Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: December 2016

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Negotiation Techniques

Driving a negotiation can not be improvised!
Knowing how to conduct a negotiation requires reactivity, diplomacy, adaptation and a lot of creativity and talent.
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What are negotiation techniques?

You have a client to convince or an ongoing project management, in this case, your ability to negotiate is essential.
Negotiation techniques involve communication and interpersonal communication.
To succeed in a negotiation, it is pertinent:
* To establish a climate of confidence to better understand the other party,
* To interpret the points that other deems important.

Which approach to negotiation?

There are three approaches to negotiation: winner/loser - loser/loser - winner/winner
* Winner/loser: you win the negotiation and the other lost,
* Loser/loser: neither side wants to give up, negotiation is at an impasse, goals will not be achieved,
* Winner/winner: Everyone gets roughly what he wants, both parties are satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations.
The win/win approach is therefore the most sensible.

The various processes of negotiation techniques

There are several negotiation processes:
* Preparation: setting specific objectives, anticipating each other's requests and implementing a strategy;
* Discussions about the project: understanding what the other is waiting for, listening and asking the right questions;
* Proposals and solutions: analyze the consequences in order to propose innovative solutions;
* The negotiation of a compromise: think quickly to make concessions within acceptable limits while maintaining the main objectives;
* Finalization of agreements:
- Formulate the agreement and prepare the implementation of the project: (date, program, definition of terms),
- Take a step back for reflection.

When to negotiate?

You have gathered information on the other party and established your strategy, you are finally ready to sit at the negotiating table:
* When managing a meeting,
* Where you will have to make a presentation and also a public speaking,
* A meeting report on the outcome of the negotiation will be drafted: it will include accepted and/or negotiated points, disagreements, deadlines and terms of negotiation.

The strengths of a good negotiator

First of all, the appearance of the negotiator is vital: dress, warm smile, firm handshake as well as a lot of courtesy = mastery of the image that one wishes to give to others.
An end and talented negotiator has the following strengths:
* Listening is essential,
* Be patient and persistent,
* Be able to express himself clearly and concisely,
* Be firm and determined,
* Be full of resources,
* Have a good synthesis mind,
* Have a good concentration capacity,
* Be farseeing,
* Be diplomat,
* Manage stress.
A good negotiator is able to handle conflicts.

How to conclude?

You have put forward your arguments, made constructive proposals, but concessions will have been made.
The other party is therefore interested in your offer because:
* You have been credible,
* Your arguments were relevant,
* What you propose is achievable,
* The agreement will be concluded now, once signed:
- do not come back,
- flee the questions after the closing so as nothing to question.
Important: It is strongly advised to analyze the results of the negotiation (strengths and weaknesses) by discussing with teams. This analysis will be useful in a forthcoming negotiation.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Search For a Job on The Internet

To find a job, whether you are already on the job or you are actively looking for it, you have to put in place monitoring tools.

Image result for Search For a Job on The Internet

Here is how to do your job search on the internet.

Subscribe to job alerts

The first monitoring tool of course, is subscription:
* Target job sites that may post offers matching your expectations.
* You can also create an alert on the sites of companies you would like to integrate.
* Define clearly your search criteria and ask to receive an email as soon as an  announcement matching your expectations is posted.
Often, there is only one check box! It is therefore very easy approach to implement. Your alerts will then do all the work for you.

Use social networks

Social networks are a great way to find a job. They are to exploit the day before.

Twitter and Facebook

If you have an account on Twitter, please note that you can subscribe to the specialist account flow in the publication of job postings in your sector. You can even create an anonymous profile dedicated to this activity, in order not to be disturbed by other information.
On Facebook, pages dedicated to offers of internship, fixed-term contract or permanent contract exist: subscribe to receive the news on your newsfeed.

Viadeo and Linkedin

If you have a Viadeo or Linkedin account, update it: many recruiters go through these social networks to find candidates.
Make regular updates so that the search engines keep you at the top of their listings.
Good to know: attention, if you are already posted, do not specify that you are actively seeking employment, your employer might take it wrong!

Online CV

In the same spirit, you can submit your CV on specialized and recognized resume sites.

Read the press

In the press, you will often find articles about companies coming up, recruiting, etc. By simply reading the newspaper, you could find some addresses where to send your resume.
For more information, bet on:
* The local press, which will inform you about the opportunities in your region;
* The specialized press, which will inform you about the sector opportunities of your activity.

Make your network playing!

Remember to make your network playing, activate and maintain it! Talk about your projects and your applications around you, your future boss may be nearby!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Job Seeker: Hiring

Your application was a hit, you passed your job interview successfully, the same is true for recruitment tests.
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We will now have to think about the formalities required by the Labor Code to be hired in your new company.

What about hiring formalities?

Before hiring

Before concluding a hiring, it is often referred during the recruitment interview, the issue of compensation This issue of wage bargaining will be approached with strategy and finesse.
This wage negotiation will determine your "value" in the job market at the time of your recruitment.

Other formalities

The call you were hoping for is finally coming. Your efforts have borne fruit, the recruiter informs you that you are going to be hired within his company, it is a promise of verbal hiring.
However, in order to avoid future litigation, we advise you to ask your prospective employer to prepare a promise to hire you, in which the latter agrees in writing. This will allow you to resign in peace, if you are already employed in another company.

The employment contract

Then comes the employment contract that we want to sign quickly.
Do not pack and reread it carefully to avoid any unpleasant surprises. All elements related to your employment contract must appear (type of contract, exercised position, probationary period, remuneration, etc.).

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Successful Career Management

Choosing a career path and leading to better wishes of career is not easy. Public or private career ? How best to manage and boost the professional career ?

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Career and Employment
Proper management of your career allows you to accelerate the process of your professional development.
Your career will depend on the first jobs you have held, it is the same for the business sector you have chosen : public or private, they determine your professional development.
What kind of job you are trained ? What is the career that you tried :
=> public career,
=> military career,
=> social career,
=> medical career,
=> legal career.
You prefer a career in the private sector as :
=> business career,
=> industrial career,
=> HR career,
=> international career, etc...
Career success requires good control of his interpersonal communication. But to bring a new dynamic to your career, there are several methods to use that will be different depending on age and activity sector.
Other criteria will not be neglected as:
=> make a presentation or speaking in public,
=> know how to prepare and conduct a meeting,
=> your relationships at work and your work behavior can be great assets if you know how to exist and take your place in a team.
=> attention to stressful work periods that often cause misunderstandings and lead to conflicts.
What is a personal and efficient organization?
A personal and efficient organization is synonymous of good time management and better stress management. Mastered negotiation skills are also essential, because it requires responsiveness, diplomacy, adaptation and many talents. Your personal organization also depends on your memory that maintains daily because you must accumulate a maximum of information increasingly complex.
How to become a manager?
You dream to become a manager to position yourself as a leader. What are the characteristics of a good manager to lead a team, delegate and crop a collaborator? Direct application to have leadership, it will be innate or you have to work on to improve it over time.
Who to contact to manage his career?
Prior to his career, it is important to consider what you want to do, career salon facilitates the search of information about your career prospects and also allows the combination with various employers and recruiters.
Career advice, meanwhile, offers different ways to help you and support you in: your job search, career advancement or career transition.
The outplacement firm assists the employee to find a new job. It is often asked by the company at a negotiated departure or collective dismissal procedure.
The coach is your professional trainer, he will aim to help you develop your skills and your personal performance.