Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: April 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017

Project Chief Assistant

The project chief assistant is the true mainstay of the production chain of a website or a multimedia project. Apprenticeship, it is an ideal springboard before taking totally in the hands large projects.
Project Chief Assistant
Responsible for assisting the project manager in the design process, the role of the assistant is paramount insofar as he is his operational relay. On a daily basis, he works with all the players in the production chain, enabling him to understand the constraints of each job and to evaluate the difficulties encountered in running a project.

Able to learn in the job

His missions are varied: It takes part in the initial design phase, takes care of the monitoring and updating of the schedules, assists the technical teams, manages the day-to-day relations with the service providers and ensures the compliance of the specifications with the realization.
As an experienced computer scientist, he may be involved in hardware or software bugs. Ingenuity, adaptability and resourcefulness are part of his specifications!

Skills required for project chief assistant

- Rigor and method
- Good interpersonal skills, good listening skills
- Team spirit, adaptability
- Expression skills, creativity
- Sense of analysis and synthesis
- Computer and technological skills

Curriculum / training

This profession is accessible to holders of a high school diploma + 5 specialized in project management with a good knowledge of the new information and communication technologies tools. Many private and public schools are developing.


The opportunities are real in the highly evolving sector of new information and communication technologies.

Professional evolution

The assistant of project manager is very soon to take charge of a project manager function. In most multimedia or internet companies, the role of assistant lasts less than two years, sometimes only a few months. It is a necessary passage and an indispensable learning time before taking direct responsibility for projects.

IT Project Manager

The IT Project Manager is responsible for designing, developing, enhancing and delivering applications on behalf of a client.

The job of IT Project Manager

The IT project manager occupies a very transversal function, since his primary mission is to pilot a project from A to Z, by making working different specialists in a coordinated way.
IT Project Manager
Interface and assembly point of all the skills to intervene (engineers, technicians, customers, suppliers, etc.), it is the guarantor of the project progress and the deadlines respect. This role of organizer requires of him solid qualities in project management.

Translating a need

He ensures the translation of the customer's needs into functional and technical specifications, up to the final recipe, or even put into production.
His goal is to complete the project by producing quality deliverables, in accordance with the specifications defined with the upstream customer, while respecting the deadlines and the budget.
The project manager evaluates the costs of the operations to be carried out as well as the stakes and risks of the development.

Skills needed to practice the job

- Demonstrate leadership, rigor and adaptability qualities
- Have a sense of customer service
- Ability to analyze and synthesize
- Good managerial qualities

Training courses to become IT Project Manager

It is recommended to hold a degree in Computer Science to become a Project Manager. We will also be able to apply for a high school's diploma + 4 / + 5 in a computer field.
Specific technical competence will be systematically required. To be IT project manager, it is usually required to have some years of experience in development or consulting.
However, it is possible to integrate an engineering school and gain access to the title of Project Manager.

Job opportunities for IT Project Manager

Private or public sector: the project manager is sought everywhere. He works in user companies such as commercial enterprises, retailers, automobile manufacturers, telecommunication groups, large companies... Above all, he is a must in digital services companies, many companies choosing to outsource their IT. The outlets are therefore numerous.

Professional evolution

On the technical side, the IT project manager can evolve towards expertise or counsel. But most turn to management: manager or project manager (supervisor of several project managers), IT manager, information systems manager. Those who are interested in negotiating are moving towards the commercial function: business engineer...

Labor Law

Labor law is the set of norms that govern the relations between employer and worker.
Labor Law

Definition of labor law

The official definition of labor law is as follows: "Labor law is the set of legal rules applicable to the individual and collective relations which arise between private employers and those who work under their authority for a remuneration called wages".
The aim of labor law is therefore to regulate relations between employers and employees in order to protect both parties.
Good to know: Labor law is a branch of social law which also includes the law of social security and mutual insurance.

Sources of labor law

Labor law is the product of many intertwining sources, including:
* laws and regulations, codified in the Labor Code;
* collective agreements;
* branch agreements;
* business agreements;
* work contract;
* internal rules;
* but also the law of the national and community jurisprudence, etc.

Labor Law domain

Labor law does not apply to all workers. Certain categories of workers are not affected. It is the case of:
* Independent workers (liberal professions, traders, craftsmen).
* Public sector workers:
- whether public or contractual, persons working in a public service are not covered by labor law;
- since labor law is applicable only in the private sector, all employees in the public service are governed by public law.

Fundamentals of labor law

Labor law governs the rights and duties of employers and employees. Employers have the following rights and duties:
* giving instructions;
* monitoring the work done;
* rewarding or punishing;
* remunerate their employees.
Employees have the following duties:
* perform the requested tasks;
* respect the internal rules of the company.
Labor law also regulates the employment contract: it is indissociable. The employment contract is the official document binding the employer and the employee. It is made of:
* the description of the tasks to be performed;
* the associated remuneration;
* the rights and duties of each party.

Human Resources Assistant

Mostly administrative tasks, interesting outlets. The human resources assistant performs all administrative activities of the HR department. He is placed under the authority of the HR manager and assists him in his duties.
 human resources assistant

Human Resources Assistant Functions

Depending on the company size, he is responsible for:
* processing employee pay records;
* entering computerized data;
* managing staff absences and leaves;
* preparing documents, notes and reports for internal and external dissemination;
* carry out the planning of each employee;
* implementing training plans;
* participating in group meetings;
* drafting job offers under the supervision of the Human Resources Director;
* receiving and forwarding applications to HRD;
* taking charge of documents related to social agencies;
* circulating information to staff.

