Executives over the age of 55 can obtain, in the name of the loss caused by their departure, an indemnity offsetting the lifetime reduction of their retirement pension.

Finally, the employee can always decline the proposal of his company without being sanctioned.

However, the boss who agrees to sign the contract terminition to "settle" his employee without paying him compensation is illegal.

Optimize your Chances to Land an Interim Mission

Interim pays well, but you are not the only one to have thought about it. All agencies have piles of applications like yours. If you want to find missions, and especially find the best, you will have to put yours. These tips make the point.

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1 - Interim interview: take care of your presentation

This may seem obvious, but for some, the basics do not seem to be acquired yet... be shaved, combed, with clean and ironed clothes if necessary.

When the interim agency employee receives a mission request from a company, which candidate will come to mind first? That who marked him.

Indeed, the quality of temporary recruits will serve the image of the interim agency: it has every interest to offer irreproachable and well dressed interim.

2 - Prepare a complete and clear file

By searching the database of potential candidates, the agency will have to be able to easily find you: it will therefore be necessary for your application to come out quickly and clearly from the list.

The CV is a key piece of your file, but also include:

* Letters of reference and supporting documents: this is what will differentiate you from other candidates;

* a photocopy of your identity card or passport;

Good to know: if you give a computer file, give a correct name to your files and put a title to your resume to optimize your reference in the database of the agency!

You will give the image of someone who wishes to facilitate the work of the interim agency. This connection can therefore be more easily returned to you than if you wait until you are asked.

3 - Engage the contact

Do not just file your documents:

* initiate the contact with your interlocutor;

* submit your candidacy;

* give him your CV.

Good to know: if you see that you arrive at the wrong time, prefer to go back later to make contact rather than leave your CV on the corner of a desk. This is the best way to be forgotten!

If you are offered a coffee, it is a good sign: take advantage of it to set up a relationship between the agency and you. Once again, which candidate will come first to the mind of the staff, when a company will ask for a mission? The one we remember the most.

4 - Target the right agencies to get your interim mission

Take the time to identify which agencies are specialized in your profession. Make a list and introduce yourself to many. At worst, you will have too many mission requests and will have to refuse.

5 - Relaunch with skill

Between restart and insist, there is a limit not to cross: be the one who shows his motivation, do not be the one who disturbs.

Relaunching can simply involve getting into an off-duty interim agency with a big smile, saying that one has come for a coffee. To use sparingly, this method is reserved for less shy.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Talk about your Former Job with your Recruiter

You are going to have a job interview. How to talk about your old job?

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Looking for a new job. Among the embarrassing questions a recruiter may ask you is "tell me about your old position" or "why did you leave your old job? ". Whatever your feelings about it, always be honest and moderate. Here are some tips to help you.

1 - Talk well about your old missions

You may have been passionate, indifferent or unmotivated by your former missions. In any case, we will have to address them:

* start by exposing some positive points;

* then, discuss the negative points that will not be taken up, as you know, in the job proposed by the recruiter.

For example: you are applying for a sales assistant job. Previously, you worked in a call center: explain that you like to serve the customer and offer him new products but that, on the other hand, the dematerialized relationship did not suit you.

2 - Talk well about your former employer

The recruiter is interested in your missions but also in the relationship you had with your previous employer.

This can give him an idea of ​​how you handle hierarchical relationships:

* So, do not go down in flame your previous employer, even if he set unattainable goals.

* In the same way, do not incense it to the risk that one finds you nostalgic.

* Prefer a boat answer of the type: " maintain very professional relations. He knew how to motivate his teams".

3 - Talk well about your departure

End of fixed-term contract, dismissal, voluntary departure, you left your job:

* You do not have to give the exact reason to the recruiter, especially if you have been fired for misconduct.

* But try to be honest; even if they do not have the right, some employers inquire.

* So, be sure to focus on an objective cause of departure rather than a subjective cause, on facts rather than feelings.

For example: prefer to say "my employer required me to work overtime every night" to "my employer did not respect my family life". Similarly, "there was no job available at the end of my fixed-term contract" is preferable to "I think my manager was afraid I would shade him".

Enjoy The Benefits of Your Smartphone for Job Search

If you are looking for a job, always keep your smartphone at your fingertips! This little beast could be your best friend if you manage to tame it.

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Respond to job offers with discreet alerts, see ads posted near you in real time, show your involvement in your field via social networks... All possibilities offered by these endearing companions.

Job search: enjoy the responsiveness of smartphone

Ad posted online often collects more than a hundred responses in the day, so responsiveness is paramount. In this context, your smartphone is a valuable asset.

You can download all kinds of applications on your smartphone to find a job: all major pros social networks now have their iOS, Android and Windowsphone application.

If they have the same functions as websites, the smartphone ensures better ergonomics and responsiveness. We thus find the possibility to:

* search, view and apply for all job offers that match your profile;

* be alerted on your mobile phone when an offer meeting your criteria is published;

* follow your applications for these offers;

* manage your resume and cover letter from the app;

* save your searches.

Good to know: these applications are free!

Answering a job offer with your smartphone can be very responsive:

* you can respond to the offers that interest you as soon as they are posted;

* by storing your CV on your memory card, you are ready for any eventuality.

Note: some companies even have an application dedicated to their recruitments. Check on the store of your smartphone if the company you are targeting offers such applications.