Main skills and competences of an HR assistant

The job of HR assistant requires the following essential qualities to practice:
* computer skills;
* developed relationship;
* impartiality;
* discretion;
* rigor;
* method;
* versatility;
* knowledge of the company;
* perfect proficiency of a second language;
* adaptability.

Required studies to fill the position of HR Assistant

Numerous courses lead to a diploma allowing access to the position of human resources assistant. A minimum high school +2 is required. However, some employers require high school +3 to +5. Here are some examples of curriculum:
* High school +2:
- Assistant Director;
- Management Assistant SME/SMI;
- Accounting and Management;
- Business and Government Management.
* High school +3:
- professional license specialty human resources management;
- law, economics, human resources management.
* High school +5:
- master pro specialty Law of economic and social activities;
- master pro social and labor law;
- master pro Law, Economics and Business Administration;
- master pro specialty HR.
- diploma of the large schools: Political Studies Institute, Business Administration Institute, MBA Business Management.
In general, graduate of high school +5 will start in his first position as an HR assistant, before moving to higher responsibilities, such as HRR or HRD.

HR Assistant and Development Opportunities

In large companies, the HR Assistant can evolve into a larger position that requires accountability. After several years of experience, the human resources assistant can become:
* HR manager;
* Human resources consultant;
* Recruitment officer.

Salary of an HR Assistant

With 3 years of experience, an HR assistant earns about $24,000 to $27,000 gross annually.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Handicapped Workers

An handicapped worker is a person whose reduced physical or mental abilities are an obstacle to obtaining or retaining a job.

Resultado de imagem para handicapped worker

In order to benefit from measures favorable to disabled workers, the status of handicapped workers must be recognized by the Committee on the Rights of Self-Employed Persons with Disabilities. It is also recognized after a procedure of recognition of the quality of handicapped worker.

It is now referred to as disability cumbersome. Recognition of the disability burden allows the disabled employer or worker to receive further aid.

Several types of jobs for handicapped workers

The recognition of the disabled worker status provides certain advantages. The occupational integration of the disabled worker is favored and adapted to the disability burden. Some establishments favor the reception of handicapped workers:

* in an ordinary environment: working from home for the disabled via Home Work Distribution Center or an adapted company, or disabled work in the public service;

* in an environment protected by work in establishments that employ exclusively handicapped workers.

The rights of handicapped people at work

In labor law, the disabled worker benefits from two types of measures.

Common law measures

Common law measures, that is to say identical to those of any worker and whose application is strictly controlled:

* the wage of the handicapped worker: whatever the workplace, the disabled worker benefits from the principle of guaranteed remuneration, but the nature of his remuneration varies according to the type of company in which he works;

* the principle of non-discrimination of disability: the law guarantees equal treatment of disabled workers in the field of access to employment, in cases of discrimination, they have several remedies;

* the right to training for the handicapped worker: he may undertake a training course of common law or a specific training, exclusively for handicapped workers recognized as such at the end of the recognition of the quality of handicapped worker procedure.

Specific measures for handicapped workers

These specific measures concern:

* the retirement of the disabled worker: he can benefit from an early retirement from the age of 55 or higher;

* the dismissal of the handicapped worker: he has a protective dismissal scheme and can not in any case be dismissed on the ground of his disability.

Aid for handicapped workers: Departmental House for Handicapped People

The status of handicapped worker gives rise to the right to a favorable professional integration. Disabled workers benefit, in particular, from financial aid to compensate for their disability. Departmental House for Handicapped People help which consists for example:

* vocational integration assistance;

* aid for professionalization and apprenticeship contracts;

* retention aids, etc.

It benefits the handicapped employer and/or worker.

Departmental House for Handicapped People assistance consists of financial, human and material assistance for the handicapped worker.

Employer: employment of disabled workers

Employers are required to comply with a number of obligations and procedures for the employment of persons with disabilities.

Employer obligations: 6% of disabled workers

Employers who meet the legal requirements are required to employ disabled workers. This obligation enables handicapped workers who wish to work in the ordinary environment to obtain the job more easily. Each year, employers must complete a declaration of workers with disabilities that enables the state to know if they are meeting their obligations. If they do not fill them, or not fully, they must pay the tax of Departmental House for Handicapped People.

Good to know: the Law for growth, activity and equal economic opportunities, extends the possibilities of employers to meet their obligation to employ handicapped workers.

Employment contract for handicapped workers

Handicapped workers benefit from specific employment contracts adapted to their disability and intended to encourage employers to hire them: the unique integration contract and the apprenticeship contract.

The good practices of the employer of a disabled worker

The employer is required to comply with "good practices", in particular for:

* the recruitment of a disabled worker: the recruitment of a disabled worker follows the same process as that of a valid worker, but he/she benefits from certain advantages;

* the insertion of disabled workers in their companies: employers must implement the necessary means to accommodate disabled workers through the layout of the workplace and that of working time;

* training on disability: to better know and understand the challenges of disability in the workplace, employers or companies' HRDs are advised to take appropriate training.

Handicapped workers: who to contact?

The disabled worker as well as the employer have the possibility to be supported by many interlocutors:

* The association for managing the fund for the professional integration of people with disabilities. It has a role of advice, training, guidance, management of financial aid.

* The departmental house for handicapped people. It manages administrative procedures for handicapped workers.

* The institutions and services of assistance by labor. They enable persons with disabilities who can not work in an ordinary environment to work in a protected environment with a medico-social follow-up.