Looking for work discreetly

As much in the office you may be surprised looking for work, as during your lunch break you can browse the classifieds while walking.

An ad has just been published while you are on coffee break with your colleagues? Take out your smartphone and pretend to respond to a customer. You combine responsiveness and discretion!

Show your involvement through pro social networks

When someone is actively looking for a job, participates in many meetings, professional aperitifs, shows and others:

* Take photos, add your comments and post them on your professional networks such as LinkedIn and Viadeo.

* When hiring managers and other headhunters check your profile, they will be able to see your activity, and will be more likely to contact you.

Good to know: the geolocation of job offers is also starting to be one of the assets of job search with smartphone. Thus, an application that sends an SMS when passing in front of a company looking for a profile corresponding to us is in development.

So many little things that can make a big difference.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Ways to Catch up in English

Mastery of English language is acquired through communication and training. Gaps are catching up, even for adults!

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Take courses

It is obvious, but it is also the most effective solution! To learn English, you can simply take or resume classes:

* to revise essential points;

* to take an exam (TOEIC);

* before a stay abroad.

Good to know: TOEIC or TOEFL are exams that determine the level of candidate. They also offer a guarantee of quality on CV especially for a foreign candidate.

Leaving several months abroad

Nothing is more effective for learning a language than to fully immerse in the culture and civilization of a country.

To leave for a long or a short time in a foreign country allows to:

* speak, think and even dream in the language of country;

* learn the words of everyday language to be able to hold a conversation;

* understand the culture and customs of a people;

* make considerable progress very quickly.

Good to know: students, expatriates or young workers, do not forget to make sure before leaving.

Download an application on your phone

Many free or paid apps offer the ability to review a grammar point or perform translation exercises on your Smartphone. Most of them are content with written work, but some of them can be used to repeat orally heard words.

They are useful to:

* practice English everywhere and without materials;

* spend time intelligently!

Good to know: these apps can help you interact with people when you visit a foreign country. To do this, choose an application that installs on your mobile, without having to connect beforehand.

TOEIC and TOEFL for the MBA

TOEIC and TOEFL, two essential tests to integrate an MBA.

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Succeed the TOEIC

The TOEIC, Test of English for International Communication, is an English language test that determines the level of a candidate.

A minimum score is usually required to join a university abroad or a training in English as the MBA.

How is the TOEIC going?

The TOEIC measures the professional level of English. To have an honorable TOEIC score, you must already have a good level of English. The TOEIC test is divided into two parts:

* The TOEIC Listening and Reading: This first part lasts 2 hours. It is composed of about a hundred questions of oral comprehension (45 min) and a hundred questions of written comprehension (1 h 15). The questions are in the form of multiple choice questions.

* The TOEIC Speaking and Writing: The second part lasts 1 h 20. It consists of a written expression test (1 h) and an oral expression test (20 min).

What is each test?

* For the oral comprehension test, candidates listen to 4 texts in English and must answer a multiple choice questionnaire and several written questions. Each text is read only once.

* For the written comprehension test, the candidates have 3 exercises:

- The first is to complete several sentences with the help of a word.
- The second exercise is to complete a text using a group of words to choose from several proposals,
- The third exercise consists of reading and written questions.

* For the written expression test, candidates must answer 11 questions. One of these questions is an essay. The purpose of this test is to show your level in English. Vocabulary, grammar, organization and coherence are analyzed.

* For the oral expression, the candidates are invited to pass an interview which makes it possible to define their fluency in the English language. The pronunciation and the construction of sentences are judged and define the note.

TOEIC notation

The TOEIC is rated on 990 points:

* 495 for the Listening and Reading part;

* 495 for the Speaking and Writing part.

One color is assigned to each level:

* Orange: between 10 and 215 points;

* Brown: between 220 and 465 points;

* Green: between 470 and 725 points;

* Blue: between 730 and 855 points;

* Gold: between 860 and 990 points.

The best schools recruit candidates with a gold score. It takes at least a "blue" score to integrate an MBA.

Succeed the TOEFL

The TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language, is an English test that assesses the level of applicants wishing to enter a university program abroad.

The TOEFL, as its name indicates, assesses the level of English of a candidate taking into account that English is not his native language.

How is TOEFL going?

There are two types of TOEFL tests:

* The Paper-Based TOEFL rated on 677 points. The test is composed of several tests: grammar MCQ, oral and written comprehension MCQ and finally writing.

* The Internet-Based TOEFL, rated 120 points. It is composed of 4 tests: reading, listening, oral and writing, in format adapted to Internet.

What is each test?

* The objective of oral comprehension test is to analyze the candidate's ability to understand English. Candidates listen to a conversation and answer questions about what is said. The test lasts from 45 to 70 minutes.

* The written expression test analyzes knowledge in grammar. Candidates have a text that they must complete using words or groups of words. The test lasts from 15 to 20 minutes.

* The reading comprehension test examines the candidate's ability to read and understand a text but also his level of vocabulary. The test is a text study with comprehension questions to write. It lasts from 70 to 90 minutes.

* The writing test is decisive because it indicates the real level of candidate in English. Everything is analyzed: ability to write, to build sentences, richness of vocabulary, grammar, coherence and organization. The test lasts 30 minutes.